that EPIC moment when you're feeling dull

OOC First Name
Madame Gray
Ebony Wand 15 Essence of Phoenix Talon
Louis dropped himself down on the grassy field near the academy. He unbuttoned the upper part of his shirt and then closed his eyes, feeling the sun's rays touch his skin. He sighed. Beauxbaton is too peaceful for him. He should have enrolled at Hogwarts or something.

"Time to sleep." Louis muttered. He was already half-asleep when he said that. So as soon as Louis muttered 'sleep', he had fallen completely unconscious. Seconds passed. Minutes. An hour. Nothing had woken him up. It was too quiet. Too peaceful.
Nathalie had had a busy day, too much homeworks to do, too much lessons to review and study. Yet, despite that hectic schedule that she had, Nathalie would always have the time to enjoy herself thorugh going out at the school's ground, to the place at which she can just calmly relax without anyone bothering her, without anyone seeing how she would act or without anyone criticizing her. Nathalie had always been termed as a proper lady, and because of that, she was always forced to act as such. And that place, at the beauxbatons school ground, she could at least freely act like herself.

Yet, when she was just about to reach her destination, she had seen someone occupying her place already, a boy, probably just about her age. And he was sleeping. Thinking that she shouldn't be a bother, Nathalie had had decided to leave, yet, before she could even do that, she had just have to trip herself over this innocent looking stone in her way. That's actually one thing that she didn't like with her self, she's such a klutz, very nonathletic indeed. Moving herself away from the ground, she had hoped that she hadj's woken up the boy with her yelping earlier.
Louis was having a dream, a pretty normal thing for him, even if he had just closed his eyes. It was a quiet dream. People--his subconscious--were walking around Louis, ignoring him. He didn't mind. Louis knew this was a dream. It continued, the dream, for a long time that Louis was starting to get used to the silence. "Just like the school ground..." he muttered, although his mouth didn't move in the dream. And then it continued. Unfamiliar faces of people circling him like he was nothing but wind.

But suddenly, the sound of someone falling woke him up.

Louis opened his brilliant blue eyes slowly. Yes, he was at the school ground and it was as quiet as his dream. But there was something that caused Louis to wake up, and he started to look for it. So he sat up and scanned the whole place.

It wasn't hard to find what--who caused that weird noise Louis heard in his dream. It was a girl about his age, wearing the same school uniform as him. For some reason, the girl seemed to be trying to get away from the place. Which was odd. "Hey!" Louis yelled, breaking the silence in the place. "Are you hurt there or something?" he asked and tried to see what happened to the girl, but to no avail.

Nathalie blushed in embarrassment when she saw that the boy was indeed awaken by her. Really, how she wanted to just run to her room and curl herself under her blanket. "I, I guess I'm fine." She said, her voice soft as she straightened out her uniform. She's quite lucky though, for despite the fall, she hadn't received any major injury, well, except from a small scratch in her knees, but that's nothing, it won't show anyway.

"I'm sorry for waking you up by the way." Nathalie said apologetically, bowing down a little to show that she was indeed sincere. If the boy would want her to leave him in his silence, then she'll happily leave him. He got there first anyway, so, what else could she do but to let him have that place for the moment.
After going to the tower to owl Andy, Vivian's father, Vivian walked to the corner and saw a board that looked like hers. Yes, it was her snowboard that was damaged by the brat himself, Brad. She walked back to the dorm, ignoring other people's stare for bringing such an odd item on her hands. As she reach the boy's dorm, she didn't hesitate to knock on the door, she kicked the door and saw Brad sitting on the bed, alone. "I'M GONNA KILL YOU!" She yelled and listened to him explaining what happened. It was also her fault for leaving it in his room, but she didn't care. He should've been more careful.

Right after Vivian saw her younger twin brother jumped off the bed and ran away. She dropped the board and started running, trying to chase him. She notice that he ran faster than he used to. She ran on the corridors, circling the castle. No, she hadn't caught him. She had no idea where he was leading her to, it was actually the field, the abandoned place. Most people prefer the garden instead of the field. Vivian stopped and tried to find where Brad was. He was probably hiding or running back in the castle. But after seeing two people talking, she walked toward them and smile "Hey, sorry to interrupt you, but... Did you see my brother? He looks... Like me" She laughed at her own statement.
A soft-spoken girl. Just like everyone else in this school. Louis wondered why Beauxbaton Academy students are like that. Very gentle. Very quiet. It was one of the reasons why he thought he didn't belong to this school at all. Well, come what may. Louis stopped himself from complaining; he wasn't that kind of person. He was the type who'll accept everything that might happen to him, good or not. And this girl who tripped herself needed help, if Louis' eyes was right.

He walked to her, stopping halfway near her. He looked at her with his indifferent-looking eyes, cold and brilliant. Louis gave a big sigh and continued walking towards her. "I think it's going to be stupid of me if I ask you if you're hurt since I'm sure that you tripped there. But anyways, are you hurt? Do you want me to help you?" he asked, not realizing that he asked her the same question before this.

There wasn't time for the girl to answer, because just after he talked, another girl showed up, asking about her brother or something. Now this other girl didn't look like she's the quiet type. And she didn't look familiar at all. Well, not that he was familiar with a lot of people. "I don't know." he answered her question curtly, though he stayed looking at her for a moment. Louis had the feeling that this girl was going to say more. She looked like the type who won't stop talking until she's satisfied. And it seemed to Louis that she didn't look satisfied.
Nathalie had had to frown when the boy had asked the same question once again. Honestly, does it really look like she was in pain? Nevertheless, being that proper lady that everyone assumes her to be, Nathalie had had to smile, waving her hand in front of her in a sign of saying that nothing was really wrong with her. "I'm really fine, believe me, just had some scratch in my knee, but nothing major, it's my fault for being clumsy anyway." She said, this time, smiling more genuinely, assuring the boy that there was definitely nothing wrong with her.

Looking at the new student who had just entered the scene, Nathalie cannot help but to see some of the girl's resemblance to someone that she had met a few days ago, Brad. Staring at the girl, she tried to think of who she was. She knew that the staring that she was doing was indeed very rude, yet, she can't help it, there was something about this girl that tells her that she knew her. Placing a finger on her chin in deep thought, she tried to recall the past few days, that is then that realization dawned upon her. "Oh.. you're Brad's twin.." She said smiling triumphantly as she was pleased with herself to find the answer to her own question.
Vivian frowned as she listened to the boy not knowing where Brad was. Now some part of her told her to go back to the castle but then she still wanted to stay and probably make new friends instead of wasting her precious time with the brat himself. After all, he would come back and apologize and she was sure that he was going to buy a new board for her. So why bother finding him and torture? She was disappointed tho, the board was given from her father not from her bratty brother and yet he had to break it.

"Alright then... Well.. Thanks" She said smiling and twisted herself to the other way around, ready to go. But right before she was about to go, the girl mention the word `Brad`, her eyes were widen as she turned back so she was facing them. "Wait, wait, wait... You know Brad?" She asked. Vivian had never seen her around, especially not around Brad. Well at least not when she was around. Probably she was on the same class? "What did she tell you about me? I swear I never kill him, well almost but... I never!" She babbled. Vivian babbled every time she was curious.

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