Task 1: Durmstrang Champion

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Moko Craven

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Walnut Wand 14 1/2" Essence of Vampire Blood
Morrigan waited for the whistle to blow to signal her turn. She was first and though this had not bothered her to begin with, she found she was slowly becoming apprehensive. Ancient Runes had been just one of her average subjects, she had certainly never been a top student at it and cursed inwardly at that now but it could not be helped. She struggled to remember what Jera meant and only something to do with the harvest came to mind. Frowning at this she was nearly startled when at last the whistle blew. Her feet raced on wards though, wand in hand she broke through the forest as swiftly as she could and then halted. This wasn't a race to see who could find some huge creature or somthing extremely visible, runes were small and in this vast forest it would be like finding a needle in a haystack.

She cast lumos on her wand and held it up before her, attempting to calm her mind she began remembering subtle things from her ancient rune classes. Anything that might help, what was so important about harvest time and why would it mean anything to her? She shook her head as she looked about moving further and further into the forest. Her mind decided to try the other rune that had been issued to her Algiz but the most again that she could come up with was something to do with growth. Exasperated she stamped her foot like a petulant child before taking a deep breath and walking on once more.

Her feet was carefully treading through the forest, her eyes scanned everywhere as she held her wand before her and all the while her mind ticked trying to find the rationality behind these two stones and their connection with herself.
Stopping for a moment she held the wand over the coin in her hand looking closely at the symbols etched on either side. The rune jera meant more than harvest, it had to she contemplated. She rattled her brains trying to think what tree it was associated with that perhaps this was where she would find the stone. Fertility kept coming to mind and she blanched at the idea that she would be associated with that of all things but as she continued on, Moko allowed her mind to calm down considerably.

A noise at first startled her and she looked about her, wand at the ready but a bird flew from a near by tree and she smiled.
"Calm yourself Moko, you won't get very far by being all testy" she could have sworn she had heard another whistle in the distance, she had not gone very far at all and suspected that one of the other champions was now making their way through the forest as well.
Glancing about her she spun her wand on her hand, where the tip pointed she shrugged.
"It works for me" she muttered, as she began to head that way. Patience, the word suddenly came to her. It was something she had in abundance, had needed it after all the upheavals she had faced in her life of late and somehow she suspected it was associated with Jera in some way.

Moko smiled tossing the coin in the air with a gentle flip, she truly would need patience today if she was to find these two rune stones. Continuing onwards, she moved at a slow yet steady pace looking at trees and the undergrowth. She wondered then would summoning the stones work and decided to give it a go, what could it seriously hurt to try. Swishing her wand and summoning the rune stone of Jera first she waited but was not overly surprised when nothing happened. A soft chuckle escaped her as she shook her head lightly.
"Patience Moko, rushing the job is not what this is about. Take time, think rationally and you'll be fine" another deep breath as she moved along through the forest.
Lurking in the shadows, the Veela followed the champion he was assigned to into the forest. His step was light and he was able to keep quiet, waiting until the time was right to make his move. Oh, he was going to enjoy this completely. He knew that this little girl was not going to be able to resist his charms, when he decided it was time to play.

Watching her spin her wand, he moved quickly so that he was ahead of her. He leaned against a tree in her path, waiting, watching her progress towards him. He was not sure what her reaction would be, but he knew that it would be interesting.
She began to consider the Algiz rune and what that could mean for her personally, seriously wishing she had been a better student of the subject. Her feet moved as silently as they possibly could through the underbrush when Moko stopped.
"An oak" she muttered, glancing about her hoping there was no one to hear her speaking to herself she began to chuckle. The only others in the forest would be the other champions, wondering for a brief moment how they were faring her footsteps took her onwards. An oak tree had connections didn't it to the Jera rune, it was quite possible that if she found an oak tree she might just find the stone. Looking about her she saw none though and frowned, a slight sigh as she continued on once more. Surely the clue on the scroll would have indicated if it had been a certain tree, she could remember it mentioning rocks alright. This was crazy she mused not for the first time coming into a clearing she dimmed her wand though still holding it firmly in her grasp had the grace to admire the beauty of the forest about her yet something felt strange now. She felt strange as she made to walk in a certain direction. As if she was being drawn that way, passing a large Ash she saw him.

