Closed Swedish Delicacy

Gabriella Davenport

Professor HOM at Hogwarts Scotland | Perfectionist
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Curved 11 Inch Ash Wand with Boomslang Venom Core
Gabriella felt more free than ever. It was not completly freedom, since her father worked at the same spot as she did. But if was more than she ever had known. Her father had helped her making her to the Norwegian Ministry of Magic but she didn't lived in Cambridge anymore with her parents. She had been finding her own place in Sweden, in her birthplace, so she didn't had to travel a lot. But the blonde wanted Marcos to be with her. He could easily come and live with her, but her parents didn't knew anything yet of her relationship. And an relationship was something new for the blonde, so she didn't knew how fast or slow she should go and what would feel nice. But she wanted to show Sweden to Marcos. She would travel anywhere with Marcos. But still the situation with her parents and Lauren was a big secret. Something Gabriella had sleepless nights still about. She felt regret, of not doing more for Lauren and just leaving her there. She had been doubting of telling Marcos about it, but what if he wanted to be acting like a hero and got hurt by her father. She would never forgive herself for that than. So that was not an option yet. But she didn't knew how to life with a secret like that and having an relationship with Marcos. She wanted to live with him, and what if their father suddenly stood on the doorstep? Gabriella had to inform her dad about Marcos. But Gabriella first wanted to know what Marcos wanted to do with his life and perhaps even help him at a job. Perhaps he wanted to work on a ministry as well? But she figured he would be wanting to play quidditch. He was good at it. Perhaps if her father saw how good he was he would approve. Gabriella still felt like she was under the control of her parents, even if they were far away from her. She waited on Marcos to join her she had gave the adres of an restaurant in Stockholm and waited on him.
Marcos was pleased to be out of school, he was working on moving to the next step of his life but could admit he was holding back a little until he knew what Gabriella was doing. He had put out interest to a numbre of european teams, knowing that was where she was from and thinking she might want to return there. He’d had some interest back but had been reluctant to do anything about it until he was sure, he didn’t want to end up on a greek team if Gabriella wanted to live in Iceland. He was therefore pleased when Gabriella invited him to join her at a restaurant in Stockholm, which was in Sweden. He’d been trying to brush up on his knowledge of the world, since geography was not something covered in their classes, but he just got dressed in a semi-fancy outfit, not sure how he was supposed to dress for this place and then went. He apparated to the area Gabriella had told him to and followed the instructions to the restaurant. He could admit, Stockholm seemed to be a nice city, it had a charm to it that he couldn’t imagine New Zealand having, though they were of course two very different places. He turned the corner to the restaurant and spotted Gabriella immediately. He continued over to her and then quickly took the seat in next to her. He leaned in and very lightly kissed her cheek. ”Hey, it’s good to see you,” he told her with a soft tone, a smile evident on his face. He was looking forward to spending some time with her and did also hope just possibly that maybe they might talk about the future. "How are you?"
Gabriella waited until her boyfriend showed up. It still sounded weird to her. Having a boyfriend, but it was actually that way. She was though glad that Marcos wanted to take things so slowly. For her it was completly new. And she looked around in the restaurant when her boyfriend showed up. In Sweden how lovely! Her mother came from Sweden and her family lived her. Not that she saw her family that much. They were not on the best terms, but that had to do with her father. She blushed when he kissed her cheek. '' Hey Marcos. Good to see you too. '' She smiled. He had been joining a quidditch team nearby the closest to her work in Norway. And she got her own place in Sweden now. '' I'm doing fine. Busy with work but it's fine. I like it. My father works there too.'' Gabriella than told Marcos. She hadn't been speaking a lot of her parents and family and wished to stay like that. But she figured he would ask about them soon, it would be normal if he would. '' And you? Do you like your team?'' The blonde than asked her boyfriend and than ordered a glass of wine with the waitress. '' Sweden is my birthcountry. So welcome here. '' The blonde than said with a small grin. '' I've been finding a place for me here. What about you?'' Sweden was close to Denmark so travelling to her work was fine.
Marcos smiled at Gabriella, he nodded as she told him a little about what she had been doing over the last few weeks since graduation. He had let her do her own thing, knowing she needed the space while he attempted to get his own life in order. The decision to leave New Zealand had been difficult, with all of his family having settled down there, but he knew he wouldn’t want to travel back and forth to see his girlfriend,and the team he was joining had both space for him, and a desire to have him join, so he was keen to do the move. He nodded as she spoke of her father who worked in the same place as she did, it didn’t in the slightest bother him that they’d settled closer to her family that his, he knew that there were more difficulties in her family than there were in the Morales family. ”I’m good, I’ve started taking Norwegian classes, but most of them speak english too,” the man replied, he ordered a pint of beer from the waitress as they took their order. He looked around the country they were in. He smiled at her, ”Sweden is beautiful, a good birth country for you,” he couldn’t help but see how different it was to where he’d been born, it was two very different places but he didn’t hate where he now found himself. Marcos smiled at her, ”I think I’ll settle in Norway for a while, but with apparition it’s not like Sweden is all too far away. You’ll have to show me all of the places you used to go and translate everything for me,” he said with a smile, he was clear to have no regrets in this move. He held out his hand to her on the table, so that she could take it if she wanted, ”How are you liking being back here? It’s so different from New Zealand,”
Gabriella was glad to see Marcos, it had been a long time. And she kind of felt a bit scared he got tired of her that things went slow. But if there was one person so sweet it was Marcos. He promised her to do things her way, but Gabriella actually knew now after seeing him not for a long time she longed to see him. But her father was just the dominant facture in her life who followed every step she took. Gabriella figured she could tell him, but her father was just an dangerous man and she just knew he didn't want her to be distracted in her work now when she was just starting. And also another person who could talk about the things that went on in family Davenport. Her father would make sure he shut his mouth. The more reasons and too much why Gabriella didn't want her father to find out or Marcos to. But she tried to relax a bit and not look around in the restaurant too much. Her father was now in England at home for sure. Gabriella listened as Marcos spoke. It was good that he took lessons she liked he did. '' That's really good of you. Do you have nice people in the team?'' the blonde than asked her boyfriend. Gabriella took a sip of her wine as Marcos ordered something as well. It was nice having diner together, she didn't believed they ever had except for at Hogwarts ofcourse, but that was different. She smiled to him a bit blushing of his compliment. '' I'm glad you like it. I can't believe you moved for me. Do you miss your home?'' Gabriella than asked him, she was so busy with herself she felt selfish of not thinking of him and what he left behind. Gabriella listened to Marcos and nodded. '' No it's not. I'm living in Sweden now and traveling to Norway every day. I can show you Sweden if you like for sure. '' Gabriella smiled shortly. She hadn't been in Sweden for long. Some family of hers lived here, but she wasn't planning on visiting them. Her father would be furious if she did, but she didn't had the desire as well. But it was possible she runned into them ofcourse.

