The Bad Guy, Rufus

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Rufus Volkov

Active Member

So this is my latest character Rufus Volkov. Here is my Character Devolpment for all those intrested in knowing about Rufus.

Basically he has been made to be the boyfriend of RoseMary ColdBlood. However I wish for him to have a much deeper and life full of evil and dark deeds.
Rufus is 36 years old and owns a manor in Bulgraria that he has got from his family. Both his parents were DEs helping The Dark Lord during his 2nd rise to power and handling affairs in Bulgaria. Rufus does not speak of his family because he wants to be known for who he is. His profession is a trader who sells and buys dark items and artifacts from around the world and sells them.

He is mostly travelling due to business but he spends almost six months time in Bulgaria every year. He has contacts all over the world. Also he engages himself in dark activities and is responsible for the murder of The Head of Magical Law Enforcemnt in Bulgaria, Zacvro ColdBlood whose death was proven to be due to drowning in the a swimming pool but it was actually Rufus's doing. He has also killed two black wizards in South America who were working in the Ministry in S.A and were causing a lot of trouble to his friends who are Death Eaters operating there.

I have applied for DE and am waiting to be aproved so I can get Rufus on track.

I need some relationships:
~A few ladies who are intrested in one night stands. :r
~A few dark friends :deatheater:
~Some people who do business with him i.e are purchasing or selling dark items. :ph43r:
~Enemies :shifty:

This relationships could be from all over the world since I want to show him travelling all around. But also Bulgarian people are welcome as it would be his homecountry.

All those intrested please respond here.

Thankyou :D
Mm. Orlando Bloom.

Er. Anyway. Leah is a death eater wannabe, so I want her to associate with as many death eaters as she can. We can be friends, acquantences or whatever. Perhaps later on... a one night stand. :D
Yes, I would like that. Leah would surely be an intresting friend for Rufus and yes she would even attract him later... ;) Shall I start a RP in Bleak Street where Rufus has gone for some business and Leah is there for some other work? And they meet?
Rufus, that is swell. Link me to the RP when you've posted it, please sir. :D
Leah, I made a topic for us. Should be intresting...excited to RP!

thanks Aphrodite. I would like them to be friends. I started a topic in Hogs Head. Here's the link
I would also volunteer for doing anything bad to people or relatives of someone. Unforgivable curses, murder or kidnap....So if anyone wants a guy to be bad to them just show me the green light and Rufus will be a nightmare!
Irene is about to go through this bad girl phase because she's tired of being...boring. I wouldn't mind her having a one night stand with Rufus or being friends, acquaintances, etc.
She grew up with a father who was a death eater supporter even though he wasn't one himself, so she does have some prejudice towards muggles and muggle-borns though she tries to deny it.
Maybe the first one can be at the dinette that she owns or just in the mall in general.
Yea, that's fine with me.
If it's not too late one night stands are what Penelope Paradox is all about. She's an international magical thief. Though she is on the run from Death Eaters because of the death that she caused but she is still in buisness.

There is also Koaru Koshiba who would be a friend to him. He's leader of the Death Eaters in Japan and a dealer of dark artifacts himself.
:wub: Orlando Bloom!! :wub:

I have three death eaters I can offer as dark friends:

Jay Rouge He is 33 and has been a death eater for 8 years. He has a daughter and is just about to remarry his ex-wife (long story). He's going to be going to azkaban soon for saving his (by that time) wife so I need him to have some more friends.

Dervish Green He's 42 and lives in a family of 14 (him, his wife, his seven children and his five neices and nephews). His wife is pregnant again and is going to be having twins but his once amazingly loving family is falling apart so he's not in the house much anymore and spends most of his time trying to drink his problems away.

Dervish Green Jr. He is 22 and the oldest of Dervish Sr.'s children. He's married and lives with his wife in a flat near Obsidian. Junior is a complete bookworm. He used to be a heartless pig until he met Cloe (his wife) but I'm looking for a way to bring out his heartless side again.

If you're interested in any of these then PM me and I'll be happy to RP :D
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