Leaning against a tree as if it were the most normal thing to do while a tournament was going on. She was struck by many things, the absurdity of him being here and how utterly devastatingly beautiful he was. Morrigan had never seen a Veela before though had learnt plenty about them in her classes and even then she had only associated a Veela with female form and never a man's. Taking a tentative step closer to him as if she could not help herself, her chocolate brown eyes never once left his face.
"Are you lost?" her voice that was usually full of brusque authority, was now much softer as if she could barely bring herself to speak aloud in his presence. Would they mind so awfully much if she stayed to just look at him for a while? The thought flitted through her mind and as soon as it had and her own body was beginning to lean against a nearby tree as if in response to his own, Moko flushed crimson with embarrassment.

Hadn't she promised herself that no boy would ever hold any sway over her again, not the Alex Cullen's of the world or the Hayden Kerberos' either. She was stronger than any feelings that tied herself to any man, her heart was and this had been the very reason for her to be gung-ho enough to put her name forward to the competition. She was stronger than this, but he was so beautiful. Moko shook her head not understanding just yet what was happening to her but attempting to by pass him.

"I'm sorry I cannot stay to talk, I have to ..." she had to what exactly, a gently sigh escaped her as she now walked along side of him. They were a good two person width apart still but being this close set her pulse racing, "I have to... do you need help?"
Why else would such a beautiful person be all alone in the midst of forest?
"There's a tournament on" her voice sounded almost dreamy, "it's probably not save for you to be here".
The Veela stood still, watching the girl fall victim to his charms, pulling her in towards him. His voice when he spoke would give any adult female chills, it would have a major affect on this young one. It was deep and smooth, just a hint of an accent that really was not determinable.

"No, my dear, I am certainly not lost," he started, speaking softly. "I am exactly where I need to be." He stood up from the tree, closing the distance between them so that there were mere inches between them. His hand moved to stroke her hair from her face. "But you may certainly help me." He increased his Veela charms. The girl really stood no chance against him -- and the light smile on his face showed his enjoyment of this.
If she could think clearly she knew there had never been another voice like his, Moko seriously believed she could happily listen to him speak all day long. When he moved he startled her somewhat, for all his beauty resembled nothing more than a dream to her. Completely captivated as he approached her and when his hand reached out to brush aside some of her hair an audible gasp escaped her.
"Of course, I would gladly help you" she swore to him, not a flicker of a smile or any other expression crossed her face as it was too dazed to contemplate any emotion other than awe. Her own hands ached to touch him but she dared not incase he disappeared completely. Fingers tightened on her wand and she was in danger of breaking it, as the fingers of her other hand squeezed tightly on the coin. She became fixated on his smile, an image of him laughing came to mind and she mused that it must be simply heaven to watch him laugh. Unbidden into her mind came another smile, another laugh and blinking furiously she tried to rid herself of it and concentrate all her attentions on the man before her. But Alex Cullen had always had a way of getting under her skin when she least wanted him too and now his easy smile and his infectious laughter, a laugh that had been directed her way often enough refused to budge from her mind. She looked at the man again for a moment, shaking her head and wondering what in the world was going on.

"I need to finish something first... that is" she felt utterly confused which was so unlike her "the tourn.. the tournament, I need to find some stones. Can I help you after I've found them?"Why was she asking his permission and why was she still standing directly in front of him when she should have been moving away, running away but her feet would not leave. Her body refused to budge just yet and slowly her mind was pushing Alex Cullen to the back of her mind.
The Veela took in the girl's confusion and his smile widened. He had been given carte blanche with his powers, able to distract her in any way he felt like. He moved his hand to stroke her hair again, sliding it behind her head to pull her closer. "My dear," he whispered, "I believe that your help will be required now, not later. Forget the tournament. Come with me." Taking her free hand in his other, he pulled her off of the path she was on and deeper into the woods, walking backwards lithely as he went. His shoulder-length, chocolate-colored hair moved around him as if molten chocolate and his chocolate eyes never left hers. He allowed his charms to calm her fears, to help her to both follow him and move closer to the goal.

