The Bigger Picture

Trilby Kiedis

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Holly/Ebony Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Griffin Feather
The summer weather in her hometown of Marseilles was glorious, the sun beat down on the glistening water as Trilby walked along the harbor. The gentle breeze blew her hair as she stopped at the quayside and looked out over the expanse of water. It had been a strange year for her but one she was quite happy to fold up put inside her trunk, carefully lock it and throw away the key. So much had happened, possibly too much. She had met her nemesis only to discover he was the great love of her life, their traumatic experience at the Borely she knew now had obviously helped her to come to that conclusion but with no word from him, no letters at all. The days had passed into weeks, and then months. In between this darkness where her heart had sought refuge in Sebastian, she had discovered a best friend. A true friend and though they had behaved so stupidly together neither of them could regret it now. The deed was done and after finally making their peace with one another, their friendship it would seem was back on track. She had also found Xavier, the boy who had teased her and made fun of her constantly but only because he cared for her. The boy who was now her boyfriend.

She smiled, recalling the bizarre twists and turns her life had taken over the last few months but it had all worked out for the best. Trilby could not have been happier if she wished a thousand times over for the same outcome. A butterfly flitted past and she smiled at it, pushing her hair behind her ear before stuffing her hands into the small pockets of her
denim cutoffs.Soon Xavier would be coming to meet her and she couldn't wait. It was one thing spending time with him at school but spending time with him during the summer vacation was going to be infinitely nicer.
Xavier had been feeling a little overwhelmed with everything lately, with the combined effort of family, his girlfriend, and possibly getting transferred to Hogwarts he could honestly say he was pretty busy the during last few weeks. Wearing one of his favorite Outfits he headed to the meeting place that he and Trilby had planned on awhile ago so they could spend some much desired time together. He ran pale fingers through his silk-like hair and made his way over to his gorgeous girlfriend when he spotted her up ahead, she was just so charming he couldn't help but grin at how lucky he had gotten. "Ohhh Trilby dearest!" He teased as he gave her a hug from behind and gave her a light kiss on the cheek, sure his flirting ways had gone dormant for others girls, but he would never lose that playful side of his as easily.

"Time to make some summer romance." He grinned as he teased slightly, sure they were going to have a good time together but he would never rush the poor dear into any really mushy crap unless he knew she wanted it, after all they had only been together for a short time and they were still trying to get used to the fact that now they belonged to each other.
Hearing the voice she had come to care for and feeling the arms she had come to cherish in such a short time, Trilby snuggled back against her boyfriend. It was still strange to think of him this way but it was also perfect. He made her smile almost daily, always so attentive of her and though his flirty nature peeped through regularly she adored him for it. Her life had been too serious, too fraught with grief, pain and confusion. Xavier had become her constant. Her knight in shining armor.

Chuckling at his words she turned herself around in his arms slowly to look up into his handsome face and dazzling eyes. Her hands wound around his neck as she planted a kiss to his beautiful mouth. Lingering a moment before breaking apart hesitantly.
"Hmm I like the sound of summer romance, I didn't know you could be romantic" she grinned up at him as her fingers curled into his hair, "you've been holding out on me Xavier?"

A seagull screeched overhead and children laughing and screaming as they skated and rode their bikes along the pavement. Trilby smiled as she watched them go by, they could very easily have stayed in one of the magical villages but she loved Marseilles at this time of year with all the fishing boats busy in the fine weather and tourists bustling about. Everything always seemed so light and relaxed as if nothing could ever go wrong. Magic was far away in another world, it was just Xavier and Trilby creating their own as they stood locked together by the quay.
Carlisle had been away for a long time, far too long. His urgent quest had taken him much longer and much further then he would have liked.. But worst of all, it had kept him away from Trilby. And anything that would dare do that he cursed. But what was done was done and he could only hope that she would forgive him.

He was back home in Marseilles, one of the most gorgeous cities in all of France, the air seemed light and fresh and smiles flooded the streets. Carlisle followed the salty breeze wafted up from the ocean to the harbor, watching out to the sea. Two things he picked up automatically.. A scent and a voice. Both, belonging to... Carlisle's eyes flickered along the harbor to where Trilby stood. A slight smile touched his lips as he took a step towards her. It was only at that moment that noticed someone else with her, a boy. Something cold and sharp gripped his chest in those next few moments, cutting short his breath and virtually stopping his heart. The children's laughter seemed too far away. So much flickered through his mind in seconds.. Had he really been that long, maybe he was just a He didn't know what to feel. On the one hand he was heartbroken and furious, enough so that his eyes had flickered to the burning golden brown and his teeth gaining a more fang-like trait... Yet on the other was guilt that he had left her.. And knowing that she couldn't really be blamed. Carlisle was the horrible partner in the relationship, He was the one the left, He was the one in the wrong.. And she had every right to except him to have forgotten her and moved on. The clashing mixtures of emotions and thoughts kept Carlisle mid-step for a few more seconds. What on earth should he do?