Gabriella took another sip of her wine and than noticed Marcos putting his hand on the table. She felt her stomach for a moment but it was out of excitement. She listened to him speaking and could not stop looking at him. Smiling and asking herself why she deserved someone like this. She had been doing terrible things, and still she regretted not doing more for her sister. And her younger sisters who she hoped didn't knew or understood what was going on. '' It's nice to be in Sweden. It's more calm. It's indeed different. But I am just glad to have a place for myself with a beautiful view. I can show you soon.'' Gabriella than said out of excitement, but actually felt scared of him coming to her home. She was so scared her father could come any minute. But she tried to shake away that thought, otherwise she could not live a happy life.
Marcos looked at Gabriella and nodded, ”Yeah, they’re a good bunch, I need to learn Norwegian a little better, but most of them speak some english,” he had been muddling his way through, the team had been pretty good to him so far, and a lot of his hours outside of the team were dedicated to picking up Norwegian, and a few to swedish, he knew that he would need both if Gabriella was to remain living in Sweden. He gave her a little smile, ”Of course I did, home was never really New Zealand for me,” Marcos told her, ”All of my siblings have moved to New Zealand, but we’re all originally from Chile,” Marcos gave Gabriella a little smile. He had a small emotional connection to New Zealand with all of his family mostly there, but he hadn’t had such an emotional connection to the place that he needed to stay there. With magic and apparition he could go home any time he wanted to. Following Gabriella out to the other side of the world had just made more sense to him. His family were calm and easy going, her family seemed like the opposite, so it was of no second thought that it would be him following her. He smiled at her, ”I’d like that, I’ve been doing a little Swedish too,” he smiled, the drink he had ordered landed in front of him, and he raised it to her, ”Cheers,” Marocs said with a little smile.
Marcos was pleased that she took his extended hand and smiled at her. He didn’t mind the pace with which they took things, ”I can show you my place too, it has an okay view, but it’s a cosy place,” he had a small place, not needing much beyond the bed, a bathroom and something to cook from. ”You’re welcome there any time,” he took out some parchment and a pen from his pocket and wrote down the exact address of his apartment, ”Here,” He handed it to her, that way she would always be able to come to him when she needed it. ”What will you show me in Sweden?” he asked her, it would be a good way to learn about the place, and also to hear Gabriella speak about her home.
Gabriella was so lucky to have Marcos at her side. She sometimes thought of her life without him she didn't had anyone else but him. She kind of blamed her father for that. He forbid her to make friendships and she listened to him, to whatever he wanted from her. That was why she didn't got beaten but Lauren was. Gabriella felt not brave at all, she was not. She could lie about it but she wasn't. Gabriella had done nothing for her sister and she felt regret. But tried to push that thoughts away for a moment. She had Marcos right now and she didn't want to lose him. But one thing that was sure was that her father could not meet him yet. She was glad Marcos usually never asked about her family that was a relief. The blonde smiled at her boyfriend. What he said ment so much for her. What he told her was true he was from Chile originally just as she was born in Sweden but lived in England. Gabriella felt at ease here it was more quiet and she had her own place gladly. '' I'm glad to hear so. You fit in here perfectly.'' Gabriella than said back in return and touched his hand for a moment shortly and smiled shy. '' You can show me Chile once. When we have a break.'' Gabriella than suggested and figured for her work she needed to travel so perhaps also past Chile. She had never been there before. When they cheered the blonde touched her glass with him and smiled. '' Cheers!'' And she actually forgot Lauren and her father for a moment and figured she would just enjoy her time. And not worrying about something else right now. '' I would love to see your place. '' The blonde than said for a moment. It was better to go to Marcos his place than hers. You never knew if her father would be on the doorstep or not. She took the adres from her boyfriend and smiled. Gabriella took a sip from her drink and thought of the places she could show him. '' We can see the Northern Light in Luleå. I'm sure you have heard of it. And we can go to the Ales Stenar, some kind of Stonehedge from Sweden. And many more. '' The blonde than smiled and felt more happy than ever. This was perfect being here in her homecountry with the one person she liked and who made her feel safe. '' But first try some Swedish Delicacy here.'' Gabriella than said with a smile and opened the menu card.

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