Open The Cause of Trouble

Conan Burke

irish ☘️ | shell collector 🐚 | band-aid hands 🩹
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Sturdy Dogwood Wand with Fwooper Feather Core
15 (08/2046)
Open After Rowan

Conan loved the castle so far. It was so cool and so much bigger than what Molly and Nolan had described. It was so much better than what he anticipated too. Conan was glad to be with his big brother and sister, even though he wasn't placed in the same house as them, which Conan didn't mind. It had been a few days since he started at Hogwarts and Conan was a bit bored. It was lunchtime, so the great hall was filled with a few students here and there. Conan sat at his house table bored out of his mind. He looked at the few peas pieces he had left on his plate, he then looked up and around the great hall before looking back down at his plate. He picked up a few peas and decided to throw the peas at no one in particular in the great hall, in different directions, just to be annoying.
((IM SO SORRY FOR THE LATE REPLY u kno how it is))

Hogwarts was everything Thistle had wanted it to be and more. With Sawyer and Felix as brothers it was near-impossible to tell what was true sometimes, but she was delighted to find that most of what they had said about life at Hogwarts was true enough to fulfil her hopes. Even the meals were fantastic. She was interrupted in her enjoyment of a perfectly good steak and kidney pie though, by the sudden intrustion of a pea. "Hey!" She yelled, looking up to see who had thrown it and quickly recognising Conan from her scout group. "Rude!" She grinned, throwing the pea back.

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