- Messages
- 244
- OOC First Name
- Madz
- Blood Status
- Muggleborn
- Relationship Status
- Interested in Somebody
- Sexual Orientation
- Bisexual
- Wand
- 12" Ebony Wood Interlaced with Core of Belladonna's Essence
- Age
- 20/2028
"Where are you taking me, is this the way to the Eiffel Tower?" A giggly brunette would ask in the mist of trying her best to keep up. Low heels scrape the ground, very low cheap heels that she fixed up the last minute for the fashion show. Rushing, if they keep running in these heels they would surely snap from cement ground and little bit dragging and pushing, along with giggling. Those were the sounds that mingled and surround her for the moment. "But the fashion show hadn't finished and I might, may need this to pass my class," she pulls back, but the other won't let out. Not when they were so close, so very close. Close enough to apparate right up the tower and avoiding muggels by doing so, still had to be quiet not to get caught. "Okay, no fashion show, alright, if I get in trouble because of you," she smirked pressing firmly onto the other's hand, she held back four fingers, excluding the thumb. They had tug back and forth, and now she was giving in. Giving into temptation and to have a little more fun with her new friend. Maybe drinking before hadn't been a good idea, but she never felt this free, more alive in this moment, any regrets would be push to the side. All worries and cares can wait until the next morning, when it would be too late. Though, she doubt she'd regret any of it, none at all. "Okay, ready whenever you are," she squeezed the other's hand once more, waiting for that moment they'd disappear together in midair.