Old School Week The Coolest Toad

Abian Hunter

🛹2053 Grad | Skateboarder | Healer🍦
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Interested in Somebody
Sexual Orientation
12 1/2 Inch Cherry Wand with Billywig Stinger Core
5/2035 (27)
Open after Cyndi

Abian wanted to try something today. He had placed his toad Angus on his skateboard, and stood in front of it. "Okay Angus, hold on tight." He told his toad, before moving his wand in a swish and flick motion. "Wingardium Leviosa!" He said, making the skateboard float into the air. He grinned, then started to make it move. "Woo! Look at you go!" He said, though Angus didn't seem that impressed.
Jacob liked to wander around at the beginning of each semester. Brightening as he spotted Abian, Jacob's eyes traveled to the floating skateboard. "Toad on a skateboard!" he exclaimed as he raced over.
Abian's heart leaped at the sight of Jacob approaching. He had been nervous to talk to him since the yule ball, but was still happy to see him. "Look! I have the coolest toad in the world!" He said cheerfully, hoping Jacob's boyfriend wouldn't appear.
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Jacob stopped beside Abian to watch the coolest toad in the world. "I think you might be right" he chuckled. "Did you have a good holiday? I tried to look for you to say Merry Christmas before I left the Yule ball but I couldn't find you."
Abian nodded at Jacob's question. He blushed a little. "Oh, I left pretty soon after I saw you." He said, trying to sound casual. Angus croaked in alarm as the skateboard tilted sideways, and Abian quickly lowered it back to the ground. "Did you have a good time?" He asked, his voice unnaturally chirpy to his own ears.
Jacob started forward but then saw Abian had it under control. "Between you and me, it was a little weird. That seventh year I was talking to kissed me " he said in a lower voice. Not that he'd minded too much. "Can he do any other tricks?"
Abian's eyes widened in surprise at Jacob's words. "I know." He blurted. "I saw that." He blushed immediately. "I... figured he was your boyfriend." He admitted a little nervously. He shrugged when Jacob asked if his toad could do any other tricks. "Not really. And I was really doing all the hard work with that one." He admitted.
"Nope" Jacob blushed and then let out a nervous laugh. He moved towards the toad, wanting to try and pet it. "I'm not dating anyone right now" he continued, moving a finger slowly forward towards the toad's head.
Abian was trying not to feel too happy about the news that Jacob wasn't dating anyone. "Oh. Me neither." Abian said, then blushed as he realized what a strange thing that was to say. "I mean. I never have." He added, as if that helped. "You can pet him." He added hurriedly, flustered.
Jacob looked up quickly and stared at Abian as if he was seeing him for the first time. He even cocked his head a bit, then dropped his gaze as his finger connected with the toad. "Are you interested in anyone?"
Abian's cheeks were pink as he noticed Jacob was looking at him, and he carefully avoided his gaze. He shrugged at his question. "Yeah, I guess." He said, hoping Jacob wouldn't push it too much. But he also wasn't going to lie.
A grin crossed the teen's face as he looked back up at his friend. "Ooh... who is it?" He asked, wondering if he could help play match maker. "Is it someone in your house?"
Abian's cheeks heated up even more. Why had he thought Jacob wouldn't press it? But how could he tell his friend he liked more than one person, and one of them was Jacob himself? "Uh, kinda. I mean. Not really." He stammered. "I kissed someone in my house, but I like someone else more." Two people, really, but this was embarrassing enough.
"Abian, you holding out on me?" he chuckled, the stupid grin still on his face. He hadn't known Abian had kissed anyone. Jacob had missed a lot this semester. "Come on. Give me names!" he exclaimed.
Abian groaned as he saw the expression on Jacob's face, his own face probably flushed bright red. "Stop it, I don't ask you about who you like, and you're the one kissing random strangers at the yule ball." He countered, but then he hesitated. He was pretty curious what Jacob would think. "I kissed Arvel." He admitted, "but we're just friends, you know?"
Abian had a point there. "He kissed me" Jacob said in a slightly exasperated tone. The fact that he seemed to be trying to convince Abian of this went right over his head. What didn't go over his head was his reaction to Abian's next words. It was curiosity mixed with a twinge of...yes, Jacob was jealous. "Ok" he said, the word clipped as Jacob stood up. "I better get going" he continued, unable to meet Abian's gaze as his thoughts raced.
Abian shrugged. "Okay, but you haven't told me about every single kiss you've had." He pointed out lightly, trying not to think about how he had felt when the older boy had kissed Jacob. He tried to keep his voice light and joking, as he didn't really want Jacob to know he had thought about kissing him more and more lately. Clearly, Jacob wasn't interested in him like that, and Abian felt like their friendship was too important to risk the awkwardness of a one sided crush being out in the open. But he was still curious about Jacob's reaction to the news that he'd kissed someone in his year, someone older like Jacob himself. Would it make Abian look cool to him? But the reaction he got wasn't what he had expected at all. Jacob turned cold all of a sudden, and said he had to leave. Frowning in confusion, Abian got up as well and took a step towards him. "Wait, why?"
Jacob had already taken a step away, needing to put some distance so he could process all of this. He'd never felt like this before. Abian was his friend and maybe Arvel was too, it was all confusing, so he should be happy about them being a thing. Right? But the news had hit him like a brick, a pit in his stomach. "Because" he said in a grumpier tone than he'd ever used with Abian. "Bye." Jacob began to walk away again, hoping this time Abian wouldn't stop him.
Abian had expected Jacob to at least give him a reason for his sudden departure, but he didn't Instead, his tone made Abian think he was upset with him. Not sure what he had done wrong, Abian just stared after him as he walked away, a confused expression on his face. Had he upset Jacob by teasing him about the boy who kissed him? Maybe he had been too upset by it, and maybe it had pushed him too far with his teasing. He hoped Jacob wouldn't be angry for long.

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