
Nina Patrokov

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Yellowheart with a mix of satinwood and a core of pixie dust.
Nina floated down to the trophy room she had been on cloud nine and nothing in the world could break her. As she walked over the the trophy room her thoughts began to wander into what it would be like to win. Ladies and Gentlemen, Nina Patrokov, your new TWT CHAMPION! Nina smiled at this thought but shook it off immediatly thinking of Sakura's uncle. He had died when in the tournament, sure he had won, but wow death, was it really worth it? Cedric had been a year older than she and was more experienced than she.
Alex had finished his homework and was just wondering what it would be like having detention here when a sudden thought crept into his mind. The throphy room? WOnder how big that is? he thought as he made his way there, only to find Nina there, looking day-dreamy. 'Hi Nina. A penny for them?'he said smiling and leaning against the doorway.
Nina smiled brightly as she saw Alex. "Just thinking about the tournament, wow this is such a surprise!" Nina said, hoping Alex would be happy for her.
ALex smiled wider. 'Exactly. I mean, who would of guessed it'd be you but hey, who else has the brains here,'he said jokingly at the start. 'I'm really happy for you though. You're gonna go out there and show everybody what you're made of..hopefully,'he said moving his head to one side on the last word.
Nina blushed slightly, she knew behind all of Alex's sarcasm there was a compliment. She looked down the second she began to blush so Alex couldn't tell. When she had calmed down a little she looked up at him, almost melting in his eyes. Nina smiled warmly and turned her head to show that she was inviting him over by her.
Alex smiled when she looekd down. 'Now I know for a fact that there can't be any bugs this time. Better not be a spider,'he joked going over to her. 'So what were you doign apart form fantasizing the tasks?'Alex asked looking round. Well, it was pretty big.
"No there aren't any bugs." Nina said giggling slighty and the blushed once again she wasn't exactly thinking about the tasks, more the after part. What are you doing Nina? Alex is your friend, one of your best friends actually, are you willing to risk that like Asher had with Noah? Nina thought to herself shaking off her previous thought. "Ermm nothing really, just wandering, what about you?"
Alex smiled and looked back at her after finalizing hwat it would be like. 'Thinking what it would be like to have detention here,'he said truthfully. 'And peronally, it would be pretty tiring if yu had to polish all the trophies here,'he said smiling.
Nina smiled and said, "Wow I want my penny back." Nina giggled slightly going red in the face right after. "Are you thinking of becoming a criminal?" Nina said kidding hoping to god he wasn't.
Alex smiled and thoguh. 'Ok. I think I have one some where,'he said digging in his pockets of his favourite hoodie which he still hadn't worn out of. He found one amzingly enough and took her hand putting the penny in it. 'Stole it,'he said jokingly. 'BUt no, I'm already one so I can't become another one,'Alex added jokingly.
Nina smiled nicely, happy that she finally got some time with Alex alone. "Oh yeah you are such a criminal I should send you to Azkaban!" Nina joked.
Alex pretended to be shocked. 'Oh dear. Whatever shall I do? Better put the hand-cuffs on me than, officer,'Alex joked playfully, grinning.
Nina grabbed him by the wrists and put his arms behind his back, without much struggle he obviously wasnt resisting. Nina giggled. "Your coming with me!" Nina said using a 'man voice' and pretending to be tuff.
Alex smileed and laughed to himself as she took his wrists putting them behind his back.He could of easily stopped her but didn't feel hte need to. 'Right , where too?'Alex asked, laughed at Nina's attempt to be tuff. 'You should really try using slang,'he joked quitely,turning his slightly head to see her reaction.
Nina looked into Alex's eyes quite confused. "I don't get it? Why should I use slang?" Nina asked, not realizing she had a hand around his wrist.
Alex smiled, seeing she was confused. She obviously hadn't lived anything near what Alex's life was like. 'slang. You know. You were trying act tough so.. It' sjust what they do. I don't knwo why.'Alex said getting confused himself even thoguh he was still smiling.
"Act? I'm tuff, buddy! But I have proper grammer. I am a smart gangster." Nina joked.
Alex laughed. 'K, 'k. I'm naw gonna even try to change yer mind,'Alex said smiling. He realized he was still 'handcuffed' but didn't say naything. He found it slightly bit annoying though that he couldn't turned round to see her properly. 'Right. Show us your moves,'Alex said smiling before turning his hands so he took her wrists instead and twisted so she was now handcuffed. Alex smiled.'Give up?'he asked jokingly.
"Oh you got me, I am trapped." Nina said sarcasticly. She had taken three years of Martial Arts and knew how to get out of this, but decided she didn't want him to think she was a freak so she let go of his wrists and turned her head toward him and smiled, asking for him to let her go.
Alex smiled rolling his eys at her sarcastic remark. He was sure she knew how to get out of it, after all. It was pretty simple but he looked at her when she turned her head. He suddenly had an urge not to let go but pushed it away again. 'Oh dear. The criminal is going soft,'he joked, letting her wirsts go and smiling widly.
Nina smiled and jumped up and wrapped her arms around his neck to put him in a choke hold. Nina started giggling madly. Nina looked down at his face letting her hair wrap around his neck and drape down into his face. Nina mocked an evil smile.
Alex smiled but was alittle shocked at how Nina was so sly. He rolled his eyes as she put him a choke hold and tried pulling her arm off his neck before remeberig what one of the boys had told him. He gently pinched the inside of her leg, hoping it would tickle her. 'Very funny,'he said, jokignly.
Nina jumped, and giggled pushing his shoulder slightly. "Yeah did you like that? I think I might use it agaisnt the other champions then, oh Nina Patrokov, is the new TWC." Nina said sarcasticly.
Alex laughed. 'Whatever. Should use a better move than tha t though. So, AMrtial arts fan, what's the move to be?'he said asking smiling. He was just teasing ehr about the AMrtial Arts bit though. He rubbed his neck while he talked, smiling.
Nina laughed sarcasticly then noticed that Alex was rubbing his neck and Nina made a horrified look and said, "Oh my god, Alex did I hurt you?" Nina walked closer to him and stood on her tippy-toes to see his neck.

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