Closed The Changing Seasons

Sky Eriksen

CAC Conductor, Honeydukes assistant
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
19 (08/03/2043)
It was a beautiful Late summer morning. The sun was out there were a few light clouds in the sky like bits of cotton wool chasing each other through the heavens. The air was warm and fragrant with the smell of garden plants but under that was the distinct feeling of autumn starting to creep its way in. Like a mist over water, it wasn't something that could be easily pinpointed. But the collection of many little things, the smell of dew on the grass, the wind from a different direction bringing in a chillness and the smell of the forest perhaps. Or the change in make-up of the garden as the summer flowers died and new plants took their place. the whole world is shifting from a bright summer pallet of blues and yellows to the oranges and warm greens of autumn. Sky was thinking about this as a way to detract herself from thinking about the topic that she needed to talk to Ngawaiata about. Graduation and what would happen with them afterwards. It was almost poetic that the thing she was thinking of to distract her was the same thing she was avoiding: the change of seasons. "It is strange to think that it is almost autumn" she said. Pausing from where they had been walking hand in hand. "The year is going by so quickly." she mused giving ngawaiatas hand a light squeeze sending words she hadnt said through the gesture.

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The closer the end of the year got, the slower Ngawaiata was willing time to go. When they had gotten together, Ngawaiata hadn't even been thinking about Sky's graduation. She knew it would come before her own, sure, but it had never been a factor she considered. Now, though, the day was looming ever closer and it wouldn't be long before Ngawaiata was stuck facing a whole year of school alone, while Sky would be off living her life. It ached to think about, and it was making it hard to focus on the time they did have together. It was a relief she didn't seem to be the only one dwelling on it, and she gave a tiny smile as Sky spoke, glancing at her. "Yeah... nearly graduation." She said quietly.
Sky was glad that Ngawaiata said the thing she hadn't wanted to say. graduation. Graduation coming towards them so quickly. she bit her lip. "yeah." she agreed she didn't want to talk about it. She wanted to pretend that it wasn't coming up, that they could just stay here walking in the garden at the cusp of the seasons changing. but she knew none of those things could happen. " Yeah, the only thing the people in my year are talking about are NEWTs, graduation and what's happening after." she said slightly flatly "I just wonder if i fail classes will i get to repeat the year and graduate with you" she said. "but something tells me that wont happen" she added. "So i suppose we had better plan what we are going ot do about it" she finished. looking outto the lake as she spoke not wanting to catch her girlfriends eye.
As bitterly painful as the subject was, Ngawaiata couldn't help choking back a laugh at Sky's comment about failing. "If you flunk on purpose I'll kick you out myself." She said with a fond smile, bumping her shoulder lightly into Sky's to let her know she was kidding. She sighed heavily as Sky brought up the future, smile slipping slightly. "We should, yeah." Ngawaiata looked at Sky again, trying to figure out what was on her mind and completely failing to read anything. "Do you... want to break up?" She asked bluntly, figuring she ought to get the most difficult question out of the way first.
Sky chuckled at ngawaiatas comment about kicking her out of she failed on purpose. okay fine. That’s that plan gone she said knock g her hip against her girlfriend teasingly. However lighthearted the conversation was wi the such a topic it wasn’t going to last that way. yeah we should she agreed with the agreement. It was a conversation she knew that they should have. But she didn’t want to have it. And didn’t know how to start. she opened her mouth to say something. But the words didn’t come and ngawaiata got there first asking if she wanted to break up she turned around to face her and holding her upper arms ”what! No. i love you ngawaiata. she said. Looking up at her beautiful eyes. She was painfully aware that this was the first time she had said it out loud. unless do you want to? she asked weakly.
Ngawaiata knew it had been a blunt suggestion, but somehow she was still surprised by the intensity of Sky's reaction. She stopped, meeting her girlfriend's eyes sincerely. "No, no, I don't want that." She said quickly. "I just - if it was what you wanted, I figured... you know. Best to get it out of the way." She shrugged, wrapping her arms around Sky's waist and pulling her into a comforting hug. "So... we're not breaking up. I guess... it'll be a lot of owls, and meeting up on Brightstone weekends?"
Sky was glad that Ngawaiata said that she didnt want to break up. "I am glad to hear that" she said ad Ngawaiata said that she also didnt want to break up. As she was embraced, she moved to hug ngawaita back. Holding her for a moment before moving to give her a light kiss on the cheek. "Yes, I guess it will be owls and Brightstone catch-ups for a year." she said. She had never had specific plans after graduation. She had just figured she would travel, play music and somehow use it to make enough money to live off; setting down roots had never been her plan. She didnt need a lot to get by. She had been planning on going to Norway for a few months, visiting her grandparents and making the most of being home. But she could stay in New Zealand too. "I could talk to Freya and see if she will let me stay at honeydukes for the year, maybe try and pick up some music lessons, or gigs or something" she mused. maybe a year here would be a good way to get on her feet in the adult world.
Tension Ngawaiata hadn't realised she was holding unwound slowly in her gut, though the miserable weight of Sky's impending graduation hadn't fully lifted. At least they were on the same page, and now there was a plan. "That sounds good." She nodded, reaching down to lace her fingers with Sky's. "And we'll write often, it... won't be that bad." Ngawaiata didn't fully believe her own words, but it was the best she could do. A year was an impossibly long time to be apart. But people did it all the time, she had to believe that they would be okay.
Sky smiled gently at Ngawaiatas reaction "Yeah" she agreed. Though the idea was not necessarily a good one it was better than other options and the best that would likely occur. She felt Ngawaiata take her hand, and their fingers interlocking. "I am sure it won't be that bad. And it is only a year; it will fly by. and you will have a chance to study for your newts without me distracting you," she said, though she was trying to convince herself as much as Ngawaiata. "We can always wave at each other through the gate if we are feeling lonely" she added.
Ngawaiata couldn't help a laugh at the last comment, squeezing Sky's hand. "True." She said fondly. "Makes it sound like I'm in prison instead of at school, though." She had never really felt trapped at school before, but she felt it now, all at once. It was silly that as an adult she would still be stuck here, no freedom to do the basics for herself. But it was what it was, she could hardly change anything herself. "Dunno about NEWTs without distraction, though. Just means it'll be harder to crib off your homework from this year." She said with a fond smile.
Ngawaiata laugh was infectious and sky couldn’t help but chuckle along at the thought of them standing by the gates waving. okay maybe not. I don’t want you to feel like That she said.
This time is was skys turn to start laughing at her girlfriends comment. cribbing my homework. Nga. You know you are so much smarter than me. I am pretty much a straight p student. You don’t need my homework she said. Academics never had been and never would be her skills. Sitting down for a day studying sounded like a terrible day. But she knew ngawaiata could get o’s if she wanted to. you can have my notes if you want them. But I don’t think they will help you she said.
Ngawaiata giggled softly, leaning in to give Sky a quick, soft kiss. "I think I'll manage." She said, smiling fondly. "But I'll miss being able to have a soundtrack to my studies any time I want..." She added, leaning against Sky again, smile turning sad. "I'll miss you."

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