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Shaylah Rouge

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Taneaka [main]
15" Ebony and Raven Feather
Hey guys,

I have a few different characters that could all do with some more action. If you have a character that could have any sort of roleplay with them (and I mean any) then just post here and I'll get back to you ASAP.

Shaylah Rouge (15) - Shaylah is my main character and I am on this account most of the time. She is a very lonely girl with a very very short temper. Shaylah is mostly lonely by choice. She has an unwanted talent of being able to push people away. She was a nice girl until her dad went to azkaban but the shock and pain it caused her sent her in the other direction. Gradually since then, Shaylah has managed to push away all of her friends and family and now has only one friend.

Angelica "Lily" Green (14) - Until Lily's younger sister's were born, she was the only girl of the seven children in the Green family. She was also the youngest. This has taught Lily to be a bit of a spoilt br@t and she enjoys it. On the other hand, she is a very loyal friend to anyone who earns her trust. She would never blow the trust of one of her friends unless there was a very good reason.

Jerrod Green (14) - Jerrod is cold hearted and enjoys it. Well, at least he was until he fell in love. Jerrod is slowly starting to turn into a decent person. He's a better friend to people than he used to be and he's starting to find it easier to find friends. This is pushing him further and further away from his sister (Lily) though so there are times where it becomes too much and he blows.

Dervish Green Jr. (24) - Dervish is a kind guy who likes to get around. He is divorced and has a girlfriend who he is very loyal to. Derv has had two sons from his ex-wife and his girlfriend is currently pregnant but he is a death eater so he is always aware that he could be putting his family in danger by being around them. Derv may be kind but he enjoys working as a death eater because he likes seeing other people suffer more than him and getting on his bad side is the worst idea anyone could ever have.

Kenneth Hickman-Vallender (18) - Kenny is one of the most caring guys anyone could ever meet. He always put his friends before himself. He's never gotten on with his parents and even less so when he told them he was gay. Ken is an only child so he's always been spoilt but he never acts spoilt. He just uses what he gets off his parents and makes them more useful. Kenny owns a pub in London and the one thing he is constantly doing is looking for cute gay guys.

Woody Green (21) - Woody is just like his older brother, a get around. He spends every night at a different pub eying up different girls and he usually manages to get the girl he wants. Woody has never had a partner or a proper job. He lives in a one person flat which is paid for by his mum. Woody has a soft side which isn't shown very often but he's loved by everyone when it is shown.

David Green (21) - David is a very responsible man. He runs a grocery shop in Ontario, Canada. Dave is the kindest of the Green children but he's had a rough time. He married and had a daughter before his wife got killed in a car accident. He hasn't had the heart to look for another partner yet as he is still in love with Sandra. This has caused arguments between him and Woody as Woody wants him to get around a bit.

Steven Green (17) - Steve has just graduated from Hogwarts Scotland and is struggling to work out where to go next. He'd quite like to get a job and settle down with a woman but he doesn't know what job to do and he doesn't know where he stands with his girlfriend. He is a smart boy who enjoys proving to people that he is smarter than him. This puts him in a bad mood when it backfires on him.

Samaire Green (43) - Sam is a mother to nine children. The oldest is twenty four while the youngest have just turned five. It may only be nine children that she's given birth to but she feels responsible for seventeen. Two are dead, one's in azkaban, two she never sees anymore and three are her grandchildren. Sam manages to keep a very cool head with so much stress on her shoulders. Sam is kind to everyone but she's very nosey and very stuck up so her behaviour can sometimes be misunderstood as cruel and heartless.

All of these peeps need friends, enemies, crushes, loves etc. Help?? Please??

TinTin :hug:

So yeah, let me get to the point. ;)


Hamza is quite the total opposite of what Shaylah's personality is. Seeing as Shaylah has gone through a lot of stress and pain in her life, perhaps Hamza could help her out and help her to come out of her bubble? Hamza is very quick and good at adjusting into helping people with pain. He never really loses his temper, and that's one of his best qualities, and that when a lot of people with opposite personalities to his melt in front of him. So maybe, he can help her out and the two can be really close friends, or more?


Well, seeing as the two are both death eaters, they can have anything between them. Enemies, friends, or partners? Selwin is a very evil individual, who shows no mercy to anyone, not even his fellow death eaters. He will forcefully take people out of his way if he needs to, even if they are his friends. When he has a goal in mind, he will not let anyone stop him from getting there. Maybe the two can have a collision between each other where one does something to make the other mad, and the two have a duel, and then eventually find out that they are both death eaters and part of the same organization and start a friendship from there?

Let me know. ^_^
Hamza :hug:

Shaylah and Hamza - That would work as long as he's ready to block a punch because Shaylah doesn't like people trying to get into her business and that's when her short temper shows.

Dervish and Selwin - Selwin would have to prove himself to Dervish somehow. As he doesn't have a dark mark yet, I don't know how he would do that. It's a great idea if you can find a way though??

Hamza will be ready for anything. :p

How would Selwin do what? o_O
Shall I start a RP for them or do you want to??

How would he prove his a death eater??
Shaylah Rouge said:
Shall I start a RP for them or do you want to??

