The Beauty of Silence

Lizeth Sarkozi-Gereben

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Straight 11 Inch Swishy Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Lizeth Sarkozi-Gereben sprawled herself out on her back on the great lawn in the mid-afternoon sun. She had been exploring the grounds of the castle and had found a wonderfully peaceful spot in the soft grass despite the fact that it seemed to be a very popular spot for such a lovely day and there were clusters of people chatting all around her. Pulling out a book on charms from her satchel she held it out above her head using it as both a sun shade and a form of entertainment. She wished she had the confidence to approach someone. So far she was just as lonely as she had been at her muggle school in France. So far no one had approached her either though Lizeth hadn't really made much of an effort to make eye contact with anyone so she could be as equally to blame as other people.

A gentle breeze swept across Lizeth, tousling her blonde curls across her face. Lifting a hand she swept them out of the way and sighed. Sitting up she put the book down open in her lap and looked around lawn at the groups of friends that were laughing and playing around her wishing she could join them. Not even to talk but to be a part a group of people. Dropping her head down into her hand she rested her elbow on her crossed legs and flicked absentmindedly though the book eyes scanning the page but not really taking anything in. Waiting for something, anything to happen.
Ozias had been sitting in the shade of a tree reading through his new books before classes started, when he noticed the blonde hufflepuff sitting alone looking sad. After waiting a while and seeing that no one was meeting up with her he decided to pack up the books and head over.

The light shined in his eyes as he walked over to her. As he approached he turned so that the sun was shining down from behind him. "Hey you studying before class as well? Do you enjoy charms?"
Lizeth looked up startled when the silence was broken and a shadow fell over her book. Look up she met the eyes of a brunette that was standing in front of her. She didn't expect anyone to come up to her and though she had been wishing it deep down she had no idea what she was going to if some had approached her and now that the moment had arrived her mouth opened and closed like a fish out of water. Being a selective mute she often relied on sign language to communicate however she had to assume that the boy in front of her didn't know sign. She smiled and indicated that he should sit across from her, making sure that he wasn't too close that he would accidentally touch her.

Biting her lip Lizeth ran a hand through her blonde hair and nodded with a smile. She held up her book to the boy which was open to a page on a silencing charm. She the pointed to herself and mimed talking. Trying to get the point across that she couldn't talk to him. It wasn't that she didn't want to talk to him, she did. She really wanted to make at least one friend so she had someone to talk to. Sweeping her hair behind her ears she pulled a small gold necklace out from under her shirt and held it up for him to see. It caught the light it was a simple necklace that bore her name 'Lizeth' it was the only way she could introduce herself without saying anything. She really wanted to say something, anything. But she couldn't she didn't know him well enough to get any words out. Maybe after a while she might be able to say hello.
"Hey Lizeth I'm Ozias, So you can't speak huh. Was it due to a silencing charm that you tried to cast and backfired? Because I've done that a couple times already." Ozias stated sitting down in the place she designated to. The brown haired boy pulled out his charms book as well. Ozias didn't mind sitting in quiet if the small blonde couldn't talk.

Ozias flipped his book open to a random page scanning it with his brown eyes hoping to find spells to try out, he was enjoying casting magic already.
Lizeth giggled at what Ozias said and she couldn't help but picture him accidentally casting a silencing charm on himself. She shook her head and she mimed biting her nails and looking scared. Trying to put across the point that she didn't not want to talk but it was because her brain made her too scared to do so. Ozias seemed like a fun interesting person and the blonde was glad that he had decided to come over and sit with her. She felt that she could easily become friends with him, he could probably talk enough for the both of them.

Lizeth smiled and copied Ozias in flicking through her charms book. Despite the silence it was comfortable and not at all uncomfortable. As the minutes ticked by she felt herself beginning to slowly relax in the presence of this strange but nice boy. Her heart which was almost always racing was beginning to slow down and she felt like she could breathe a bit easier. She hoped that she could be friends with him and finally have someone to actually talk to that didn't think she was weird for not being able to talk to people other than her close family. It wasn't her fault though, she couldn't help it. She looked up from her book and looked at Ozias, she opened her mouth and tried to say something but no sound came out. Shutting it quickly she looked back down again blushing bright red and hoping that he didn't notice what she had just done and if he had that he wouldn't say anything about her failed attempt at speaking to him. Finding a spell called lumos she clicked her fingers and held the page up to Ozias cocking her head, she wondered if he'd tried out that spell before.
"Oh your to scared to talk, it's ok I'm not scary. It's fine though it's ok." Ozias said going back to his book. The idea of finding a friend this soon in the school year made him quite happy. When we returned to his book he started scrawling notes on a piece of parchment he'd been using as a bookmark taking notes of spells to try later on today.