Once they were deep enough into the forest for his satisfaction, he spoke again. "I've been watching you wander the forest. I couldn't resist your charms, Morrigan. Your hair, your eyes. You are perfection. Stay here with me a while."
Moko closed her eyes as his hand reached out once more and touched her hair again. Taking a deep breath which had meant to steady her, it seemed to only carry her away further on whatever enchantment she was under. His voice lowered to a whisper, opening her eyes as he spoke, her gaze drifted once more to his mouth. His absolutely perfect mouth. He was adamant that he needed her help now not later, he pleaded for her to forget the tournament. Part of her raged not to be so stupid, to just walk away with all of her dignity still in tact while the other stood like a helpless fool hanging on his every word.

His fingers were closing around her hand then, guiding her in a different direction from the one she had intended to go. It was only a moment that her eyes drifted that way before turning to look at him. There was no choice to be made anymore. Her own perfect mouth tilted into a smile as she happily followed him, feeling no apprehension as she did so.
"I can spare the time" she would do her best to catch up later, even if it took her until the dead of night to find the runes she would catch up. So her time would not be as good as everyone elses, that seriously didn't bother her now. He needed her help and... he knew her name. Her mouth opened in surprise and her feet stopped suddenly. She could careless if he thought she was beautiful or in his own words perfect, she had been told she was beautiful since she was very small. What bothered her was that a strange man, a beautiful strange man was luring her into the forest, one who knew her name.
Her mind tried to process this fact hastily, something was not right here at all. Slipping her fingers from his, she viewed him closely now.

"Who are you? How do you know...?" her head turned in the direction of where she had left the spectators and judges and snapped about to look at him again, "Are you to prevent me... who are you?"
"Shhhhh. All in good time, my dear. All you need to know is that I will not hurt you. I can help you on your task," he said, once again taking her hand in his. "Or I can prevent you from completing your task." He stroked her face, bringing her back into his charms from her slight panic. "Can you trust me, Morrigan?" He started walking again, pulling her deeper into the forest with him, until he finally stopped in a dimly lit clearing. The girl had no idea that she was close to the first rune, and she wouldn't until he decided that he was done playing with her for the moment. She didn't know that he was not the only one in the forest either. For now, her ignorance was best.

He stroked her hair, enjoying the feel of it in his fingers. "Morrigan, you are enticing. Tell me, why are you searching for Jera and Algiz? What meaning do they have in your life?" He wanted to see if she was still capable of coherent thought or if he had her completely befuddled at this point.
His voice was so soothing and any apprehension that may have filtered in soon left her, his brown eyes held her fast. He would not hurt her, she believed him somehow. When his hand touched her face, stroking it gently Moko lost all sense of flight. She simply walked with him, guided by his hand holding hers. Could she trust him? Her mind and heart instantly told her yes and gave room for no other thought.
"Yes" her voice was a whisper as she continued to follow him, like a willing captive she went. Another stroke of her hair and Moko wanted nothing more than to lean her cheek against his palm. The questions he posed to her should have been easy enough to answer and yet she became perplexed that she could not answer them as swiftly as she aught to be able too. She looked at him anxiously afraid that he would be angry or upset with her because her mind was taken up with him and had room for nothing else.