Taking a few more precious seconds to compose himself, Carlisle took a breath. His eyes still blazed gold and his teeth stayed sharp.. But perhaps that wouldn't be too noticeable. Then, in his usual fluid movements moved his way over to them both, managing to put on a faintly polite. "Bonjour" The musical word that seemed to dance lightly off his tongue was directed at them both though he couldn't quite bring himself to make eye contact with Trilby.
Xavier almost wanted to laugh when Trilby commented about not knowing that he could be at all romantic, usually he wasn't like that but he had his times where he could be one of the most romantic boys you'd ever know. "I'd never hold out on you, hun." He buried his face into her neck as he muttered to her softly, Xavier figured that if he transferred he would either write to her daily, visit on vacations, or see what she wanted to do if he was accepted since he didn't want to lose her as soon as he was able to finally get her into his arms. Hearing the soft cry of seagulls he allowed himself to relax as he held his girlfriend close, inhaling her scent and feeling her body against he knew it was right for them to be together like this. When a voice greeted them he unburied his head from Trilby's neck and turned his icy blue eyes onto the voice who greeted them, this boy didn't look like anyone that Xavier knew or needed to who was he.

"Um, hello?" He answered, unsure if the guy was even talking to him or not, but still trying to be friendly all the same. The first thing he noticed about the guy was his eyes, the color of them instantly reminded him of Nicolette's, but they didn't look at all why were they gold? 'This guy makes me uneasy.' Tightening his grip on Trilby protectively he kept a light gaze on the boy, there was no need to be hostel when he didn't even know what the boy wanted, Xavier refused to be like his brother and immediately jump into disliking someone.
She could only smile up into his eyes, his arms about her felt protective. Trilby had taken a risk she knew in dating him but it had been a risk worth taking. He was not at all anything like the way she had imagined he would be. Not at all like the boy that had been the talk of the school for so long because of his flirtatious ways. Xavier was everything she wanted and needed at that moment. Kind, caring, sensitive to her, fun and still managing to be flirtatious but with her and now she was discovering he had a romantic side as well.

"Well I can't wait to see just how romantic you can be" she smiled kissing his chin when a distinct chill caused her to shiver. The hairs on the back of her neck rose slowly, the sensation was strange and she could not explain it until she heard the voice. Xavier greeted him and still she could not look. It was like a ghost from her past had come back to haunt her just when she was happy. Just as she had managed to forget him and she had needed to forget him. The telling of their story had been the catalyst for her stupid actions with Sebastian, she could feel Xaviers arms tighten around her and finally slowly she had to look.

It was so easy to fall back into her native tongue with him, so easy to forget everyone and everything else existed when she saw him. Why she desperately felt she wanted to run to him and throw her arms about him was beyond her but she was glad her boyfriends arms were there to hold her, to stop her making a fool of herself again. Her eyes immediately looked pained and hurt, why now? Why did he have to come back now?
there didn't seem to be much else she could say,
"Hello" that alone had been hard enough.
Of course Carlisle noticed the hurt in her eyes as he arrived and the stiffening of her body. It was to be expecting, he'd screwed up. But he wasn't just going to let it lie and have some boy run off with her. Especially when he knew nothing about the boy in question who was standing in front of him with a slightly 'who the hell is this' type of look.

"How could I be so rude" Carlisle's lips pulled into a smile that showed his now dangerously fang like teeth, His words seemed slightly less kind this time. "My name is Carlisle... But what interests me.. is who.. are you?" His burning gold eyes swirled and blazed as he kept eye contact with the boy before him, as if they were going to light him on fire at any moment.

All the same he wasn't entirely sure what he wanted out of this situation. Would he leave her to a new lover for the chance that he may do a better job than Carlisle, or risk trying to take her back... Did she even has the slightest feeling of wanting him back?
At the very mention of the boys name Xavier knew that he had never seen or met this boy before, and this boy was also definitely not related to Nicolette or any of her descendants either, so what was he doing over here? Xavier let go of Trilby and kissed her cheek softly before he took a step away from her and eyed the boy wearily, his teeth and eyes definitely didn't look normal so Xavier figured he should keep an eye out for this guy. "Not that it's really all your business, but Xavier Snow." He was getting wrong kind of vibe from this guy and he had to admit that it made him sound slightly snooty, then again he was one of those rich pretty boys so maybe he always sounded like that around people he didn't know or like, but who really cared? If Carlisle hadn't heard of him personally there was a chance that the boy had heard of the Snow Family in general, they were quite well known for having a large amount of pure-bloods, Veelas, and have been known to cause a lot of problem for the Ministry and people they believe were lower than them. Thankfully Xavier wasn't like most of his family members out there. He, Effie, and Alyssa all chose separate paths. Letting his icy blue eyes glance back at Trilby he wondered if this had anything to do with her or if this guy only had a problem with him.

