Closed Take Notes

Leah Thorne

7th year 🧨 headstrong 🧨 bossy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Pure Blood
Relationship Status
Curved 12 Inch Unyielding Reed Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
08/2046 (17)
Leah felt like a different person this year. Last year she hadn't been talking to Chase, she hadn't gotten her a prefect badge, and while she had been arguing with her parents she hadn't fully disappointed them. But this year she had her best friend back, a prefect badge, and as far as her parents went, they had let her come back to school. She knew their threat was an empty one but even the thought of it was enough for her to try a bit harder in her lessons and use her badge for good. As well as help Chase in her free time. She sat on the ground on the shady end of the pitch as the Hufflepuff team conducted their try outs. If anyone noticed her lurking no one asked as she took notes. When they were done and back on the ground she got up and slowly made her way to Chase. She reached down and grabbed a quaffle that had been left on the grass. She gave it a toss and caught it. "So not the biggest turn out I've seen." she said not wasting time getting to the point.
Last year had been terrible in every aspect Chase could think of. His family situation had been messy, he had spend most of the year on his own, his grades weren't all that and his team had lost dramatically. This year, he hoped things would be better. Sure, his relationship with his mom was still a bit iffy but he was starting to actually like having his half-brother around every now and then. Mostly because the older boy had put the effort in getting to know him. That had to mean he wasn't just going to up and leave, right? So yeah. This year would be better. It probably already was since at the very least he had his best friend back. Annoying unwarranted advice and all. "That might be a bit of an understatement." Chase huffed as he looked down at the names on his clipboard. It wan't surprising to have a low turn out seeing as all of their starter spots were already filled but it was difficult not to think it probable that their loss last year had scared people off. Who'd want to volunteer for a losing team?
Leah held the quaffle and gave Chase an apologetic look. "Listen, not everyone can be Gryffindor." she said with a smirk. Their try-outs were always a bit of a blood bath. The pitch crowded with people trying to get one of the few spots on the team. She was tempted to toss the quaffle at him but his hands were full and she didn't need to repeat their first encounter. "Well you're going to need to let the first year on the team." she said a little grimly. She had tried out as a first year but she and definitely not made the team, for good reason. "And look on the bright side, you're not short any players." she offered genuinely. "Ilvermorny won last year and they didn't even a single alt."
Chase groaned at Leah's response. It was no secret that the Gryffindor try outs were always extremely busy, even if all starter positions were filled like they had been for his own team this year. Perhaps most Hufflepuffs were just slightly more.. mellow. "I know that." He nodded when Leah mentioned the first year. "Other good thing about that is that he did show some potential." Chase added. Having a first year on the team wasn't the most ideal situation but he'd prefer a young kid with potential over being down a player. "Do you think people weren't bothered because the team was already pretty full though?" He questioned carefully, not willing to mention the other option that was playing on his mind. Which was that people had simply been scared off because of how badly things had gone last year.
Leah held her hands up in a mock surrender at Chase's response. She didn't want to step on his toes but he had asked for her advice. She didn't want to come off as harsh herself but she was trying to be honest. "I guess so." she agreed when he pointed out the first year had potential. "And long term it's for the best. If they start now, in a few years they'll be even better." she said with a shrug. "Not that that does us much good this year." she added under her breath. Leah considered his question. It was hard to say what made people try out or not year to year. "Could be." she said rocking her head from side to side noncommittally. "You never know!" she added quickly. "There could be some first years taking flying right now that are just dying to try out next year!" she offered encouragingly.

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