Closed Terrible Troubles

Dominique Malone

⭐bubbly⭐ditzy⭐actress⭐ ⭐walking scandal⭐
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 17 Inch Whippy Laurel Wand with Veela Hair Core
5/2034 (29)
"There has to be a way to shut it uuuuuuuuup...." Domi wailed, trying very hard not to think about what she looked like right now. She had been acting enough to know what disheveled desperation looked like, and to know that she must be the absolute picture of it. Colic, the doctor had said, and that it ought to pass quickly enough. Well, this certainly wasn't quickly enough. Mason had been wailing since the moment he woke up, only stopping for feeds, and he was quite definitely full now. She had brought him to Tristan's flat in desperation, hoping that just having someone else around would help Mason settle down. And if she could drop him in Tristan's lap and apparate away for a few hours of quiet, that would be a very nice bonus. She was still holding him for now though, bouncing Mason in an erratic rhythm as she paced back and forth through Tristan's living room, still in her slippers and pyjamas, hair hanging around her face in a tangled mess. Motherhood would be cute, she had thought. Like having a little doll to dress up, but better. But now her whole body ached, sleep felt like a long-distant dream she had imagined once, and she didn't know if she would ever get the smell of baby vomit out of her clothes. This was a living nightmare, and she was desperate for just a moment of peace.
Tristan desperately wished he could get rid of Dominique, but he knew she would likely leave Mason with him if he even hinted at the idea of her leaving. It just wasn't helping that on top of his wailing she was wailing as well as if that helped anything. But Tristan bit his tongue, acutely aware of the way Dominique had done by far most of the work with Mason so far, not even including the actual birth. But it wasn't like Tristan had asked for this either. He watched her pace back and forth, feeling a sense of guilt he couldn't easily push away. He got up and walked over to her, gently touching her arm. "Let me walk with him for a bit." He said, trying not to wince at the way Mason was now wailing almost directly into his ear. "I suppose a silencing charm would be unethical." He muttered, mostly joking. He held out his arms to take Mason from Dominique. "You can use my shower if you want." He added, aware of the bluntness of the statement. But Dominique surely knew she was a mess at the moment, and it would be a break from the baby. Tristan thought he was being plenty generous.
The wave of relief that washed over Domi as Tristan offered to take Mason was almost overwhelming, and she immediately handed over the squalling infant, tickling Mason's bright red cheek quickly before she stepped back. As much of a nightmare as he was, babies were pretty cute, even if they were screaming. Especially now that he was out of her arms. A grin spilt her face all at once as Tristan offered a shower, lightbulbs flashing in Domi's head. "Actually, I feel like a bath, thanks!" She beamed before apparating away, relishing in the comforts of her own flat. Domi took her time now that Mason was out of her arms, enjoying the peace and quiet of a long bath, of being home alone with nobody needing her time, of her ears finally stopping ringing. She luxuriated in sweet-smelling soaps and bubble bath, deep-conditioning her hair and finally making it all the way through her skincare routine for the first time in months. By the time she had thoroughly pampered herself and returned to Tristan's house with a pop, she felt and looked a thousand times more like herself than she had since before the entire pregnancy. "Much better." Domi grinned. As tempting as it had been to just leave him overnight, she hadn't planned ahead, and she would have felt too guilty leaving him without checking that Tristan had everything he needed. Looking through the house, she realised in surprise that she couldn't hear the sound of screaming guiding her to the boys, looking around for them.
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Tristan wasn't sure what he had expected Domi to do, but immediately apparating away hadn't been it. Tristan had been offering his own shower, only intending to hold the wailing baby for thirty minutes at most. He should have known the insufferable woman would take advantage of the smallest kindness. He scowled as he watched the spot she had disappeared for a moment. Then he went on trying to comfort the baby. It was so strange to think that this was his baby. And, as annoying as it was, the crying also made him feel strangely tight in his chest. Mason was in distress and Tristan wished he could take it away, not just because it would finally give him some rest. He walked around with the baby, rocking him the way he had been taught the first few weeks and quietly murmuring to him. It took ages, but it seemed like it eventually slowly calmed him down. Or maybe he had just tired himself out. Still, Tristan kept on walking and murmuring to Mason even after he had fallen asleep, not wanting to stop in case it would wake him up and set him off again. He looked up with a glare when Dominique came back in, gently rocking Mason's sleeping body. "That wasn't what I meant and you know it." He hissed at her.
