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Maddiie Holland

Al. Hufflepuff | Werewolf
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Lignum Vitae Wand - The Merlin 16" Essence of Dragon's Whisker
Well some of you may know what might happen to Maddiie after graduation. Maddiie might end up losing her memory after she moves in Cyrus Trillion. That's were her new apartments going to be for a while or permanent (depending if Ben comes back or not)
Well something may happen to her either out of the ordinary or she may end up facing someone that really doesn't like her. That person may use a memory charm on her or she will either get very depressed for some odd reason, and lose her memory that way. I'm pushing for the first one to happen, like a memory charm is used on her and the only thing she would probably recall would be Marlana (her grandmother) and Bones (Zazuka). Whoever does it on her, attempts would be strong but not enough for these two people would be the only memory she could recall back.

I need someone to find her wandering alone, and probably take her in? She will be in her first trimester of pregnancy. (Which she won't know about)It will be a temporary home, I have more to the plot, just if anyone interested please post here.

If anyone wants to add to the plot it be great to. I have caught brain farts recently, so I've been very lame with plotting.
I have Abathyn? She lives in a forest in NZ, but travels around sometimes to escape having to talk with her cousin's fiance. She has one 2-year-old daughter (Jaimee). Could it work? (By that time Abathyn will have discovered she's pregnant too xD )
Oh in the forest? That sounds good. Well Maddiie won't know till she in her second trimester. You could probably be the one to tell she pregnant. That will probably make her even more frantic because she doesn't have a memory of ever sleeping with anyone. (Course its Alexander) she will refuse to go to St. Mungos, till she finally gets pain. She may either runaway from your home or probably argue with you. So are you up for it?

Anyone new can also have an encounter with Maddiie. Well she won't be going with her real name she probably be going as Marlana.
Course im up for it. Im the queen of getting characters into awkward situations, didnt you know? haha also i have an idea for laura and isobel... Will pm you tomorrow with deets about both. Okay?
Okay! Just as long as you stick with the plot my dear. And of course pm when your ready =)
So you will meet Melodie, and Abathyn will probably convince you to hate Adam, sounds like fun!
Probably since I will be so out of it xD

And if Alexander don't come back I will be a single mother :correct:
xD totally. She be like wtf o_O who the hell are you??

I'm just waiting on a certain somebody to come on :r and the plot will finally take place :D
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