"Can we help you with something?" Xavier asked lightly, shifting a bit so be could boredly rest his hands behind his head and stare at the boy calmly. He wasn't exactly worried about him, but he still felt sort of uneasy and wanted to know what was up. He wanted to get back to having his time with Trilby before the day ended.
Trilby regarded the two wearily, her arms slowly sliding from Xavier as he moved forward towards Carlisle. Resting a hand on his arm she tried to steady him, tried to say something anything but neither seemed to know she was there. Carlisle was intent on staring Xavier down going so far as to bare his sharpened teeth at him. She winced looking away. This was not happening, it couldn't be. Visions of the Borely came flooding back of a promise made and a promise broken. He had broken it, had promised he would never hurt her again and had within such a short time of that promise by abstaining from her life. She did not want to hear any excuses because that was all they would be.

He could easily have written, easily have assured her he was alright and would be back for her but he did nothing. His silence from her life had broken her heart, it had taken Sebastian's friendship and her relationship with Xavier to right it again though there was forever a hole there. Construed by the biggest tormentor her young life had ever known. They had such a long history together and yet she could not even speak to him now. Could not find the words to tell Xavier that she knew the strange boy before her. She felt numbed by his very presence, as if still disbelieving that he was standing there.
Carlisle stood silently there after the boy introduced himself as Xavier Snow. The monster in Carlisle told him to rip of Xaviers head along with the rest of his limbs but he just couldn't do it. He realized that he wouldn't lay a hand of the boy before him, especially not in front of trilby.

The clashing emotions in him were painful now, like a black hole had ripped open in his chest. It took him a few more moments for him to muster words and even so he couldn't bring the musical lilt to them. "I hope you have taken good care of her.." He heard the words leave his mouth. This wasn't right, this wasn't what he had planned. He wasn't just going to lay down and give up trilby to this boy was he? His blazing gold eyes flickered to trilby now, finally making contact. As they did a flicker of pain crossed his eyes. He had broken his promise to her, he had hurt her..again. The one thing he swore to her he broke.. Could he even be good enough for her? But what about the mansion.. He wished trilby would say something, Tell him to go away, anything.
Xavier blinked and looked at the boy sharply, he didn't answer his question but instead asked another question that made Xavier freeze up a little, what would even possess that boy to think that he hasn't been taking care of Trilby, of course they had only been dating for a little while but during that time he had been nothing but good to her. "Of course, why wouldn't I take care of my girlfriend?" He asked slightly confused, he adored Trilby so why would he ever try to treat her badly. Deciding that he didn't trust this guy at all he back up next to Trilby and re-wrapped an arm around her waist, it seemed like these two knew each other.

"Tril, do you know this guy?" He asked gently, his eyes turning down to her. He wasn't upset for anything he just wanted to know if there was any particular reason he was here and didn't seem to be interesting in leaving. Xavier had dealt with his fair share of freaks before, his family was full of dark hearted Death Eaters who seriously must have lost their sanity years ago to do the things they did. "Dude, are you alright?" The inner Hufflepuff in him caused him to become worried about this boy's own safety as well as his and Trilby's, for some reason there was just no telling what could happen, because this didn't seem to be about seemed like the boy was after Trilby for something.
Trilby heard his words and bristled. How dare he? How bloody well dare he ask about how Xavier was treating her. Her boyfriend was treating her like a queen, every time they were together he made sure of that. She couldn't have asked or wished for more even if she tried. Feeling Xavier's arm about her waist she bit her lip leaning into him and wishing that she would wake from this awful dream.

Carlisle looked wilder than usual and she felt the old familiar feelings stirring within her. Pushing them down deep she knew she would deny them, had too for her own peace of mind and heart.
"Yes I know him or at least I did" she sighed, marveling then at her boyfriends kindness to inquire if Carlisle was alright. Her eyes gazed up at him and she smiled, her small delicate hand touched his chest.
"He's fine. Xavier this is Carlisle Moonlight, a very old acquaintance" she could not admit to him being anything else because he had given up that right along time ago when he had walked out on her and whatever type of life they may have shared. She looked across at him wondering if he would leave now, her eyes pleaded with him but something in those pools of hers was a glimmer of that old promise. Deny it as she may to herself, it was always there. The missing piece of her heart that would and could only ever belong to him.
Trilby finally spoke up, introducing him with his full name. But the next words hurt more then if she had screamed at him to go away 'a very old acquaintance'. Is that was he was reduced to? Some 'Acquaintance' that passed her by along time ago? That she had every right to forget about? He forced himself into a bow so that he could hang his head for a moment. He realized he should have more control of himself. Already the nails on his hands were changing slightly, Each scar that ran across his back felt fresh again and his hair seemed to spike out abit more then usual. Then it was like an emotional crash, the one that sent you to the floor, trying hard to breathe.

