Tell You Now

Sophia Night

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Carved 13 Inch Whippy Willow Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Sophia had been lucky that, in her efforts to track down each of the people on her delivery list, an older student had pointed out that one of her recipients was sitting just across the hall at the Ravenclaw table. After thanking them, Sophia had hurried over immediately and politely caught the older girl's eye. She was glad she wouldn't have to stumble over her last name in front of her, as she had done every time she had said it previously. "Excuse me, but, I have a rose for you," Sophia said as she held the flower in question out.
Sianna already had two roses, so when another girl came up to her in the great hall, she had to assume that this girl had the wrong person, "It can't possibly be for me," Sianna had never received this many roses, she had to assume that this younger student had the wrong person, had been directed to the wrong person, "Who are you looking for?" Sianna liked to think that with her knowledge from Accio she was pretty good at knowing who people were.
Sophia was embarrassed to hear that she had approached the wrong person, and half of her brain was occupied with trying to figure out if the fault had been hers, or if she just fallen for someone's practical joke. The other half was trying to focus on the older girl, who had just offered to help her. "Um... I think I'm saying the name wrong. I'm sure I am, actually." Sophia hesitated for a brief moment. "See-an-ah, See-ah-nah ... Dih-jord ... jee ... no, I really think that's wrong. Um, this name, here." She offered the name on the rose's note out for the older girl to see, her face beginning to grow pink with embarrassment.
Sianna rolled her eyes the moment the girl started saying her name, or well, attempting to, ”It’s Sianna Djordjevic,” The girl said back to the younger one, ”That’s me,” Sianna was surprised by the fact she was getting another rose, which was why she had seemed surprised at it. Why it couldn’t possibly have been for her. Sianna had gotten rather used to people actually being able to say her name, hearing this girl struggle through it was quite interesting. Sianna held out her hand to the other girl and waited for the rose to be handed over.

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