The Arrow Game

^wants to know if beans on toast is good.

< it is extreamly good

V agrees with me!
^ wants to be saved
< will only half save Ari as Ari only half liked beans on toast
V will change the subject to something else
^Thinks I will change the subject
< Is like an invisible ninja :uberninja:
V Will say I'm a cool invisible ninja :sba:
^Is a TOTALLY cool invisable ninja, at least i think so... can't see who it is..
< Is waiting for someone
V wants to talk to Libby
^ is right

< was supposed to have an RP with her... what happened :p

V Will have the song 'barbie girl' stuck in their head in three seconds :D
^right about barbie girl

< thinking of a video that two dudes acted to barbie girl

V will think that weird
^ is wrong

< Showed her that video! And those guys are so HOT!

V Will watch the video
^Thinks that i play quidditch, heck! i can't remember the rules on it.

< Avoids watching quidditch games (RP) and doesn't read it (OCC)

V This next poster is pretty or handsome in RL
^ Apparently thinks I am pretty.

> Sometimes agrees with that statement, and is now addicted to this game.

V just lost The Game.
^ Confuses me

< Has no clue what is going on, so will look at a bunny with a pancake on it's head...

V Wants to eat the bunny and pet the pancake o_O
^ doesn't want to eat a bunny maybe the pancake

< wondering why a bunny has a pancake on it's head

V will probably know the answer to that
^ Is unable to see that the bunny has a pancake on it's head because it's hands were full of jelly beans, and the pancake had to go somewhere. (Duh :p )

< had a very long day at work and is glad all the report cards have finally been written. However, is disappointed that her fiance, who works just around the corner, gets three days off for a swine flu scare yet she still has to go into work and let the grotty little kids cough all over her. (On a tangent, one little girl was playing with the gum under her desk today. I tried to get her to use some hand sanitiser and she refused "No, teacher! Dirty!" o_O )

V Is wearing something with spots today.
^ not wearing spots

< don't own anything with spots i don't think

V owns spots
^ should buy something polka-dotty next time they go shopping.

< Loves polka dots.

V Will become addicted to this
^ is wrong

< is addicted to stuff and things

V agrees that stuff and things is addicting
^wants me to agree stuff and things are addicting

< thinks HNZ Is addicting

V will agree with me about HNZ
^ Is correct
< Loves this game.
v Wants to RP with me sometime

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