" The Clique "

Oliver Hazard-Perry

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
naomi nalp
Holly Wand 11" Essence of Phoenix Feather
Oliver decided to excuse himself from his friends at their dorm to wander around in the different places of Hogwarts. He found his self after a long walk of roaming alone in the great lawn as the students called it. He stopped in the middle of the lawn, hands in his both pocket, and looking around, feeling the cool presence of the air.
" Awesome! " ,he mumbled. Enamored of the places he'd went earlier. He was perambulating around to meet more friends. He was a friendly type of person and wanted to gain more and more friends as long as he could stay in his school.
Vayne wandered alone at the Great Lawn looking for a place where he can get a nap, he doesn't really want to go to his room and he doesn't want to disturb his friends who are probably busy with their studies. He is also very tired for looking for his cat who had not returned since the other night.

He then saw another student which is just around his age if not older. Arguing to himself whether he should approach the student or not, he remained at his spot to examine the student.

-Well, he looks friendly and nice, i think i am going to talk to him.- he thought to himself

"excuse me, sorry to bother you, but have you seen a cat around here?" He asked politely to the student.
Oliver enjoyed every moment he could feel a cool presence of the air. He admitted that his room was quite stuffy sometimes. To escaped an unfriendly weather in his room, he would just walked away and stay outside.

"excuse me, sorry to bother you, but have you seen a cat around here?" ,said by the voice from his back. Oliver sighed first before he turned to face him.
" Hi. Cat? " ,he remembered every place he'd went. " I've seen..... Uhmm..... Yeah. I've seen a cat in that area. "
He was pointing the area at his left side.
Lyra decided to not bring her huge Totoro doll to the great lawn, at least not this time. She was tired of cleaning it after she placed it on the ground that was full of germs and dirt. Not to mention that her doll was all wet when she brought it to the great hall last week due to the unexpected rain.

After a while wandering on the corridors, Lyra decided to head to the great lawn this instance. She ran toward the great lawn and quickly stopped when she saw a cat on the ground. She kneel down and stared at the cat that was staring at her. "Hello kitty cat" She smiled at it and poke it's nose twice. The blue haired girl took it from the ground and carried it and fell in love with the cat, she wanted to have one.

Not too far from where she was standing, there were two boys standing, Lyra decided to walk toward them and check out if the cat was one of their's. "Oi!" She shouted as she ran toward them and jumped right in front of the Hufflepuff. "Thiz catzz yourzz?" She grinned as she held the cat right in front of his face.
Vayne was startled when he saw someone just appear with his cat in her hands. He can hardly believe that Sulpher, his cat who is very choosy, had come with the girl.

"Well, he is mine actually." He said, pointing to his cat, then to himself. He then extend his hands as if waiting for the girl to give him his cat.

"Thank you for fetching him, his name is Sulpher by the way, and he is a really really naughty cat.." Vayne said as he looked at the cat straight into the eyes. "Really Sulpher, you had me worried." He said softly to the black cat at the girls hands.

"Oh, and my name is Vayne, Vayne Rozeleouxe.... " He then looked at the girl and at the other student who seemed to be from hufflepuff.

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