Take your pick.

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Here's the Max and Kenny one :)

I must be really bad with reading cause I totally missed the fact Kenny is gay, but Maximilian is bi-curious as he isn't sure which side he fits into yet.


megara & shaylah
okay i sent it to your twitter.

nina & david
okay if you want to pm me on nina's account when you've posted it
that would be great. i'll get to it when i get back from my trip.

I haven't got anything. You sure you sent it??
Hey there Taneaka!

Our Rp seems to be unfinished just want to inform you. :p

And. . .also I'm wondering if some of your characters could be a friend or a lover perhaps. Someone Slytherin Please? Thanks! :wub:
Oh yeah. Completely forgot about that. Sorry. Please can you send me a link because I can't remember where it is.

The only single (ex) Slytherins I have are Steven (17), Dave (21) and Woody (21) so I think Mel's a bit young for them.
You sure you got the right twitter?? Lol. Because I'm looking at it now and there's nothing new. Plus, I get texts when I get twitter messages and there's been nothing sent to my phone. You could always just add me on skype??
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