"Jera.. I .. that is..." she faltered over the answers, biting her lower lip as her fingers in his squeezed his own in her anxiety. Looking away from him as if she was so unworthy, she shook her head.
"I'm so sorry, I know I ..." she wanted to please him desperately and perhaps this was the only reason a haze of logic broke through. The desire to give him what he wanted, something that was in her possession to give him.
"A tournament, the ... the triwizard tournament is on" she smiled now, looking back up at him delighted she was able to answer him, "I am one of the champions. The runes... those I'm still figuring out but I will. I promise, if you want me to discover their meanings in my life then I will do it ... for you".Her voice sounded so breathless as she eagerly took a step closer to him.
'He won't hurt me' she told herself over and over like a necessary chant, 'he said he wouldn't hurt me'.
The Veela listened to the girl stammering over her words and knew that she was just about his. Stroking her cheek, he pulled her back against a tree. Not just any tree, this tree was special, however the girl that he was charming at the moment would have no idea how special until he felt she was ready. "I want you to really think. Why is it that Algiz might be important in your life?" he asked softly as he pulled her close to him, holding her body next to his. He moved his face so that his lips were just barely apart from her ear. "What might it do for you on your quest here in the forest?" He moved his lips along her jawline, millimeters from her skin. He would never touch his lips to her skin. The young girl would never be able to handle his charms if he did. She would be unable to stop and he was not in the mood for breaking his agreement with the school. "Think, my darling Morrigan. Tell me what you remember on that ruin."
Morrigan felt her body move as the man guided her back against a tree, his hand stroking her face was so calmly. As he spoke once more she found their bodies were nestled quite close together, this kind of close contact might have bothered her before, might have caused her to blast some curse at the guy but with this man it was completely different. She found herself leaning against him, resting her head on his chest as she listened carefully to every word he spoke. Glancing up at him, he moved his face so that his lips trailed across her jaw. A tiny gasp escaped her at the sweetness of the action though he physically never actually brushed his lips there. She could feel the warmth of his breath and ached for him to kiss her but instead he spoke.

Knowing that she had to do what she could to please him then she delved as deep into her consciousness as she could, searching for the answers he requested of her. What she discovered was not something she had learnt within the hallow halls of Durmstrang but a memory buried so deep as to be almost forgotten, till now. Her parents had been her first teachers, her guides through life before any school and often they took her on field trips instilling in her always the knowledge of different cultures and lands. At the age of ten they had gone to a beautiful forest in Germany, the name of it alluded her for now but as she leaned her head against his chest listening to the beating of his heart, she felt as if she were transported back to that girl again.</COLOR></FONT>
Her parents were walking ahead of her laughing and bidding her to hurry but as much as she did, she stopped just as often to gaze at some strange plant or huge tree. Fascinated with the different species. Her father had smiled at her and come to see what type had her attention this time.
'That's a yew tree Morrigan, it's a beauty isn't it?" he ruffled her hair and pulled out a small stone attached to a leather strap hanging around his neck, kneeling down beside her he pulled off the chain and showed it to her.

"This is a rune Morrigan, remember we told you about rune stones? well your mother has one and I have one, perhaps someday you too will have one of your own" he grinned at her. Moko of course had looked at it closely, asking him why she could not simply have his one.
"They all mean something different for everyone I guess. We use certain ones when we most need them. This is for protection and this tree here" he gently touched the tree, stroking the bark lovingly, "this rune is the symbol of protection Algiz." he turned the stone upside down in her hand to invert the image for her, "do you see how it once looked like a person holding out it's arms for protection now those same arms are cast down as if the persons defences are down. Every stone has an inverse meaning of course but for now you don't need any, you have me to protect you, always Moko always" he ruffled her hair once more kissing the top of her head as he took the chain back and stood up to continue walking. Moko had looked at the tree and hugged it.
"If he's protecting me and you are protecting him then I thank you" she had laughed before racing on to catch up.​
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She knew tears were not far off, her parents were dead little over a year now and she had tried not to think of them at all if she could help it. It simply hurt too much and that was a sign of weakness.
"Protection" she told him, her voice choked up with emotion, "there is a threat that I must guard against. Something that can prevent me from seeking my goals but I must not just defend myself but persevere." It was not only her fathers words she remembered now but her professors, who would be extremely proud of her.
"It reminds me I must be vigilant" she stood up right once more as if taking stock of the words she spoke, she smiled at him , "I must not get side tracked or waylaid in any way. I must attain my goals but to be patient about it."
The veela smiled. The girl was within his charms, but yet still able to pull some coherent thoughts together. "Yes, algiz is the rune for protection. Very good, my sweet," he said, pulling her back to his arms and stroking her cheek. "You will need protection throughout the tournament to achieve your goal." He thread his fingers into her hair, caressing her scalp to bring her back to a relaxed state. "Morrigan, you will have nothing to fear here in the forest, not today. We will keep you safe." He again moved as though to kiss her, but stopped just before his lips would touch hers. "This tree is special. It will give you what you seek if you look close enough."