How would he prove his a death eater??
I'll start one for Selwin and you can do for Hamza/Shaylah. ^_^

Oh, there's plenty of way's to do that. ;) The curses are one of them, but I don't want Selwin heading to Azkaban just yet. Lol. Perhaps Selwin could try to use curses on Dervish, but due to Dervish's experience, he could block them and try to turn the tables on Selwin.
Tin :hug:

For Sam I have Seamus Finnigan who can possibly be a love interest. He's a very direct and blunt person. But can also be super loving and caring. He would do anything for his family and loves them to death. His wife left him because she's evil and now he's all alone with no one to love :p
Haha, that's so true. If they got married it could be the Brady bunch, and a whole bunch of drama between Caysi and Dervish.. That would be the best plot ever :) Want me to start something or would you like to start something?
Plus the fact that their kids were married. Lol.
You start please XD Love you sis Xx
Hey :)

Kenneth Hickman-Vallender. I have Gwenneth-Adrie Linde who is a current 5th year at Durmstrang. And Maximilian and Adalyn Jez will be 6th year and 4th year at Durmstrang once they are switched into the group

Shaylah Rouge. I have Georgiana Night (13) a second year Gryffindor. She's very open to people and caring as she raised her twin brother and younger sister since she was little when her mother left them. She currently has a few older friends so it wouldn't be a big suprise for her to be around another one.

Lily could easily be friends as Georgiana as well I feel.

Samaire Green. I have Sandokan Bruke (36) he raised his niece after his halfsister died and didn't want to see his niece go to an orphanage. She's 18 now so he's good with younger people as well as other parents having gone to many meetings and help sesions to learn what to do.
Steph :hug:

Kenny's graduated from Durmstrang now so it depends on whether any of them would recognise him from when he was at the school.

Shay wouldn't be friends with Georgiana. She supports the feud between Slytherin and Gryffindor.

Lily could be friends with her but there would have to be a reason as Lily tries to avoid Gryffindors.

Sandokan would be a great friend for Sam. I think friends is the one thing she desperately needs at the moment.

Hmm Gwenneth wouldn't remember him thats for sure she transfered in this year. I could easily say Maxxie has always gone there and he'd only be two years younger then him then. But it depends on if he would hang out with a guy who designs clothing for his sister.

That's fine then for both girls Georgianas just the out going type of person.

Yipppe a friend for Sandokan, he currently has no one, which is sad.
Kenny could be friends with Maxxie easily. He loves fashion and would be interested in being friends with someone who designs.

Shall we have Georgiana and Lily being friends then??

Do you want to start an RP or shall I??

Alright Kenny and Max sound fine then :)

Sure they can be friends :D

Could you? I have to get to work on a essay due tomorrow.
Shall we start RPs for Kenny & Max and Lily & Georgiana as well then??

Sure. Not promising anything great though. Sam's still a bit of a mystery to me.
Shaylah Rouge said:
Shall we start RPs for Kenny & Max and Lily & Georgiana as well then??

Sure. Not promising anything great though. Sam's still a bit of a mystery to me.
Yeah that sounds good. I can start the Kenny and Max one in a bit or atleast by tomorrow if you want :)
Yeah, that sounds good :D

megara & shaylah
i'm not going to lie to you, megara is a bit of a poop disturber. she is the
fred and george of this generation, except without a 'y' chromosome.
she's only recently started at hnz because of a prank she pulled so she
is going to be a lot more tame here but she will still want to bug people
and shaylah will probably be one of them. that is, unless she enjoys
playing pranks as well but i don't think she would.

nina & david
so nina is a nurse at hogwarts new zealand so she won't go to canada
much but if he happens to come to new zealand randomly they might
meet and i think they could get along. you see, ms nina patrokov is a
mommy. however, she is having a bit of trouble with the father right
now because he ran off on her when she told him that she was having
his baby. now he wants back in the picture and she's all stressed out.
maybe they could teach each other about letting go of the past?

jennifer & steven
this is jennifer, she is a seventh year at hogwarts new zealand but if
they were to meet during brightstone weekend or something, here is
how i think it would go down: jenn doesn't look like much of a smart
girl but she is one. so maybe he could be a snob and she could be like
bam, i'm a smarty and he could get pissed off but maybe they might
end up getting on anyways and becoming decent friends? she also
has no idea what she wants to do after school although she's thinking
about going for a professional quidditch career.
Hey Alexis :hug:

If Megara wants to bug Shaylah then she wants to have bruises because Shay wont hold back when it comes to getting rid of a bug. She likes seeing people in pain because it makes her feel better about her own so she would probably end up punching Megara or something.

Nina sounds like she would get along with Dave so it would be great for him to have someone to help him move on and he could do the same for her. If she's single then the two of them could have a bit of a love thing going on.

It would be great fun to have someone to knock Steve off his snob pole. He would only start to like her if she started making comments that impressed him though. I'll leave you to think about that one. Lol.

Btw, love the layout. :D


megara & shaylah
megara is pretty good at not getting caught so me thinks that shaylah
won't know it's her. maybe like a month or two after getting pranked
shaylah sees that it is meg?

nina & david
actually, nina is single but she is going to get together with the father
of her baby so she needs to forget the past and how he hurt her so she
can trust him again. but yaye, friends.

jennifer & steven
what would impress him? & thanks... i kind of stole it from emmah.
Lol. She would be dead when Shaylah realised it was her though. (Not literally.) Shay doesn't like people getting the better of her. She'd be impressed by the pranks but she'd want them to be played on someone else rather than her.

Hehe. Okay. He needs a friend as well so it's all good.

Steve's impressed by any sort of witty comment really. As long as it's a good one of course.


megara & shaylah
ooh i haz me a plot idea. you don't happen to have skype or twitter so
it can be kind of secretive?

nina & david
would you mind starting something? i have two threads that i need to
reply to.

jennifer & steven
i'm sure she could pull it off. i'll just have to put my thinking cap on.
Sure. My skype's tanoodle.wombat and my twitter is ShaylahMR

I will try but I don't think it'll be done tonight. I'm in a few RPs atm and mum's moaning that I should be asleep because I have school tomorrow. I'm trying to grab as much extra time on the internet as I can before she gets annoyed.

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