Domi ignored Tristan's accusation, eyes sparkling as she took in the sight. She knew Mason had almost certainly just tired himself out, but her son sleeping was an entirely welcome sight nonetheless. "You got him to stop!" She sighed in relief, eyes locked to Mason's sleeping face. He really was so very cute. When he was quiet. "You're a gem. I should leave him with you more often." Domi grinned, patting Tristan's arm. "Actually, how do you feel about taking him tonight?"
Tristan's shoulders sagged a bit when Domi seemed glad Mason had stopped crying. He knew he had just tired himself out, but he was never one to shy away from taking credit. He followed Dominique's gaze at Mason's little face and smiled fondly. He was cute, in the strange way babies were cute. He often wondered if Mason would look more like him or Dominique as he got older. Right now, he didn't really see a resemblance to either of them. "No you shouldn't." He snapped. "Dominique." He added urgently, holding Mason out to her carefully. "I have work to do tonight, if you want me to take him we have to agree on that beforehand." He said, narrowing his eyes.
Domi frowned at Tristan's objection, huffing. "Hey, I had sole custody for nine months!" She objected firmly. "I had work too, you know!" The whole pregnancy thing was very unfair as far as Domi was concerned, and she was pretty sure it was past Tristan's turn to do the majority of the work. She ignored Tristan holding Mason out to her. "You're the one who got him to stop screaming! He'll start again if I try!"
Tristan raised one eyebrow. "Domi, that's not how pregnancy works. I couldn't have taken him from you even if I wanted." He told her dryly. He sighed, counting to ten in his head, which was something he had to do with Domi a lot. "I know you also have to work I know things haven't been easy for you. I'm happy to take Mason off your hands sometimes, but we have to decide those moments in advance. Like... make some sort of schedule." He told her firmly. "I can't function like this if you just keep dropping him on me unexpectedly." He held Mason out more firmly. "Take him."
Domi rolled her eyes at his comment about pregnancy. "I know that." She huffed. "But you owe me nine months of babysitting now that he's out!" She snapped under her breath, glaring at Tristan as he went quiet. Being treated like a kid by the father of her baby was exhausting, and she had half a mind to just apparate away again. "Fine, make a schedule then. But when he's been crying at me all day I think I deserve a break!" She flinched away quickly when Tristan held him out. "No!" She whispered in horror. "Don't wake him up again!"
Tristan frowned. "That's not how it works, Domi. And I don't think we can call it babysitting when I'm the- well, when it's my kid." He said, stumbling a bit over his words. Tristan scowled as Domi insisted she deserved a break. "I'm not prepared to have him here right now." He hissed, seeing his plans to catch up with paperwork tonight disappear in a puff of smoke. "You can't just leave him here with no warning." He hissed. "Maybe I have plans!"
Domi rolled her eyes at Tristan's pedantism. "Sure, well, if it's not babysitting that's even more reason you should be doing it!" She hissed. "He's your kid!" She parroted pointedly. She rolled her eyes at his comment about having plans, before giving him a sharp look. "Do you?" She challenged, quite certain already that he didn't.
Tristan clicked his tongue in annoyance, Domi really was pushing things. "Domi, if we're going to do this together, we need to talk about things in advance. I'm not going to accept you dropping Mason on me without any warning." He told her firmly. "I do actually have plans." He lied, glad he had a good poker face. "I can take him tomorrow."
Domi gave Tristan a pleading look. "Tris, you know the second you pass him to me he's gonna start screaming again..." She pouted, trying a different tactic. "Don't do that to me, or to him! He's finally sleeping, can't you just let him get some rest for a bit?"

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