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Sydney Caine

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Bois d'Arc Wand 15 1/4" Essence of Crystallized Dragon Fire
Sydney is a mean little girl who enjoys taking the mick out of people and making them cry. She likes to think she's better than anyone else. Unfortunatly it seems she has no friends, wondering if that could be changed. She already has a few enemies, i don't need anymore but they wouldn't hurt her. Anyone up for it?

Any age will do. She aint picky as long as your cruel.
How about Maisie?

She is: Arrogant, domineering, self-loving, muggle hating, mud blood hating, melodramatic, scheming, horrible...

She is also a werewolf... but people don't know that yet :shifty:

does that fit the bill? :p

ALSO, she is going to pure blood but you can't apply to be a pure blood when your unsorted so yeh thats why she isn't a pure blood.. unsorted peeps have to wait till were sorted <_<
I know, the applying thing bugged me a bit. :(

Sounds like she couls be a best friend. That makes one person. I forgot to mention Sydney is very into fashion but is willing to get her clothes messed up if she needs or wants to or just cant be bothered not to.
She sounds like a bit of a Glam Sqaud member :p

Buut she will be a first years,, and it seems the GS are going to dislike the first years from now on :p (With Nia being the exception)
Sorry.. I was lurking.. and I felt the need to post.. figuring you had another character on here.. apparently I was wrong and now I'm just making a nice fool of myself *blush*
I do have another character. None of them are at school though. I think I know what your on about though.

forgot to log out other person, sorry.
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