Take on the world, my children

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Ainslee Maxwell

Mum to 🧒🏻🧒🏻👧🏻 | Head of IUOM
OOC First Name
Agent Smith
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Sturdy 14 inches Oakwood wand with Magaul feather core
Sorry for the epic title, can't seem to think anything else.

So ... I'll be offering my adult characters because, in my opinion, they're awesome to roleplay. Basically, I need to start with friends, enemies (preferably from way back in the day), love life (depending of the IC) or both, frenemies (rivals in someway; i.e boys, sports, etc.) anyone interested just shoot me a PM or reply here.
Ainslee Maxwell
20 years old
Improper Use of Magic Offices
Has a nobility title
She might be simple yet she will speak what's on her mind. Ainslee's strong appeal is her governance, she's much of a leader than a follower. Though, she's not strict like her brother but opposite. She might rebel sometimes and joke around but in a dire situation, Ainslee will act as an adult.

Okay, Ainslee barely has friends, maybe two. I would like friends as much as possible, enemies are the same but love life has been promised to someone (Still not sure).
Jessica Fields
23 years old
She's Ainslee's sister-in-law's sister. Jessica lives in the states as a MACUSA Auror. But for some recent events, she might transfer to New Zealand. Jessica is a self-absorbed, envy and greedy woman. She let her sister use her daughter to scam Ainslee's brother into marriage.

Not much on Jessica as she's a new addition. Everything goes with this IC, even a love life.
Missouri Belcher
26 years old
International Confederation of Wizards, United States Seat
A former legislature politician turned ambassador for MACUSA. Despite having a resting b*tch face, Missouri is a kind, loving and helpful person. She also looks out for other peoples needs from she was a politician and up till now. She current reside in New Zealand

This one definitely had not been role play yet. So, yep, everything goes with this one, too.
Samantha HoustonOkay, so, she's not even registered yet but I'm open to plots and the like. Or I can PM you about her :D
[th colspan="2"]Girls just wanna have fun[/th]
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