After a few more minutes, the veela moved his hands to stroke Morrigan's cheeks, then allowed them to flow down her neck to her shoulders and down her arms. Grasping her hands in his, he raised them to his lips and grazed them gently. "Until we meet again, my darling," he whispered, then let her hands go. With one last smile, he moved quickly away from her and into the thick of the forest. He positioned himself so that she would not be able to see him, but would be able to still spy on her. She was so close to the first ruin, hidden in the knot just around the back of the tree. He would not interact with her again right away, but he would see her again soon. Much sooner than she would be ready for.
She felt utterly elated that he was happy with her answer, he pulled her back close to him again and she went willingly. Knowing full well now that she should really be getting on with her task, Moko still could not help herself. She would do anything for this man, all he had to do was ask her. When he spoke again she smiled, adoring how he said her name she turned her face to look at him again. His lips were inches from hers, with just one tiny movement she could attain in her own view a prize much better than the title of triwizard champion. Again she felt his breath and knew he could feel her own. When he spoke to her once more, she glanced at the tree. What she was seeking was hidden here?

Her gaze darted back to him quickly. Was he really telling her that one of the runes was here? He was helping her not preventing her, looking out for her and protecting her. She wanted nothing more than to throw her arms about him then but instead stood achingly still as he stroked her face and brushed his hands along her shoulders and arms to her hands. She felt tiny shivers coursing through her and goosebumps erupt upon her skin. Never had she wanted someone so badly in all her life. His lips barely kissed her hands yet she felt the warmth instantly. As he left her with another of his beautiful smiles, she could only stare dumbfounded. He had left her but that was ok, he had told her that they would keep her safe. She hadn't thought to ask who the 'they' was but it somehow didn't matter anyhow. Her own mouth went to the part of her hands he had kissed and gently she kissed the same spot. Closing her eyes and imaging it was he, himself that she was kissing.
Knowing that she had to continue with her task, Moko looked back at the tree. Taking a deep breath she gingerly touched the bark first. Glancing upwards as if it could have been hidden amongst the branches or the leaves. Her gaze then lowered to the forest floor surrounding the tree, the raised roots and debris all about.

She knew the other champions were most likely well on their way by now but it didn't bother her. Somewhere here lay one of the runes and she had a feeling it was also Algiz. Why else would he have questioned her so much about it? On hands and knees she scoured the base of the tree but found nothing, but she did not give up. He had said what she was looking for was here and she believed him. Moving slowly yet deligently around the tree she checked every inch of the base but to no avail. Standing up once more she noticed little knots and small holes in the trunk and tried to peer inside them. Some of course were much too small so she shone the light from her wand inside. Time was ticking by and patiently and painstakingly she checked every single one and then she found something. A small stone that her long slender fingers were just able to reach, pulling it out she smiled. In fact she couldn't stop smiling.

Clasping it closely to her she stared out into the forest, hoping that she would get to see him at some point again.
"Thank you" she whispered with another smile, then brushing off the stone she looked at the symbol that matched the one on her coin and the one that had been on her fathers chain. Carefully she placed it into a small pouch on the side of her belt, twirled her wand once more in the next direction she would walk in and took off in search of jera.

