Closed Sweet and Simple

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Salem Lee

🌻Quality Quidditch | Enjoying the Little Things🌻
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
03/2041 (20)
Salem was in a great mood as she bounded down the stairs, stopping at the bottom to wait for Aubrey. She always liked celebrations and dances and feasts, but it was extra exciting to get to spend more time with Aubrey and Salem tried not to let herself get too jumbled up thinking about what things they should do first when they got into the dance. "Oh man, I wish I'd gotten some spicy lollies for you," she said after a moment as Aubrey joined her so they could walk into the hall. Salem had been doing a mental checklist of what sort of food might be at the dance and remembered her conversation with Aubrey at the ball. "Maybe I can send an owl to my parents, I'm sure they could get some," she added, trying to ignore the pang of jealousy of the thought of her mums going somewhere like Mexico to get some without her. But at least Aubrey would get to try some then.
Aubrey felt a bit nervous about tonight. She was going to ask Salem out, one way or another. She was determined that by the time the night was over, Salem would know how Aubrey felt. She smiled at the other Gryffindor as Salem stopped to wait at the bottom of the stairs, making her way down a bit more slowly with her skirt in her hands. She chuckled lightly as Salem mentioned asking her parents about sending candy. "That would be sweet of you," she stated. Deciding on an easy route, Aubrey began he mission. "Did I thank you for coming with me tonight?" Aubrey asked. "I'm sure I must be keeping you from someone special. A boyfriend perhaps.... Maybe a girlfriend?" Aubrey watched for Salem's reaction, gauging how best to continue.
Salem nodded at Aubrey's reaction, deciding it would be worth it to ask just to get to show her, even if she was still going to be jealous of her parents. She shrugged when Aubrey tried to thank her, feeling the fabric of her jumper brush her neck a few times with the motion, trying to brush it off. "Nah, we're here together right, you don't have to thank me. It's gonna be fun," she said earnestly. Aubrey's next question made Salem snort, shaking her head strongly enough that she had to brush her hair from her forehead afterwards. "Not even. I only ever go with my friends and stuff." Admittedly, Salem hadn't really had the guts to dip her toes into dating. It wasn't that she was scared. Or not interested. It just seemed like a lot of hard work and Salem didn't know if she wanted to deal with it yet. Or maybe the right person hadn't asked she mused, glancing at Aubrey. Aubrey probably already dated people all the time. She looked so grown up and feminine already in her dress for the night and Salem subconsciously chewed on her lip, wondering if she should say as much. Or if she should have worn something a bit nicer than a jumper and her ripped up jeans. At least the jumper was pink.
Aubrey was both relieved and a little put off with Salems answer. She slowed to a stop, not really noticing where they were or who was around them. "So, you only go to dances with friends?" She clarified. "Does that make us just friends?" Aubrey asked, reaching over to brush Salem's hair back, but watching to be sure it would be a welcome gesture. "I can't say I've ever dated anyone before, really," she admitted softly, folding both hands behind her back. "Though I suppose before now, I was just... never all that interested..." Aubrey took a small step closer, watching Salem's reaction. "I suppose sometimes, you just... need to find someone special," Aubrey offered cautiously. So far, nothin she had done could be construed as going too far, and could be easily salvaged if Salem didn't show interest. But Aubrey's hints were very strong. She bit her own lip, perhaps in response to Salem doing the same. Aubrey wondered- not for the first time- what kissing the younger Gryffindor might feel like.
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