Closed The Best Support

Onyx Derouin

Dramatic- Loyal- Growing- Soft Boi
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Eternally Smitten
Cedar Wood, Hippogriff Feather core, 13 1/2 inches
12/23/2033 (27)
If there was one thing that Onyx never grew out of, it was his love to travel. So whenever Jamie had an away game, they'd pack for the trip and head out to check out the location ahead of time, enjoy the local cuisine and get a nice hotel room. Of course, then the team would get into town and there were always practices leading up to the game. So Onyx would grab his laptop and head to a local cafe, get a coffee, and settle in with his headphones. He liked to try and compose while they were away- little anthems to remind him of their time there, songs to try and capture the spirit of the place and the way he felt visiting.

Today was one of those days, and Onyx was lost in his work. His coffee was half drunk and growing cold, his ebony hair twisted up in a messy bun, and the smoky eyeshadow and winged eyeliner made his sapphire eyes pop rather nicely. He picked up his coffee and took a sip, not noticing the slight smudge his dark red lipstick left on the cup as he put it back down again. Legs crossed, Onyx hummed along softly as he composed, lost in the music he was creating.
Gabrielle had quite enjoyed life after graduation. She had debated trying to get into quidditch for a bit just because she was afraid she would miss it but the reality of helping manage her mom's quidditch shops had quickly made her forget about that. She was still being surrounded by everything quidditch, just not playing herself. Did she miss it? A little. But between working the shops and working jobs as an amateur make-up artist she felt quite content with where she was in life at the moment.

After leaving the quidditch shop for the day Gaby headed out, deciding to head over to a café so she could get some things done for her other job. As she walked into the café she was taken aback a bit when she noticed someone that looked familiar. She wasn't entirely sure where she would know him from, but he had quite a look going so she was sure she wasn't just mixing him up with someone else. No, she was sure she had seen him before. Met him even. It took her a few minutes starting at the entrance to wreck her brain for his name but eventually Gaby decided to just head up to him. It couldn't be a coincidence that the French National Team would be in town for a game later this week and she was now suddenly seeing someone she was sure she had met before. "Hi." She greeted him with a smile. "I don't mean to be weird and I'm sorry I don't remember your name but I'm sure we've met before right? At a quidditch game?" She asked in English.
Onyx was drawn from his work when he heard someone speak. He looked up, blinking, staring blankly a moment too long before he came to. "Oh, hey," He stood a bit, offering out his hand. "Onyx Derouin, Jamie's husband." He introduced himself. "You're right, I recognize your face, but if it helps I can't recall either," He chuckled, motioning to the seat next to him. "Would you care to join me? They have a good coffee," He smiled, taking his seat again.
Gabrielle smiled when the man held out his hand, introducing himself again. "Right! That makes sense." She nodded when he mentioned he was Jamie's husband, knowing he was one of the players on the current team. "I'm Gabrielle Perrault, Gaby. My mom used to coach the team but now we own two quidditch shops." She returned the favour by introducing herself. She didn't think Onyx's husband had been on the team when her mom coached but that didn't really matter. They were still around plenty of times. "Glad it wasn't just me." Gaby laughed when he confessed he recognized her from somewhere too. "Oh, sure if you don't mind. Coffee's exactly what I need after a morning of taking inventory."
Onyx chuckled. "No, I don't mind at all, I would love the company," He reassured her, motioning for the waiter. "Why don't you order something to drink, on me," He smiled. He considered her name a moment, brow furrowing. Why did he feel like there was something else? "Hey, you didn't happen to play for Beauxbatons, did you?" He asked, cradling his coffee.
Gabrielle smiled when Onyx assured her that he didn't mind, gladly taking the seat across from him. She was debating whether she should get out her laptop to see if she had any new inquiries for her second job. She left it in her bag when Onyx spoke up again though. "Thanks, that's kind of you." She replied, waiting a minute before ordering a coffee from one of the waitresses that passed by. Gaby cocked her head in curiousity when he asked about Beauxbatons, not processing the fact that his surname sounded very familiar to hear. "Yeah, I did. Even captained the team for a little while." She nodded, wondering where he was headed with that question.
Onyx's eyes lit up when she mentioned being the captain of the Beauxbatons team. "Amelie! You were friends with Amelie and Ares?" He offered, smiling a little easier and leaning against the table. "I think Amelie had a little bit of a crush on you for a moment there," He chuckled. "She's my husbands cousin, and Ares is dating my baby brother." He explained, propping his chin in his hand. "I knew your name sounded familiar."
Gabrielle smiled when Onyx mentioned Amelie and Ares, although she wasn't too sure whether she had been friends with the latter. She had liked him well enough though, he just never.. said much. At least not from what she remembered. "Yeah.." She replied with an all knowing look. "That was a little awkward. Cute, sure, but awkward." Gaby added with a soft chuckle. Amelie had been fun and she had liked the girl a lot, which had made it a little difficult to turn her down like that. "Oh, wow. So they're like sort of family now?"
Onyx chuckled. "Small world, isn't it?" He asked. "I bet it was," He agreed easily. "They're absolutely family." He agreed, sipping his coffee. "So you didn't go into Quidditch?" He questioned, rubbing his thumb over his cup. "I've not played much myself, really, one season as a keeper." He smiled softly.
Gaby laughed when Onyx mentioned it was a small world, following up with a nod of agreement. "I've thought about it." She responded with a small smile. If anything, it had been one of the most difficult decisions she had made so far. "But I also really wanted to get into make-up and it didn't really feel like I could do those things together. I'm helping my mom manage her quidditch shops though, so I still get plenty of enjoyment from it." Gaby explained, a little curious when he managed to have played himself. "At school? Or outside of it?"
Onyx perked up when she mentioned makeup. "Oooh, you're into makeup?" He asked, smiling easily. "How so?" He found that would be interesting. He chuckled at her question. "Oh, it was during school. I had a secret fling with the captain, but he ghosted me. Public image and all that." He joked, finishing his coffee.

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