Teenager needs a social life

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Izaak Shane

Well-Known Member
A sparkly one that does magic
So this is Izaak Shane a 5th year Beauxbaton. He is a bit of a charmer and loves to flirt with the girls. He knows he is good looking and uses it to his advantage when he wants to. He is very smart and talented, getting top grades in school although he would drop his studies without a second thought to talk to a cute girl or to go out with friends. Despite this he still gets top grades. Although he is a charmer he is very loyal to a girl once they begin to date but he will still flirt but he will behave himself and make sure not to let anything else happen

Izaak in friendly and easy to get along and make friends with. As he is sociable he is good at talking to new people and is not shy at all when it comes to talk. He is good with advise as many of his friend often come to him for help on situations in their life such as relationships and family. He likes helping people and wouldnt hesitate to help someone who needed it.

I am looking for anything for him really. Friends, love interest's, enemies. I am open for all idea's that you may have. Just post what you want to do and i will most likely say yes to it :D
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