The better brother

Adam Kramer

Sexual Orientation
It wasn't easy for Adam to get a Holiday day off and be with his family on time but with a fast process of his travel permit as well as the muggle counterpart, he got first flight to New Zealand once he got approved. It wasn't a long journey, although, he's craving for some sunshine all winter long and to see his favorite sister in the world. Adam didn't get to see Alexis off to her new school, work for your own Ministry of Magic was a constant headache and lots of papers to sign and delivered. All of that, he left behind for awhile to spend time with her.

Planning a perfect day for Alexis, Adam woke up early the next morning after a great feast last night. He was, after all, an early bird. He got dress and came to knock on his sister's bedroom door and when she didn't answered, Adam let himself in came straight at the window to let the sunshine in. "Hallo Sonnenschein!" He greeted her in German. "I have something plan for us and you might enjoy it, you'll award me for best brother in the whole world." Adam stated as he shook Alexis awake. He did reminded himself that he has some competition when it comes to Alexis. She was the princess and she's surrounded by knights aka her brothers.
Holiday was supposed to be fun and full of energy. It was indeed true when Alexis spent the first three days exploring and going out as much as she could. The days were spent with some of her classmates who were nearby while the evenings were monopolized by her family sans Adam, her eighteen-year old brother. He was too busy to see her off to Hogwarts. She really didn't know whether he would be home for this year's holidays and she actually missed him. All of her four brothers, actually. After all, she was their princess. There was a feast last night and she was supposed to be there. However, she had already zonked out before it even started, thus she went directly to her room and had her dinner simple, a ham sandwich and some juice. Ten minutes after eating, she was fast asleep.

The next thing Alexis noticed was a knock on the door which she ignored so that the person would go away. However, this person came in and opened her curtains, the sunshine hitting her on the face and making her squint her already closed eyes. "Hallo Sonnenschein!" came in a familiar voice which her foggy mind hadn't registered yet. Instinctively, she turned over to the other side, mumbling in German,"Zu früh für einen Sonnenschein"(Too early for a sunshine) Her body was shaken followed by the words a sister would really love to hear from a brother. She opened her eyes as she realized who was actually in her room now. She bolted up right and tackled her brother with a big hug,"Adam!!!Du bist hier! Du bist wirklich hier!"(Adam!!!You are here!You are really here!),in a loud voice that she was sure the household would hear. She gave him a kiss on both cheeks and hugged him tight again,almost cutting off his air supply.
He smiled at his sister waking up so cutely. Only to be tackled down to his surprised. Adam didn't know Alexis has that strength. He grasp for a breath, "I wouldn't miss this for anything, sunshine." The Ministry employee managed to speak despite the bear hug his sister was giving him. Adam has these thoughts of moving permanently in New Zealand, leaving his job at their home country and settle a small business in the muggle district of the small island. But he wasn't sure about it yet, thus, he was keeping it a secret still from everyone specially Alexis because he knows she will be thrilled to hear that he would be staying for good.

"I hope you still wanted to see me when you get home for the summer ..." Adam trailed off, taking deep breaths while still holding Alexis. "Because I'm loosing air, princess." What would be his life if he gets his own Alexis someday? Would Alexis be jealous of her niece of nephew because she's no longer the kid of the family? It would be funny to see that someday. Although, Adam isn't in a hurry to have a family yet. He has his parents and siblings to look out for.
Alexis was beyond happiness upon realizing that her brother, Adam was home for the holidays. Normally, she would get angry for being woken up but today was an exception. She heard him gasp but thought it was just from the surprise. "I miss you.", she whispered sweetly. She missed all of them actually but he was the one who she didn't really see when she left for Hogwarts.

She was still hugging him while he was saying something about her wanting to see him. She nodded vigorously at that. "Of course, I love to -", she stopped herself upon hearing his next words. "Because I'm loosing air, princess." Her eyes widened and carefully loosened her hold on her brother. She sat back on her bed, cross legged."Oops. Sorry.", with puppy eyes she knew he couldn't resist. "When did you arrive?Just now?", she fired him with questions while she grabbed a crunchy from her bedside table and tied up her hair. If he arrived last night in time for the feast, she would not forgive herself for missing out last night.Come to think of it, Adam might be the reason for the feast, and her parents just kept it a secret from her.

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