A few minutes of comfortable silence later. He heard Lizeth fingers clicking, looking up from his book he saw that she was pointing at a spell in her own copy of The Standard Book of Spells Grade 1."Lumos, huh I haven't tried that one." Reading the description of the the spell out loud"Produces a source of light at the tip of your wand. Ok lets give this a go, ready for a light show?" Oziath pulled out his wand, readied himself, and cleared his throat. "Lets get going...Lumos" Ozias exclaimed jabbing his wand at a tree by the lake bank.
Hope you do not mind me joining. ;)

Bridget was eager to go outside to check if there was something worthwhile here, something that was not mentioned in a recent book about Hogwarts. Being in control was something big for Bridget, counting tiles, organizing things and numbers were all things Bridget was fighting against. After exploring the castle on her first night, she was pretty sure she had found the most time efficient route to the outside parts of the castle. All groups that were outside were a tad bit too big for Bridget and sitting alone would make her crazy. She saw a group of two students that she also noticed at the sorting of all the first years earlier this week. They were pretty silent and that was another positive point for Bridget. She walked up to this group, her long red haired pony covering the right side of her face. ''Hello...uh...can I sit with you guys?'' Bridget mumbled, she was a bit shy when meeting new people. Hosting events and then being a party leader felt way more calm then this. This was something she had no control over, they could deny her and than she had to sit alone which was not something Bridget wanted to do. Her life was a mess, but a good mess they might say. She had already started the party preparations and was curious if these two would join the party. Then at least three people were there for the party, she was hosting for all firsties.
OOCOut of Character:
It's fine join away :D
"Yeah it's fine you can sit down here. I was just about to try out this lumos spell." Ozias was happy to see another first year come over to them. "Oh by the way I'm Ozias and this here is Lizeth, she can't speak." He said pointing towards the blonde sitting next to him. "Shall we try this again?" Clearing his throat again "Lumos." Pointing his wand at the same tree. A white light started to shine from the tip of his wand. "Would ya look at that. So either of you know how to stop this spell?"
Bridget was staring at the ground, she was trying to check if their was anything laying on there that would ruin her robes. After a good thirty second of staring at green grass, she started to lower herself and saw down. ''Hello Ozias and Lizeth, I am Bridget.'' She said rather fast, she was still extremely shy. Bridget was watching the boy preform a lumos spell, she had tried one before and that worked for some weird reason. ''I think the stop spell is Nox..but not totally sure.'' Bridget said in soft whisper. ''Do not blame me if it does not work.'' Bridget was preparing herself for the worst. She saw other Slytherins that were not like her and she was doubting she even had some Slytherin into her. Bridget took the charms book out of her black bag, the boy and girl both had them out, so she was not staying behind. She was opening the book and started to read the first spell.
Lizeth smiled, it seemed that Ozias understood her reasons behind not being able to speak. Not many people understood that even the mere idea of speaking was almost petrifying. She poked her tongue out at him and feigned terror but ruined by giggling. Lizeth watched quietly as Ozias pulled out his wand and cleared his throat. She couldn't wait to see if it worked or not, after his story of his silencing spell backfiring she was curious. Ozias barely got started when another person turned up a red head slytherin. Lizeth smiled shyly at the other girl as she felt her heart begin to race again. Another person turning up made her withdraw again.

Waving at the red head she scooted over in the soft grass so that they could all sit comfortable in a small circle. Lizeth smiled and nodded at Ozias' explanation of what was happening, eager to see if the ravenclaw could preform the spell. She clapped her hands as the tip of his wand lit up a perfect demonstration of the spell. Flicking through the charms book the blonde nodded, agreeing with Bridget about the counter spell as she held up the book showing the page dedicated to Nox. Lizeth was impressed by both Ozias' and Bridget's knowledge of magic and spells. The hufflepuff hadn't really tried much out herself in terms of spells but she had read up on a lot of spells.
"Nox." Ozias spoke as the light died suddenly. He leaned back and looked around at his two study partners. "Now that the magic shows over how about something more than names? Bridget, right? what's the slytherin common room like? Lizeth if you want to you can write something down or we could play some more charades if you also want to inform a nosey ravenclaw what the hufflepuff common room is like." He asked while absent mindlessly picked a flower and started picking off the petals. Poking his tongue back at Lizeth while offering her his quill and scrap parchment.

