Open Surprising Sweets

Lillith Montgomery

cookie monster / constant sugar rush
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Knotted 9 1/2 Inch Sturdy Ivy Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
October 23 (13)
(set the day before valentines day)

Lillith had planned a lot for this day, and everything would turn out perfectly for tomorrow. A treat, perfect for valentines day. Last year, she had baked her chocolate chip cookies on a whim, giving them out during her rose deliveries, but this year she was more prepared. Lillith had uncharacteristically looked through multiple books to find a different treat, and she (eventually) decided on macarons. But not any normal type of macarons, pop rock macarons. Her parents had sent her some pop rocks from home after she had sent a letter and she thought it would make for a big surprise for those who hadn't tried it.

Most of the baking part was already done. Lillith just had to pipe the shells, into the oven, and make the frosting now. It wouldn't take long at all and she was hald-surprised that no one had disrupted or tried to help her as of yet. Usually, another student or a house elf would ask to help, but she guessed that a big batch of macarons would intimidate anybody, especially when she had made a crazy, crazy amount of batter, possibly enough to give one to everyone in her year.
Lucas had enjoyed the baking lessons Clara had given him, and was curious about giving it a try for himself. It would be nice if he could give Clara some cookies he baked himself, all on his own. Even though Lucas wasn't entirely convinced he knew how to do it by himself. But he could try, right? But as the boy approached the kitchens, it became clear immediately that someone else had had a similar idea, as a delicious scent greeted him as he opened the door. Lucas blinked at the sight of the girl in the middle of all the baking supplies, then realized it was Lillith. "Oh, hey Lillith." He said, greeting his teammate. "You're making a ton of... those." He said, gesturing to the tasty looking creations the girl was making. "It smells really good." He told her. "Is it your birthday or something?" Whatever she was making, it looked like there was a lot of it. Lucas wondered if it was for a special occasion, or if she had just felt like it. Truthfully, he was also a little hopeful the girl would let him taste.
Lillith looked up from her hand-written recipe list to see her quidditch teammate. “Oh, Hi Lucas! Just in time, would you like to help me?” She asked enthusiastically, as she gestured at her baking supplies and started to put the batter into the piping bags. “I’m making macarons!” She added. Lillith continued to put the batter into the bag, filling it till it was ready to be tied. Lillith giggled, “Nope, my birthday passed a few months ago. These are for Valentine’s day.” Lillith worked like she had done this before. On her tray, she piped many circles with the batter, filling up her tray rather quickly.
Lucas nodded when Lillith asked if he wanted to help. "Sure, a friend of mine showed me how to make cookies the other day, though this seems to be a bit more complex." He said, looking at the macarons. "Just tell me what to do and I can help." He told her with a smile. "And I'll definitely help eating them, if you need any volunteers for that." He then added with an exaggerated innocent face. "Oh, duh." He said when she said it was for Valentine's day. "Are you going to the dance with anyone?" He then asked as he watched her pipe the batter. He didn't know a lot about Lillith, but would like to get to know her more. They were teammates, after all, and she always seemed to be cheerful and happy.
Lillith grinned and nodded when Lucas said he'd help. An extra pair of hands was always welcome when making something as complicated as macarons. "You just do what I did, put the batter into the baggies, tie them and then cut a hole in them, and then you make little circles!" She explained as she continued to work. They seemed to be turning out well so far.

Giggling, she said, "You can take... hmmm.. more than a few." Lillith had to think for a while. For sure, she was going to give her teammates and her housemates some, but since Lucas decided to help, Lillith thought that he probably deserved more. Besides, a little more wouldn't put much of a dent her batch of macarons. "Nope! I'm going to be busy giving these out!" Lillith didn't mind too much about not going to the ball. She did like dancing, but she found that the macarons were much more important. She could dance any other time. "Are you going with someone?" She asked curiously."
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Lucas blinked when Lillith said he could just do what she did, then named something he had no idea how to do. He paused, then shrugged. "Right, I can try." He said, trying to take in her explanation. He started trying to put the batter into the bags, which was a lot more difficult than she had made it sound. He managed it, but it was bit of a mess. Lucas grinned when Lillith said he culd take more than a few. "Awesome, thanks LIllith!" He said, excited to try them. "You're going to hand them out at the dance? That's cool." He said. "Yeah, I'm going with my roommate Casper, he asked." Lucas said lightly, focusing on the piping bag again.
Lillith slightly monitored Lucas as he managed to put the batter in the baggies. He was a little messy, but baking isn't really baking if it doesn't get messy. "No problem!" She continued to make little circles, her tray almost done. "Yup! Everyone will enjoy them." Lillith stated like it was the most obvious thing in the world. "Oooooohhh, That's so cool! I went to the yule ball with.. I think his name was Flynn?. Yeah. But he didn't eat the cupcake I made him until later." She said, probably oversharing. Lillith finished her first tray and moved onto the next, giving the first tray to one of the house elves, named Lelo. "Thank you, Lelo."

