Taking a Breather

Katalina Harker

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Bloodwood Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Phoenix Ash
((If you would like to join me in this RP then please just PM me before doing so!! Thanks :D ))

Kat had finally finished her exams and now had entirely too much time on her hands. She was bored just sitting around the common room and didn't much feel like staying cooped up inside the castle when it was unusually bright out. She grabbed her sweater and ran out of the giant front doors and out across the school grounds. Once she'd reached the lawn she slowed down her pace to a brisk walk. She was releived that she'd be getting to go home soon for a few weeks anyways as she'd been missing her family quite a bit as of late. Her thoughts then fluttered to the upcoming Yule Ball. A sudden wave of saddness overcame her, but she quickly pushed the feeling out of the way and the memory that accompanied it. She was going with friends this year and that made her happy. No sense in dwelling on the past when there was nothing that she could do to change any of it. Kat stopped at a tree and sat down, leaning her back against the trunk for support. She rested her head and closed her eyes, letting the sun warm her face.
Kiera had decided to enjoy the sunshine outside. It was still chilly so Kiera had on a Northface jacket she had gotten from her dad last year at Christmas. She was finally done with her exams and couldnt be happier. She was excited about the upcoming dance as she had been asked by someone.

Kiera had made her way down to the lawn. There she saw her friend Kat who appeared to be asleep. She crept up behind her with a bright grin on her face. "Boo!" she shouted as she grabbed Kat's shoulders.
Kat nearly jumped out of her skin and let out a chilling scream. She turned to see that it was Kiera who'd given her such a fright. Grabbing her chest she looked at her friend with a look of mock terror on her face and said, "My heart...I think it's just stopped!" She sat like that for a moment and then started laughing, looking to Kiera she added, "You ought not to do that to people...it's a good way to give someone a heart attack, or get killed."
Kiera laughed. She really shouldnt scare people like that but it was so funny! Kiera sat down next to Kat.

"Im surprised you are not used to things like that yet! I have a bad habit of surprising you." she said in a joking and playful voice.
Kat laughed and said sarcastically, "Yes, one would think that by now i'd be used to it, but no such luck!" She sat back against the tree once more, now in a more calm state than she had been moments earlier. "So what have you been up to? Finish your exams yet?" she inquired.
Kiera grinned at Kat. She took a seat on the soft grass next to her. She looked up and the clear blue sky. "I finally did. I finished them this morning. Im so happy to be done!" Kiera said happily. "Im guessing you have too and thats why you're out here enjoying the air." Kiera said with a smile. She remembered the package her dad had sent her this morning, per her request of course. "So Katalina are you going to the Yule Ball?" she asked.
Kat smiled and said, "Yeah I finished mine about an hour ago. Glad that they are over and done with that's for sure." She thought about Kiera's question for a little bit before responding, "Yes...i'll be there." There wasn't much enthusiasm in her tone and she was hoping that her friend wouldn't notice.
Kat sighed heavily and said dryly, "It just makes me a little sad you know...to think about how different things are from last year...I mean Caysi's not here, Makato's not here...people just keep disappearing it seems like." She knew that things were going to get better, things had alread gotten loads better since this summer, but that didn't make that hurt feeling go away completely.
Kiera nodded her head. "I know what you mean. I hate that people keep leaving us." she knew it was worse for Kat. She had been really close to Makato. "Have you got a dress yet?" she asked.
Putting a smile on and trying to highlight the postive Kat replied in a little bit brighter tone, "Yeah, my mum went to a muggle dress store again this year with my auntie Rose and bought me one. I received it just the other day. Do you have a dress yet?" Kat picked a blade of grass and began to twirl it between her fingers. She then returned her gaze to Kiera and asked with a sly grin, "Going to be accompanying anyone to the ball?"
"Oh Kat that sounds lovely! I wish my mother did thinks like that for me." Kiera said. She looked up at the clear blue sky. Kiera heard both of Kat's questions and returned Kat's sly smile with a grin. "Well I bought my dress over the summer at a small one of a kind boutique close to my house in California. My dad sent it to me the other day." she said happily. At least she had a great dad even if her mother wasnt... "Actually I am..." she said mysteriously. She intentionally drew out the suspence. "Bruin asked me the other day." Kiera said.
"OH wow! California? I've never been there, but i've heard it's fun and sunny all the time!" she said excitedly. With Kiera's second response Kat's jaw dropped and then her mouth curved into a huge cheesy grin. "Oh really?! So...are you two, urm, you know?" she didn't even know how to finish the sentence. She was at a loss for words.
Kiera laughed at Kat's reaction to the news that Kiera was going with Bruin to the ball. Kat looked speachless. "Oh no I dont think so...I mean weve always been close. I went to ask him with some advice about a problem and well he asked me to the dance." Kiera said with a shrug. She and Bruin were just friends or at least thats what Kiera thought for now. "As to California, it is beautiful but not as great as Georgia where I used to live. You need to come visit me in Cali over the summer." Kiera said with a grin.
Kat was still trying to sort through the shock of Kiera and Bruin when Kiera had said something about visiting California over the summer. "I'd love to!" she said a little over zealously.
Kiera grinned. "Great! I want you to come. I get tired of just talking to the boys." she said honestly. Cameron and his friends were fun to hang out with sometimes but they could be mean to her as well.
Kat was thrilled, she'd have to ask her mum and daddy of course, but she was sure they'd have no problem with it. With the thought of her parents she hopped up, remembering that she'd promised to write to them the instant she finished her exams to let them know her plans for the Christmas holidays. "Sorry Kiera, I have to run up to the owlery to write to my parents and then I have to get packed. I'm leaving the day after the Yule Ball and I want to have everything ready. I'll be sure to mention about going home with you over the summer too."
Kiera grinned. "Great! I guess Ill see you at the ball." she said to her friend. Kiera laid back on the grass. She was leaving the day after the ball too but Kiera didnt quite feel like going back inside just yet.

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