Ozieth thought that this was a good start to his hogwarts career two potential friends, a nice sun shiny day and the spell hadn't back fired this time. His curly brown hair fell down around his face as he stared up at the castle, he was sure he could see his own common room from here.
Bridget did not mind that the other girl did not speak a lot. She accepted and respected everyone and she desired the same type of respect back. Bridget had to have control in every situation and that was considered weird too, but apparently Ozias and Lizeth did not mind the fact that she had just stared for a couple of minutes at the register page of her charms book. When Ozias had finished with his light spell, he asked some questions which made Bridget uncomfortable. The Common Room for her was a giant mess, with way too many random factors. There was no real pattern and it made her stressed out. She did not want to come over as weird so she quickly thought of another story she would say. Her eyes had probably already betrayed her real thoughts, but she at least had to act normal. ''Slytherin common room is pretty dark, since it is in the dungeons.'' Bridget spoke and tried to look at both of them. ''Also we have a lovely fireplace and the furniture is pretty decent too, I really can not complain.'' ''What is the Ravenclaw common room like?'' Bridget returned the question with a smile, secretly she was also curious about the other houses.

Bridget was trying to at least get her hair out of her face now, she they could really see who she is. The idea of the boy to let Lizeth write down her speech was amazingly clever and she could already see why he probably was sorted in Ravenclaw.
Lizeth grinned as the light died. Ozias was good at magic, no wonder he had been sorted into Ravenclaw. Lizeth snickered and took the quill and parchment from Ozias. Spreading it flat on her charms book she began scribbling on it. 'Sorry I don't speak. I have selective mutism. I want to talk to you guys but I can't.' She showed this to the group with an apologetic shrug of a shoulder. She hoped that if she began good friends with Ozias and Bridget that one day she would be able to talk to them both. Listening to Bridget's description Lizeth couldn't help but pull a face. She couldn't imagine sleeping in a dungeon. She'd never been in one to be fair but the connotation of a dungeon drew up the image of a dark slimy damp place which made Lizeth shudder. 'The Hufflepuff common room is really warm and cozy. It's also really loud and busy in there. Which is why I'm out here. I don't really like crowds of people.' she stopped writing and showed it to the group. Lizeth nodded and quickly wrote on the piece of parchment.'Yeah, nosy. What's the Ravenclaw common room like?' she teased pulling a face Ozias, he seemed to get her humour even though she hadn't actually said anything.
"Cool so like it's underground?" Ozias burst out after the redheaded Slytherin stopped talking. He was about to start on his own house when he saw that Lizeth was writing away. Waiting for the Puff to finish up he tucked his wand back away in his bag. when the scratching of quill on paper had stopped he read over what was written down before handing it on to Bridget."Ok, ok I get it tit for tat. The Ravenclaw Common room is really cool with bookcases on almost every wall, and a massive fireplace. According to older students though it gets cold in the winter and messy with stacks of books and parchments as the school year progresses."Ozias panned his eyes around the small group.

After a few seconds he excitedly added"Oh and we've got a great view in fact if you look up there." Pointing at one of the four high towers. "You can see it. I guess that makes our common rooms opposites, huh Bridget?" Ozias was liking these two quiet people. "Ahh well I'm sure I can talk enough for the three of us." He thought watching the redhead push hair out her face and the blonde pull faces.
Lizeth felt herself beginning to relax again in the presence of both Ozias and Bridget and secretly hoped that no one else turned up so she could start building up the confidence to start talking. Smiling politely she listened to the description of the Ravenclaw common room and she couldn't help but feel a hint of envy and the idea of so many bookshelves. Being an avid reader it made her heart long that she had been put in Ravenclaw so she could sit for hours in the Common room absorbed in books. 'but.' she mused to herself, 'I guess that's what the library is for.'

The blonde looked in the direction that the curly haired boy was pointing and a shiver ran down her spine. Lizeth didn't like heights and the tower that Ozias had indicated too looked a little perilous in it's attachment to the rest of the castle. She knew deep down that the school would never endanger it's students let alone a whole house but she was thrilled that she was in a nice common room that didn't serve any threat to falling out of the sky without a moments notice. Pulling a fresh piece of paper from her satchel she quickly wrote a single word: 'Interests?' she then quickly added, 'I love reading and writing.' Though she didn't speak out loud she wanted to keep the conversation flowing with the two fellow first years. They were nice to talk to and she so desperately wanted friends.
The only thing Bridget hoped for was making some friends and hopefully these two accepted her as one of their own. The tower was pretty high and from what she had heard it would suit her perfectly, her excessive research had shown that Ravenclaw was the best for her. Although she did not mind Slytherin a lot, she wished she was a girl in blue. Lizeth was interesting, she did not speak although she wanted to. Bridget would have gone crazy if she could not speak anymore. ''Hmm, I like to organize stuff and sometimes a joke or two is not bad.'' a slight smile appeared on Bridget her freckled face. She was starting to loose some of her shyness. The boy and girl were so nice to her, that she had no reason to be shy anymore.

