Open Sweet Sunlight

Maria Madison

understanding | counsellor adoptive mother of 4
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Holly/Ebony Wand, 12 1/2 inches, Essence of Griffin Feather
11/2011 (52)
As much as she loved her office, Maria did miss sunlight. Her office being completely closed off was important for privacy reasons, but she couldn't pretend she wouldn't enjoy some sunshine throughout the day. Winter was always worse than usual, but thankfully a rare sunny day had come along, and Maria had a gap in her schedule. While she usually took breaks in her office, catching up on her filing, that barely counted as a break. So she had decided to treat herself and take some genuine time away from the office today, unable to help her contented smile as she wandered the first floor, enjoying the light leaking through the many windows. It would be nice to run into Finn or some of his friends, but Maria didn't think it was particularly likely. She was just glad to be out of her office and enjoying the day, away from work.
Coming back to school always meant adjusting to how much he missed his siblings, but Finn felt fairly well practiced at that skill by now. It had been a few years since Emily had graduated and it had been just him at Hogwarts, and he was used to being the only Madison at Hogwarts. Mostly. Mum spent so much time in her office that Finn often forgot she was here unless he was visiting, and today that forgetfulness was going to be his downfall. He had borrowed a few things from her wardrobe over the holidays, and.... forgotten to give them back. He hadn't thought twice about throwing on the long shawl and ankle-length skirt this morning, enjoying the way it swished around his ankles as he wandered from one class to the next. But now Mum was coming down the corridor towards him, and she was definitely going to recognise her missing clothes. It was too late to hide, so all Finn could do was throw her a bright smile and hope she was too distracted to recognise them. "Hi Mum!" he said brightly, holding up a hand in greeting. "What are you up to?"
However many times she saw him in her office or at mealtimes, Maria did sometimes forget it was possible to run into Finn out and about the school as well. He seemed to spend a lot of time holed up in his dormitory with his friends, and she didn't want to intrude on his school life. Maria could only imagine how much of a drag it would be to have your mum following you around at school all the time when you were trying to grow into your own adult. Under normal circumstances Maria would have just greeted Finn and carried on about her business unless he seemed to want a longer conversation, though that thought quickly flew out of her head as she took in what he was wearing. "Discovering where my missing clothes have been going, apparently." Maria answered with a raised eyebrow, folding her arms. She had enjoyed watching Finn grow to find his own comfort in androgynous clothing, but borrowing her clothes was a different matter entirely. "You know, I was looking for that skirt just yesterday."
As soon as Mum spoke, any hopes Finn had had of getting away with the theft went out the window. He did his best to keep the grin on his face, giving Mum a cheeky shrug. "They've been sightseeing around the castle?" He answered hopefully - Mum never got really angry with any of them, but he still hoped he could get away without any real punishment for this. He swished the skirt slightly, shrugging again. "It gets so stuffy in your office, don't your clothes get to walk around and get some fresh air?" It was a cheeky answer, but Finn knew if he could make Mum laugh it wouldn't be too bad in the long run.
Maria couldn't help the amusement that flitted across her face at Finn's excuse, raising an eyebrow lightly at him. "How thoughtful of you." She smiled. "Just make sure they find their way back to my office at the end of this particular jaunt." She added, a little more firmly, before letting the subject drop. "How has Quidditch practice been?" She asked instead, even knowing the subject was a slightly dangerous one. Maria didn't think she would ever know why her youngest child had been playing Quidditch for the last two years - he certainly didn't seem to actually enjoy it. But this year he was no longer an alternate, and Maria was more worried than ever about his safety. After seeing Hufflepuff's game against Ilvermorny last year she definitely didn't like the thought of him playing something so dangerous.
Finn knew his excuse didn't have much of a chance of flying with his mum, but at least she took it in good spirits, and he nodded with a smile, pleased to have gotten away with the theft. Both of them knew the clothes wouldn't be returning any time soon. Though Finn soon realised he hadn't exactly gotten away with it when Mum mentioned Quidditch, and he shrugged, determinedly looking at a spot above her head. "It's good..." He said evasively.
Maria could see the stress in Finn's expression clearly, and she rested a hand on his shoulder, rubbing it gently through her stolen shawl. "I'm sure you'll be marvellous against Hufflepuff." She said gently. "But if it ever gets too much, that'll be okay too. I know you get nervous, and I think it's wonderful that you push through that. But if you ever think it would be best to take a break from the team, I'll still support you a hundred percent."

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