OOC: (I have a house elf character named Lelo, let's assume he's here :r )
(godmodding approved by myself)
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Lucas was glad he seemed to manage okay, even if his circles weren't as neat as Lillith's were. He was glad to be able to help. When he finished up, he put the bag down and watched what Lillith was doing next, listening to what she was saying. "Oh, I know him." Lucas said. "He's alternate seeker for Gryffindor, right? I went with my friend Clara." He said. "I signed up for the blind date thing and got paired with a friend, it was pretty funny." He said with a shrug. "And now I'm going with a friend again." Lucas also gave his tray to one of the house elves, wondering how much time Lillith spent here in the kitchens if she knew house elves by name. They were still kind of strange creatures to Lucas, who felt oddly shy around them.
As Lillith quickly finished her second tray, she handed Lelo both her, and Lucas' tray of macaron shells. "That sounds awesome! I wish I had been paired with a friend. I think it would've been much more fun." She pouted slightly as she got her next ingredients from the cooling area. "Okay, so next we get this, and mix it very, very well and quickly." Lillith had made sure to make her buttercream mixture beforehand, all they needed to do was mix it until it was fluffier than clouds. She handed her teammate a bowl and put half the contents of her almost-full bowl, giving enough space to mix to their heart's content.
Multiple thousand stirs later, both their mixtures managed to become fluffy and thick, and just in time, the macaron shells were done baking and cooling as well. "Wooh! My arm is dying!" Lillith exaggerated as she shook her arms. "So now, I'm going to put these in the baggies and then put a little dot in the middle of the macaron shells." She acted on her words as soon as she opened her mouth and continued to explain Lucas' job. "You will put those, in the middle." Lillith pointed at the several boxes of popping candy and then at the macaron shells.
Lucas laughed softly when Lillith said she wished she had been paired with a friend. "I think the point of blind dates is to meet someone new." He said teasingly. "But I admit, I had fun." He nodded seriously when Lillith told him to mix something very, very well. It sounded pretty serious. So Lucas got started, mixing it and looking over at her to make sure he was doing it right. It took a while, but when they were done, the result was good. Lucas was pretty good at following directions, and he nodded when Lillith told him to put popping candy in the middle. "Yes, chef." He said with a grin, watching what she was doing for a moment before getting started on his task. "So you do this a lot?" He asked her, though he didn't look up from his work, he was too focused.
“Hmm.. I guess you’re right. It still would’ve been funner though...” She said, still pouting. There were many more yule balls left in her time at hogwarts, so she had no reason to be sad about it, but she did like to make most of the moment.

Lillith grinned when Lucas called her chef. She liked that title, a lot actually. Lillith had been to many of her mom’s kitchens when her mother was still working abroad, and they had always called her “chef”. She didn’t know it felt this nice being called one. “Pretty often actually. My Mum’s a patisierre in Waiheke!” Technically her mother was now a baker, but “patisierre” sounded much cooler. “Oh! If you ever have the chance you should visit our bakery! It has a big sign that says Montgomery’s at the front. We sell treats, and sweets and potions and stuff.” She shamelessly advertised her family’s bakery. While she was talking, Lillith had managed to finish piping on more than half of the macarons.
Lucas smiled when Lillith said it would have been more fun to go with a friend. "Well, you seem like the type who makes friends easily." He said with a shrug. She was so cheerful and nice, Lucas doubted anyone didn't like her. He wasn't too surprised when Lillith said her mother was a patisierre, which he guessed was fancy word for someone who baked nice things. "Oh, cool." He said when she explained about their bakery. "If you sell potions, I guess it's like... a wizarding bakery?" He asked, as he hadn't ever been in a muggle bakery that sold anything more interesting than cupcakes with rainbow frosting.
Lillith smiled, "Thanks." She finished the remaining and let Lucas continue. "We sell non-magic-ey treats and drinks to muggles and we sell potions and treats to wizards. It's magic-themed, so even the normal drinks are in potion bottles." Her mother had come up with the idea, and the muggles seemed to love it. The bakery had been trending on muggle social media a few times, especially with the help of her father's advertising.

As the macarons were finishing up, Lillith closed the macarons with another shell, sandwiching the buttercream and the pop rocks. The macarons were done and they looked amazing. "They're done!"

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