Open Sweet Sunrise

Kauri Morales-Tipene

positive 💛 helpful 💛 sunny 💛kids entertainer💛
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Married (Flavio) (Pansexual)
Sexual Orientation
Flavio) (Pansexual
Knotted 12 Inch Swishy Ivy Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
8/2032 (31)
((Pink, open after Kengi Smile))

Kauri had started the morning off early already getting one of his deliveries finished, and he was eager to get the second out of the way before breakfast. He wasn't a hundred percent sure he knew who he was looking for, but the boy's name was familiar enough. When he spotted who he thought he was looking for coming out of the Hufflepuff common room Kauri hurried over, smiling brightly. "Hey! Are you Kengi Smile?"
Kengi Smile walked out of the common room only to be bombarded by an older student. Roses. He forgot it was this time of year. Kengi simply nodded and waited to see what the older student wanted.
Kauri's smile brightened when the boy nodded, relieved he had managed to find the right person. "I've got a rose delivery for you!" He said cheerfully, picking the bright pink rose out of his basket and handing it over with a smile. "It didn't come with a message attached, but I hope you like it!"
Kengi saw the rose and was furious that it came with no note. Kengi took the flower and tossed it on the ground, proceeding to angrily step on it. "Ugh! Not freaking again, Jacob! It's still pink after all of this?!" he yelled not necessarily at the delivery boy, but he was disappointed and angry. He had put so much time and thought into Jacob and this is what he got in return?!
Kauri always looked forward to delivering pink and red roses, excited for the happiness on the faces of people receiving them. It was a shock, then, when the boy in front of him reacted with anything but happiness. He took half a step back at first, but when Kengi was finished yelling, Kauri stepped forward again, hesitantly putting a gentle hand on his shoulder. "Are you okay?" He asked softly. Kauri had other deliveries to get to, but he wouldn't feel right leaving someone so upset without at least seeing if there was anything he could do to help.
Kengi rarely ever got angry, but this was a major exception for his behavior. He had spent so much of his time and energy into Jacob, and this was all he got?! It was disappointing and annoying, and he did not like feeling like he was wasting his time with a person that he really liked. Kengi slapped Kauri's hand away and turned on his heel to leave. He needed to cool down. Cleaning his room would help with that.
Kauri didn't know if he was the best person in the world at comforting others, but he was prepared to do whatever he could to cheer Kengi up before he had to be on his way. It was a shock, then, when the younger boy slapped his hand away, and Kauri was so startled he could only stare at Kengi's retreating back, realising he had no idea how he was supposed to handle this as a prefect. Kengi had technically hit someone - did he need to tell Professor Carter? Kauri would be happy for a chance to see the Herbology professor again, but he didn't think something so small was really worth getting someone in trouble over. Kengi obviously hadn't been trying to pick a fight, and Kauri would feel guilty making an obviously already bad day any worse. So he pushed his instincts to tell on the Hufflepuff aside and tried to just forget the whole thing and put on a cheerful face as he headed off to make his next delivery.

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