that's me in the corner

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Professor Misha Haden

Charms Professor | Laid Back
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Ivy Wand 13" Essence of Gargoyle Tooth
8/2009 (52)
Say hello to

Professor Misha Haden

And you could post with him!
Excitement right?
Well, let me just get right into this. This here is Misha. Misha is half Polish and half Russian. He was born in Warsaw Poland, to a muggle mother and mixed blood father. Which makes him Half blood. His mother used to work as a Russian model, but quit her job when she got married to Misha's father. Misha's father is a Healer as was his father. It's a family thing. Misha's parents however have split up and Misha splits his time between his mother's house in Moscow, and his father's house in Warsaw. It's a little annoying for him to have to do this, but he doesn't really care about the fact his parents split. It hasn't effected him, other than being an inconvenice when it comes to friends. Misha has a little sister, Czeslawa Haden, who is 10 years old and he has an older brother, Zachariasz Haden who is a Durmstrang graduate training to become a healer and also 19 years old.
Now, Misha is a quiet durmstrang student, 5th year. He doesn't really try with people, thinking it pretty pointless since they don't actually care. He has a love for the dark arts and likes being with the few he calls his friends. He has a flare for potions and he has underneath the thick durmstrang layers a heart of gold. He has mainly male friends, because he gets very nervous around the other sex, and this causes him to appear a little weird at times, or just harsh. It's not his best trait, but it's how he deals with it. Misha likes to have fun, and loves playing quidditch, his playing being pretty brutal.
So as the picture suggests, I need everything.

Friends - Male or female, not bothered. Female friend will take longer, but it would help Misha come out of his shell. He's a nce enough guy, a little rough around the edges but, still good to get along with. Sometimes he'll give off the impression of completely secrecy, where it will be like his friends know nothing about him. But that is rare.
Enemies - He's a durmstrang student he's going to have enemies. So anything that you have will be fine for here.

Okay, so if you don't know where this guy is from, then you have missed out. He was in misfits, a British tv show that is about a group of misfits and how they get super powers. Anyway, I think this pairing is ever so adorable, so I'd like if someone could create her. I don't mind what her name is, or what she is like, her PB just has to be Antonia Thomas. Like that is the only thing I'm going to be pretty specific about. They'll have a pretty weird relationship, he'll not be that interested in her, nor will she, but he'll be dared to ask her out, and she goes out with him because she feels sorry for him and ends up having a good time, and then BOOM they become a couple.

Okay, so if anyone would be willing to make his siblings, that would awesome.
The little sister, Czeslawa Haden, 10, will be going to a magical school of your
choice come the start of Y13. PB up to you

And the Elder brother, Zachariasz Haden, 19. Studying to be a healer, Durmstrang
Graduate. PB up to you again. Just not Zac Efron, Taylor Lautner or Robert Pattinson

I have a lot of characters and I know I shouldn't but if you need someone, than I don't mind it at all. Though it's really up to you :) if someone else likes it, you can always go with them. Mmkay? ♥
I can create the older brother if you like.. :r
I'm interested in making Czeslawa Haden if you want me too. ^_^
I could create the older brother, if you like. ^_^ I have a few character's I can offer as friend's and/or enemies that are currently attending durmstrang. ^_^

@Madz! - I would like if you made her. So, If you want to then that would be aswesome! Everything would be up to you. Name, year, country of origin, what blood type she is. If she's muggle or not. Everything is up to you, just the PB is predecided.

@Alexis! - That's awesome, It would be good if you could make her. Apart from the name and place of origin the rest is up to you. I'd like to the PB if you wouldn't mind, just to be sure it's a good fit, but I'm sure whatever you pick will be awesome. I'll PM you more info about the family, once the character has been created. The personality and the rest is up to you.

@Hamza! - If you could make the brother that would be awesome. ^^same as up here^^. He's a healer, so he's dedicated, but the personality it up to you.
Also, which characters and what are they like?

@Devlin! - Heyy, sorry, I just thought Hamza made a better fit. Sorry.

Everyone maybe creating characters, if at any point you get bored/don't want the characters any more, then just PM, and I'll take them off your hands. Thank you all of you!

Anyone want to RP with him?

Do you have any playby suggestions because i can't think of any right now.
Brilliant! Here's a few name I came up with,
Kamaria Warlock
Leena Warlock
Nia Warlock
I was going to make two sisters for Anthony, so she'll be one of them. I think I might go with Kamaria Warlock, and Leena will be her other sister :D

@ Madz! - Awesome! We can have something started up soon. Would you want to start it or shall I?

@ Alexis! - Awesome! As for the PB I'm not too sure, How about Danielle Campbell Ariel Winter Ciara Bravo? I don't really know. And I'm not too bothered.

Oh, Lucy Hale. I knew there was someone I was thinking of for the sister, but I couldn't place it. Lucy Hale would be awesome!
I can start it, just one question , do you want her to go to Drumstrang or not? ^_^

It's completely up to you if she goes to durmstrang or not. I'm completely not bothered if she does or doesn't.
It would make a little more sense if she did or didn't. But, I think having them meet, then be apart would also be
good. So, it's up to you entirely.

Come on folks, the Durmstrang boy still needs friends and enemies!
Sorry about leaving this in the mist Emzies, went on a small family vacation. :x

Anyhow, I have created Zachariasz Haden. I'll have his signature, avvy, and his group placement done very soon. As for his personality, I don't do much with the 'enemies' of sort, or the 'bad' guy, so he will be a mixture of both. Selwin is pretty much the only one who is evil in my character pool. :p

Now, the few character's that I can offer for Misha are;

Isabella is a Durmstrang graduate, currently studying to be a healer as well. She is from the Parker family (A Veela Family), so that's where some of my character offers might come from, since, the family has very close ties with Durmstrang. I have a few plots in mind for Misha and the Parker family, if you're willing to of course. I will share more in depth details with you in PM, but for starters, since Isabella comes and goes from Durmstrang quite often, and the fact that she is a Veela, perhaps Misha could be trapped in her charm and 'wants' her sort of the thing, not sexually, but like wants to 'date' her. On the other hand, Isabella being a bit older, she will deny him since he's a 5th year, and she has already graduated, she will try her best to try to stay away from him, but the Isabella tries to get away, the more she keeps getting herself stuck in this situation. Out of the respect of being a healer in training, and finding out more about Misha's family, Isabella can start to show some more respect to Misha, and will try to convince Misha that they cannot be together, but can only remain friends, perhaps best friends? It's up to you.

Drake is Isabella's younger brother, he is in his last year at Durmstrang, and will see how Misha is harassing Isabella. He will try to step in, and to stop all of this, and this is where Drake and Misha could perhaps be enemies?

Aaron is Drake and Isabella's younger brother, and fourth year durmstrang. If could offer Aaron to harass and torment Misha since he would find it funny that Misha has a crush on Isabella, pretty much, making fun of everyone, that's including his older siblings.

Let me know Emzies. ^_^ I know that some of this conflicts with your plot for Misha's final, but I'm sure we can fit this in there somewhere, perhaps as a 'past' story before he meets his final.
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