Bridget was still wondering about the height of the tower, if people could fall down and die. ''Do you think someone actually has fallen out of the tower?'' Bridget blurted out, she was kind of curious about the matter. The dungeons were pretty safe, although they were underwater there was nothing to fear.
"Organization huh well you'd probably hate me then my books are always a mess with notes and scribbles all over them. I guess you do a lot of writing with you're whole lack of speech thing." Ozias joked, poking out his tounge before laughing and laying down with his head on the bag."I personally enjoy learning and trying out new things, I'm currently enjoying exploring all this magic I didn't know about before."

Looking up at the sky he saw an owl flying away from the castle. "And to answer your question about falling out, I would't think so the windows should surely be magically protected at least that's what I'd of done, if I was shoving a whole lot of kids in an old tower." Ozias continued to watch the owl as it swooped low of the Forbidden Forest, "Forbidden, what a stupid thing, nothing should be forbidden. I mean the least they could of done was informed us exactly what was in there to make it inappropriate for us to go in" he mused to himself. Ozias had this idea that all knowledge should be free to access for anyone who wanted to learn. Ozias grinned as he sat back up looked directly at Lizeth and asked "Have you tried magic to help with the speech thing? I know you, excuse the pun, said you wanted to speak. So have you looked into magic that could help?"
Lizeth listened intently as Bridget and Ozias described what the liked. Bridget liked organising something that Lizeth liked too, to an extent. She also completely agreed with Ozias about learning new things to do with magic. The hufflepuf girl's eyes widened when she considered the idea of someone falling from the tower. They had to have some kind of safety barrier involved, right? Surely they wouldn't allow a bunch of kids to be in a tower without safety measures. Lizeth shook her head, and wrote her answer on a piece of paper 'I feel like my parents would have tried that sort of thing. But no I haven't. Do you know a spell that could help?' she held the paper for them both to see. Then writing again she held up another piece of parchment 'My doctor said it's just an extreme shyness and trust thing. I only talk to my close family and my best friend at my old school. I want to trust you guys so that I can actually talk to you guys. I like you two.' Lizeth smiled at the two sitting in front of her, they were lovely.
Not every phobia had a magical quick fix, although magic could do a lot most handicaps could not be cured by a spell or potion. Bridget wished there was a cure for her huge need for control on everything. Sometimes she would love to be free without the little habits she had developed over the years. ''There is no fix I think, magic was not made to fix every human disease otherwise it could make you immortal by a couple of simple spells.'' Bridget did not want to break the girls bubble, she actually liked her, but the truth was something that had to be told. Not being able to talk at first was not something that was a giant disadvantage, body language said more then most words did. ''I like you both too.'' Bridget muttered while her face turned a bit red. Her charms book was still laying in front of her in the grass which made her slightly uncomfortable, all the dirt would damage it and as soon as this thought popped in Bridget her head she had to return the book in her bag. Magic could be used for lots of things, but not for altering personalities. For Bridget magic used for personal gain was something you just did not do and they were under Gamps law. Her mother had explained them to her and they were pretty clear, for instance you could not create gold or money with magic or food, but food could be multiplied.
"No I don't no any sorry, but if there's any out there I'll try to find and learn them." Ozias responded to Lizeth. He was determined to help his new friend, until the redhead mentioned the probable lack of spells that would help."I guess I didn't think about it properly, but that makes sense Bridget. I guess I'm just used to having everything healed by magic at home that I didn't think there'd be limits on it. Sorry for getting your hopes up Lizeth." Ozias hung his head in shame for not thinking of the limitations of magic. Ozias was annoyed that he hadn't been thinking straight, "Of course you can't use magic to heal every thing, there's no such thing as immortality." He looked down at his book and flicked the pages back and forward a bit, looking up when he heard Bridget muttering he saw her face going bright red but decided that he wouldn't mention it, already messing up once. "I like you guys to and I hope that we can continue this friendship beyond the great lawn." Ozias joked. "If your not sick of me yet and don't want to leave how about we talk family? I'm from central myself from Irish stock, you guys?" Ozias asked hoping he wasn't getting on the two girls nerves.
Lizeth smiled albeit a little sadly, she should have known that there wasn't any magical cure for being mute. As angry as her grandfather was about her not being able to talk she was sure that he would have been able to find something to fix her. He was that kind of person. She held up a piece of parchment that she had just written on, 'no worries. I assumed as much.' she hesitated at Ozias' question, her family was not only huge but it was rather odd. It was going to take a long time to explain and not only did she not have the time or ink to explain it she assumed that they wouldn't want to hear it so she simply wrote, 'I'm from France, I'm from an old French/Hungarian family. It's a huge family and they're weird.' it got the facts across while leaving an opening for further discussion if they wanted to proceed. Frowning Lizeth realised that she didn't actually quite understand where Ozias said he was from. She had to assume that it was somewhere in New Zealand, he sounded like he was from NZ but being from France she had no idea where he was referring to. Central to her seemed very vague, she held up a piece of parchment to him, 'Central of where?' she asked Ozias confused.

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