The Bi-Weekly Update

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Cyndi Kingsley

Former Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
Hi! It's my turn again to bring you the BWU. I think this'll be a short one, so let's get to it. :)
Lessons & Grading

We are in the break week right now, so all lessons should be posted, especially if there are students signed up for the course. If you're waiting to post with your student and a lesson hasn't been posted, send a message to the professor or a site staff member so that it can be posted ASAP. We want you to earn those house points (especially Gryffindors ;) ).

Professors, please be sure that you are posting lessons in a timely manner. Along with that, now is the time for professors to begin catching up on grading. Don't wait until the last minute, please! Don't be afraid to ask us for help if you're having trouble keeping up. :)

OWL/NEWT exams

It's almost time for end of year exams. OWL and NEWT exams require more time so if you need that time, contact the professor to find out if they'll give the exam to you a little earlier. Professors are also free to post these exams a bit early though you should wait to post the regular end of year exams, please.

7th Years: Check your PMs!

Thank you to the 7th years who have responded to me already! To those of you who haven't, please check your PMs. If you aren't inviting anyone to grad, please let me know. Having responses ahead of time expedites inviting guests to the graduation ceremony set for later this week! ^_^

Quidditch Results

After the final games of the season, Slytherin has emerged as the quidditch champions for Y22! Congratulations!! :party:

Here are the results:
Slytherin: 360 points (3-0)
Ravenclaw: 180 (1-1)
Gryffindor: 170 (1-2)
Hufflepuff: 150 (1-1)

Applications: Closing Soon!

It's almost sorting time! It's the most fun time of year, but also a very busy time for me and Donna. In order to focus on ending Y22 and starting Y23 along with some other things we have planned :r , we will be closing applications very soon. So, if you have an app that you want us to review, get it in as soon as you can. We will, as always, review the ones that are submitted prior to the close and get those responses to you as soon as possible.

Accio! needs new people

It's been up for a while, but we figured we would give it attention again. Accio! is looking for some new blood. If you like working on graphics and are interested in learning more, you should consider joining the team. It'll help you gain skills that can translate to the graphics request area, I'm sure. Site activities like the yearbook can only continue with your involvement, so please consider joining: [member]Check out the application here![member]​
[ul][li]Graduation! :frantics:</LI>
[li]Exams! Exams! Exams! :p
[li]Gryffindor winning the house cup! :cool:
<LI>[li]Fun plots!!
[/li][/ul]See? That wasn't too bad, right. Have a great week! ^_^
Any questions or comments? You know where to post them.

(On behalf of the HNZ Site Staff)
Great update Cyndi!
I would like to apply for Accio, but I can't access the page containing the club that I should be making a yearbook page for. xD
I fixed it, Raze. ^_^
Thanks for the update, Cyndi!!

And yes, join Accio! Kaitlyn isn't that bad of a dictator leader :r
Accio is awesome!

Thanks for the update Cyndi!
Patricia Styx said:
And yes, join Accio! Kaitlyn isn't that bad of a dictator leader :r
Who let you out of the cage? Back to work!
Thanks Cyndicat! ^_^
House points are really close this time around. ^_^ Professors, please be sure that all lessons are graded as soon as possible. We want to make sure that we reward the right house at the end of the year feast!

This topic can no longer be considered 'news' but should rather be called 'olds'. It has thusly been archived.
If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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