The faint differences in his body went back to normal, even his golden eyes flickered to their usual whirlpool blue. "An old acquaintance?" He murmured, quietly enough that perhaps they didn't even hear it. He pulled himself up from the bow to look between the two. "Forgive my rudeness, of course you would take care of her..,forgive me for ruining you wonderful day..And I'm sorry that you have to put up with the confusion of the situation"

With that, he turned his attention to Trilby, slowly lowering himself down to one knee before looking up at her with a sorrowful expression. "I didn't forget...I didn't mean to leave you in the dark" Slowly he moved his hand up to his neck, slowly untying a pendant from it and held it out to her.

Though he had made one before, this one bore more detail.. He had worked on it for months and months and took as much care and concentration on it as he could. On the back he had carved in his elegant script 'Each moment, now and forever, for you..' And written down the very bottom 'Carlisle'. He couldn't find words after that so instead, waiting quietly for her reaction.
Xavier looked at the pendant that Carlisle had taken off his neck and held out to Trilby with curious and hardened icy blue eyes, he may have been friendly to everyone but he wasn't an idiot. His grip on Trilby's waist tightened when he felt her lean into him slightly, he was becoming slightly worried and jealous that there was something more than just 'old acquaintances' going on between these two. But he knew he should never jump to conclusions and stared at Trilby softly before he returned his gaze back to the boy, whom in a way he felt sympathy for. "Old acquaintances, hm?" His voice was soft but held a little bitterness in it because no matter how much he tried this boy still made him feel strong feelings of jealousy and worry. If it was one thing Xavier didn't like it was losing a girl he liked to someone else.

"Dude it's okay, no harm done." Xavier shrugged his shoulders, letting the boy know that none of this was really a bother to him, he didn't want to pick fights or anything.
Trilby looked at him incredulously. What more did Carlisle expect? It was almost as if both boys doubted the word 'acquaintence' she stood herself upright ready to clarify for them both. She would not lie to Xavier, not now or ever but suddenly Carlisle was before her. Kneeling down before her after speaking directly to her boyfriend. He began removing a pendant from his neck and handing it to her. His apology was heartfelt, it hurt.

She fought the tears that threatened, holding tighter to Xavier as if he were a life buoy that she desperately needed to hold on too.

"I can't take that Carlisle, you know I can't" Trilby turned her head away into the save confines of her boyfriends side. A deep steadying breath before looking up at him and then back to Carlisle, "we are only acquaintences now, that is all we can be. you made sure of that. it's too late for anything more. I have Xavier, I am happy Carlisle. Can you not let me be happy?"
'I have Xavier, I am happy Carlisle. Can you not let me be happy?'

Carlisle closed his fingers around the pendant, letting the arm move by his side. His his hand held so tightly on it that you could hear the stone hardened wood crack and splinter under the strain. He was vaguely aware of the shards of wood slicing his palm and fingers but it didn't matter. His face seemed blank bar his eyes, which didn't seem to know what the hell to do.

Slowly he pulled himself back to his feet, the hand clutching the broken pendant had a trickle of blood running over his fingers so he moved it just behind his back. "How selfish of me.." He met neither of their eyes as he said this. Only making eye contact with them both to murmur. "I won't bother you anymore.." And with that, Carlisle bowed his head, doing his best to hide the hurt expression that hurt more then his injured hand ever could. After he did so, he started to take steps along the harbor. He didn't even think about where he was going to go.
She could hear the wood crunching in his fist and visibly she shook as if he himself had done so to her. Instantly she wanted to reach out and touch his hands, to take care of him but she couldn't. Managing to restrain herself before she made a complete fool out of herself. His words cut through her like a knife, it was as if she were the one who had wronged him. As if she were being made to feel guilty when she had done nothing wrong. Her pride would not stand for it. With each step he took away her pride swelled until finally she extricated herself from Xavier's side and stood apart from him taking a step towards Carlisle.

"I waited" the words were torn from her, built up like an agony that ran its soul against a knife edge. She was finally unleashing the pain his absence, his broken promise had inflicted on her. "I waited and waited and nothing came. No word, no owl nothing. I worried myself sick. I went by your home, I sent letter after letter to New Zealand and all returned to me unopened"
Her voice was not raised, it was low carried on the breeze between them to his acute ears.
"You promised him that you would never hurt me again and the very first chance you got, that was what you did. So why make me feel bad for moving on? Why should I feel horrible for wanting happiness for myself? Why Carlisle?"

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