Teh Adopted Child

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Esme Lively

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
The new adopted child of the Makwa's needs rp. So basically Shilo aka Emse (changed her name completely) was adopted recently to this new family. Even has a little adopted sister attending Hogwarts and such. Emse history is typical. She was the outcome of a one night stand. Her mom raised her on her own but that didn't mean anything to Esme. Her mom was a work-aholic, which means Emse was neglected for the most part of her life. She was given more attention by her tutor than her own mother. So since 15 Emse been in and out of trouble. That's when the adoption happen but now she's mellowing down. I'm trying for her to be good, changing her crazy behavior by the minute. So I just need a few rps nothing major, friends, someone to do magic with. She hasn't rp yet of being adopted, so maybe that could happen. Basically post here if your interested.

Thanks =)

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