Closed Talking About the Future

Ren Lockwood

Lazy- Artist- Sweet...ish
OOC First Name
Jess S
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Eucalyptus Wand 13 1/2" Essence of Mermaid Scale:
3/2037 (24)
Ren had really had a relaxed time at Hogwarts. For the most part. Aside from the incidents with Eric and Sydney early on. But they had all been kids. He was lounging in the student lounge, stretched out comfortably on one of the couches. He was supposed to meet up with Sam soon. He had picked a bigger couch so that they could cuddle, and he already had a blanket draped over the back of the couch so he could pull it over them once she had settled down. He was half asleep already, basking in the warmth of the late afternoon sun.
Samantha had felt a mixture of feelings when returning back to Hogwarts for one final time. She had a whirlwind of memories here, and she was sad to leave at the end. But right now, Samantha wanted to make the most of it. The Hufflepuff had made her way to the Student Lounge, where she was going to meet up with her boyfriend. She entered the room, and noticed him right away, as there weren't many people around. "Hey, you," Samantha says with a small giggle, as she sat down next to him and kissed him on the cheek. "How are you doing?"
Ren looked up, smiling at the girl and immediately holding open his arms. "Better now that you're here," He told her, knowing that it was a bit corny but not minding in the least. "Why don't we cuddle and talk a while?" He offered. "I have a blanket and snacks and a full day of freedom to spend with you," he winked playfully, thinking it would be a great way to spend the day.
Samantha blushed and giggled a little at Ren's comment, even though they had been dating for a slight while, the Hufflepuff still wasn't used to the comments. Sam smiled as she entered his open arms. "Sure, some cuddles sound nice," Samantha says with a small smile "Blanket and snacks? Now that sounds like my kind of thing. Was there anything in mind you wanted to talk about?" Sam says with a chuckle, as she gets into a comfortable position and snuggles closer to Ren.
Ren smiled, pulling the blanket down around Sam and putting his arm around her. "Well, it is our last year," he told her, rubbing his thumb lightly over her arm. "We could talk about that." He gave her a soft smile. "Have you thought much about next year?" He asked, genuinely curious.
Samantha leans closer in his arm and snuggles underneath the blanket as she listens to what Ren was talking about. She thought for a moment about Ren's question. "Honestly, I haven't really. Nor have I thought about doing career-wise. But I have had some thoughts about it" Samantha says with a small shrug, as she finally responds to his question after a bit of thinking. She had different thoughts about things. "How about you? Have you thought about it much?"
Ren smiled, rubbing his thumb gently over her shoulder. "I'm not sure. I think I'm just going to work in my mother's bookshop." He told her. "I might study my art more." He reached over and pressed a kiss to her temple. "Is there anything you might want to do?" He asked.

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