Again her feet covered ground that she was unfamiliar with but she was considerably less apprehensive of things jumping out to terrify her now than she had been earlier. He had promised her she would not be harmed. As much as her mind was now on the task at hand, it reverted back to the man as well. She smiled when she thought of him, unaware of the dreamy look that overcame her features when she did. Her progress was slow moving now, she could not contain herself from leaning against the occasional tree picturing lips touching her hands. The same hands she clutched to her heart while a gentle sigh escaped her. It was crazy of her to feel like this about any male, especially so soon after Alex but she couldn't help herself. It was as if her heart had discovered a rainbow and wanted to reach it's end, believing that she would find the greatest treasure there. She closed her eyes imagining his face, able to picture it with perfect clarity as yet another sigh escaped her.

Morrigan Kolina Craven was not a girlie girl by any stretch of the imagination, had never given over to silly gossiping with a cackle of females discussing boys, makeup and clothes. She had always preferred to study, to work hard, to put everything but feelings and emotions first. Of course the one time she had allowed her feelings to be expressed at all, they had been rebuked. Thrown at her with a well practiced aim, that had hit her mind, body and soul. She had sworn never again to allow any man to hurt her and yet, she felt no anxiety about these irrational feelings for a complete stranger. She did not become exasperated at her behavior as she wandered slowly through the forest conjuring butterflies of different colors to hover before her creating love heart shapes in the air.

Smiling and humming to herself as if she were madly, truly and deeply in love she continued to walk onwards. Until suddenly as if realizing it for the very first time she could hear noice all about her. It was simply the noises of the forest but up until that moment it was as if she had been unable to hear any of them. She frowned and looked about her. The silver trunks of the yew trees were long gone, the Ash and Willow were no longer in view though all about her stood the strong tall stately Oak trees. She should have been happy that she had found some at least, after if the algiz had been found by a yew tree then surely the jera would be found by an oak. There was so many of them though, seeming to spread out for miles in every direction. Again it was a needle in a haystack situation but that was not what upset her. Moko knew she had to find the other rune but if she did so, her chances of ever seeing that man again might be completely over. Her arms wrapped around her waist, the smile was now gone as only the loneliness of his absence filled her. The place seemed less brighter, less substantial without him here guiding her but did she really want his guidance? No, Moko was devastated to discover that she would throw the tournament and all the trappings of being a champion just for him. The sigh that escaped her now was so forlorn, the butterflies she had conjured crumbled into colorful petals about her falling to the forest floor and disappearing. What had he done to her?
The Veela followed the Durmstrang girl as she progressed through the forest, avoiding dead leaves and twigs so as to not make her aware of his presence. Yet. She'd already found the first rune, Algiz, thanks to the first veela, so all that was left was Jera.

Morrigan had stopped walking, and seemed upset, the butterflies she had conjured earlier crumbling around her. Perhaps she needs to be cheered up. The Veela thought, moving around to the oak tree's in front of the Durmstrang champion and stepping out into view, flashing her a brilliant smile. "Hello."
She mused that she had not even had the sense to ask him his name. Sure he knew her name but what good was that, she should have asked him to write to her that any owl would surely find her. How many Moko Craven's were there for crying out loud but it was no good. As the petals fell about her for the first time in her life she felt the claws of depression over come her. Not even her parents death had created such an abyss inside of her. Before she could brood over her loss any longer a movement stirred her and raising her wand it was to see another equally devastating handsome man greeting her.

Moko frowned, was it literally raining men today? Not just any type of man but absolutely the most handsome men she had ever seen in her life. Her mouth fell open and not a single sound came out as she looked at him. Her eyes could not look anywhere else though her heart was beating rapidly and with each beat she was certain she could hear the word 'fickle' being drummed out.
"Hi" she eventually said breathlessly, only then looking about her to see if he was going to appear as well. The thought that maybe this man, all handsome and alone in the forest as the other had been might actually know the other came to mind. A smile spread then across her own beautiful face and she moved foolishly closer to ask this of him. Yet the closer she walked, the less she thought of the first young man and the more she seemed consumed by the one in front of her. So much so that by the time she was standing almost directly in front of him, she had quite forgotten what she was going to ask him.
"Hi" was all she managed again.
Watching from the shadows, the Veela followed along, waiting for his counterpart for the task to make his move. He did not want her to see him, his effect on her was more than he had expected. She was too young for him, a fact that he kept in the front of his mind as he toyed with her emotions before, but he was hired to distract her from the task at hand. The envelope with coordinates that he was given before he moved into the forest also held her fate in his hands. If not for him, she would literally be looking for a needle in a haystack.

