The Bi-Weekly Update

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Professor Cyndi Kingsley

Gryffindor HoH | Mother of 3
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Knotted 15 Inch Flexible Oak Wand with Meteorite Dust Core
In an effort to try and catch up to Nick's BWU count, I figured I'd volunteer to do this one. No time like the present to bring my number up, right? I think I'm up to...5, so I'm well on my way to his bazillion :p . Without further ado, here goes this fortnight's BWU (you see what I tried to do there? :cyndi: )

A Headmistress Has Been Chosen
A headmistress has been chosen! After much deliberation, Professor Ava Davershire has landed the coveted job. She will be remaining as one of the school's transfiguration professors and will be adding Headmistress to her list of duties. Join us in offering a hearty congratulations to the Headmistress. :party:

Christmas Quidditch
The school's first ever Christmas Quidditch game has concluded with Team Blaze taking the victory over Team Kingsley when hug-crazy Samual Kaster caught the snitch. Congratulations! Thank you to everyone who participated in the [member]game[member]. House points for participation will be awarded to those of you who were involved. ^_^

Semester Two is Starting
Semester 2 is set to begin tomorrow. Students, make sure you've signed up for your classes and get ready to attend those classes. Professors, don't forget to post up lessons. ;)

Also, sixth years should be ready to begin apparation lessons soon.

Since classes will be starting up again, the holiday shopping areas will be closing soon. Make your last minute purchases, students.

New Shopkeepers
Please join us in welcoming new shopkeepers:
Isidora Kozlova - Makutu Dinette
Praneil Patil - Dervish & Banges
Tess Kaster - Flourish & Blotts
Autumn Gwin - The Second Hand Store
Miles Carter - Quality Quidditch Supplies
Nusa Mauven - Honeydukes

Bye Bye Birthday!
It's been a fun month of celebrating HNZ's 7th birthday and soon...very soon, the celebration will be closing. All Deal with a Death Eater participants will be receiving their 'rewards' :shifty: in the next week or so and OOC superlatives will be announced soonish as well. We hope you enjoyed the celebration!

Go Mad for GMAD!!
June 1 marked the third Global Moderator's Appreciation Day or GMAD for short. You know those ladies - the ones you see lurking topics and keeping the fun going, the ones who have 'the awesome' tagging after their name. Feel free to jump into the topic and thank your favorite GM, or if you're like me and you don't have a favorite GM (I :wub: them all the same), you can thank them all! :hug:

Board Rules Revamp
As we hope you've noticed by now, there has been some slight modifications to the board rules. Take a minute to read through the rules [member]here[member] and the announcement [member]here[member]. And don't forget, ignorance of the rules will not prevent you from getting in trouble :)
[ul][li]Solen, North Dakota
When Madlyn's mom calls in to see a friend on the way to the shops, the Part-giant doesn't expect to meet someone like herself. Chayton, expecting to have family over is surprised to see a girl nearly eight foot tall standing in the hall.</LI>
[li]Decision of a Lifetime
Stefan Archer seems on the verge of making a huge decision. Before he can, he speaks with an old friend who gives him some important advice.
[li]First Masquerade Ball
The Minister throws a ball for everyone to attend, in hopes of having others have as much fun as she does.

[ul][li]I hear MESSI has a thing or two up its sleeve :r
[li]OOC superlative winners announced :D
[li]I suspect another RHI...especially if you go by this. Be very afraid :unsure:
<LI>[li]Other fun site stuff, of course!!

I think that's a wrap. Any questions, comments, concerns? Mention them here. :)

Until next time,

(On behalf of HNZ Site Staff)
All Samual did was hug both teams, both Professors and the Ref... that's not hug-crazy :r

Anyway, wonderful BWU, I'm sure you'll catch up to Nick's 'bazillion' in no time :lol: and woow Superlatives! :woot: Boo RHI! :glare: :p
Yay Blaze's team! :r

Thanks to everyone who participated in the game. ^_^ I'd say it worked out the way I imagined. :) Especially considering I winged the decorations at the last minute.. :p

Great update! :hug:
Thanks for the awesome update, Cyndi!!!!!!!
Wooow, go Ava!!! Awesome update Cyndi

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If you have any questions or concerns involving this [former] news, please contact an administrator and keep looking for newer 'news' in the News and Updates forum.

Thank you,
~The HNZ Site Staff
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