Texas means friends

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Abilene McLeod

Trying to settle | Sweetwater All-Stars Keeper
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 inch sturdy Cypress wood with essence of Bluebonnet
Hi y'all, I would like to introduce to y'all, Abilene McCaulley. She's from the great state of Texas (hence her name being from two Texas cities) and currently a 4th year at Ilvermorny. Her parents are divorce and her dad, who lives in Sweetwater, Texas and plays professional for the Sweetwater All-Stars, got custody of her but don't worry, Abilene sees her mum every summer in New Zealand.

Abilene is competitive when it comes to sports, specially Quidditch and softball. Abilene is different from other girls at Ilvermorny, she's not studious or smart but her grades doesn't flunk either. She's kind when you're kind to her, Abilene believes in the saying 'what you do to others will be done to you' and she takes it seriously. At her age, she's an anti-government (wizarding) because of the Rappaport's Law, the law made her miss little league moments and only has limited muggle friends that she can play softball with. You can say her childhood wasn't that great but Abilene doesn't care. She doesn't believe in true love nor wants to be a in relationship for now, the teenager is aiming to be drafted for Quidditch when she graduated.

I think that's about it for her. Anything is possible for this young woman but love interest for now is not happening. Though, if y'all insist, we can do a future romance/alternate role play. Let know what y'all think
Hey hey. I have my character Paige Hardy, she is currently a fifth year Ravenclaw who over the summer will be transferring to Ilvermorny for her final two years. She is a keeper on the Ravenclaw team and would hope to continue to explore her new love of Quidditch at her new school. Paige can be quite reserved and never took to her role as a prefect because she had trouble expressing authority but she is very kind and helpful and that was something she was good at. I think she'd be a good friend for Abilene.
Yay! Everyone that loves Quidditch is great for Abilene. She's pretty much obsess with the game. Would you like me to start something maybe for this weekend?
Yeah that sounds good to me.
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