Moving silently through the forest, he smiled as he recognized the look on her face. Morrigan was falling under the other's spell. Good. This is going perfectly. Soon she will be ready. His smile grew wider as he thought over what else he had planned for her. Little did she know what torture he had planned for her.
The Veela's smile widened as the girl came over, only to be completely consumed by his charms. So far, things were going perfectly. "What's a girl like you doing in a place like this?" He inquired, his voice layered with his veela powers. "It's not a very safe place to be."
She felt completely strange the closer she got. As if nothing at all mattered to her but the man before her. She could no longer remember the first that had helped her so consumed now was her mind by the effects of the veela power this one evoked. She felt lost and found all at once, save and yet in complete danger.

Why was she here? Looking about her she knew she was in a forest but had no clue why she was here. Her gaze drifted back to the man before her, the beautiful being who was speaking to her.
"I don't know" she answered truthfully,"would you not keep me safe?"
Morrigan had fallen completely under the second Veela's charms, having even forgotten why she was there. He smirked at this, and extended his hand to the girl. "There is no need to worry, my dear. You're safe as long as you're with me."
Perhaps it had simply been too much for her or any woman for that matter, two veela's in such short a space of time. How could she resist? Her defenses had been lowered considerably with the first and now with the second she had not stood any chance at all. She smiled brightly at him when he reassured her that she was safe once she was with him and closer she moved again. Wanting only to be near him, to please him. Placing a hand on the trunk of the tree as she did so her hand snagged on a roughened branch that pierced her skin. Blood spurted from the small wound but the pain seemed to waken her somewhat.
"ouch" she grabbed her hand to her and though she was still very close to the veela she looked at him with somewhat of a puzzled air compared to earlier. Her hand throbbed a bit, not enough to be completely uncomfortable but enough to allow her mind to reach back to reality.
"Who are you?" this time she wanted a name, needed a name before she felt she would go insane.
As the girl snagged on the branch, she gained more of her senses, which angered the Veela somewhat. His brow momentarily burrowed in frustration, but he quickly resumed his charming smile, he could still bring her back into his power. "Of course, how rude of me. My name is Andrew." He lied, his voice remaining dreamy and hypnotic. He'd chosen the name before the task, in case something like this happened. "May I know your name in return, my love? Or will I have to come up with one for you?" He asked with a wink. His voice was layered with more of his power. He didn't want her to 'wake up' as easily again.
She noted the change in his facial expression and gasped. Had she caused that? The slight pain in her hand momentarily forgotten as she moved to stand directly before him, her strong yet gentle hand reached up to his forehead and gently stroked the skin as if wishing to smooth it. Her world seemed now infinitely smaller, consisting of only two people and no one and nothing else.
"Andrew" she repeated almost dazedly, "that is so beautiful a name, strong a good strong name".
she moved her hand but did not want to move from him, her chocolate brown eyes stared almost love struck into his own.
"My name..." she smiled, "my name is Morrigan but you can call me anything you choose".
Her voice was like a whisper now, as her eyes focused on his lips. He was so utterly perfect it was almost painful to stand so close to him, as if her very presence would tarnish his perfection somehow. Feeling completely unworthy of him she stepped back, casting her eyes downwards but he had called her his love and that gave her hope. She felt in that moment that he could tell her to jump from the top of a tree and she would do it for him, she was his completely.
The Veela felt more calm as the girl had once again fully succumbed to him. "Morrigan. What a pretty name. What does it mean?" He asked, taking a step forward and staring deep into her eyes. He brought his hand up to her face, caressing it gently as she replied. His own face was as beautiful as ever. As if right from a dream.
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