🌹 Rose Giving Thanks for being so nice to me (Yellow)

Elijah Edogawa

definitely not an expert
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Curly 12 Inch Rigid Mahogany Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
He knew Kairi's name, but he wasn't entirely sure what house she was in. He was pretty sure she was a Hufflepuff, but he didn't tend to pay a super amount of attention to people he'd never spoken to before, so she could have been in Gryffindor for all he knew. "Are you Kairi Kennedy? I have a rose for her."

@Kairi Kennedy
Kairi was humming to herself as she walked down to breakfast. She'd almost made it to her seat when someone stopped her. She blinked, a little surprised. "Oh, yes, that's me," She offered with a shy smile. "What's going on?"
Eli smiled lightly at the girl. "Hey, Kairi, yeah, I have a rose for you, here," he said, holding it out to her with the note attached.​

Dear Kairi!

Happy Valentine's Day!
I hope we can get to know each other better. Thank you for being so nice to me.
Have a great day!!

Sybil St. James
Kairi blinked. "Oh, thank you," She replied, automatically taking the rose despite her obvious surprise. She peeked at the note, smiling for a moment at the sweet words before her heart dropped to her toes. "Oh dear," She bit her lip. "I forgot to send Sybil a rose," She looked around a moment before turning her attention back to the boy who'd delivered it. "Thank you so much for bringing this to me. I'm sorry, please excuse me," She dipped her head at him before turning to hurry away, needing to find Sybil immediately.

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