
Misha Corvey

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Misha Corvey sat her rump in a chair most of the night, unmoving and turning pages one after another. She knew that if she was to get caught she'd be in trouble, but she couldn't put her book down. It was a muggle thriller that her mother had sent her a little bit ago - to keep her entertained. The brunette Ravenclaw had been reading for at least two hours, only breaking to go get something to drink from the kitchens, and then coming back up and nuzzling into the couch. The woman was happy to spend time there, even though she often also sought out friendship. Recently it became habit for her to stay up late and get up early, leaving her a bit lacking in conversation - as when she was wide awake at late hours too many of her friends and classmates were asleep.

The brunette yawned, but she only had twenty or so pages left. She could sneak back after the book was done so that at least if she got caught, she'd have triumphed over one thing that night.

Clearly being friends with Hemi and Rudolph had relaxed James' attitude towards rules as he constantly found himself roaming the halls late at night. It was especially the case since he had kissed Maddie, the whole thing had really come out of left field. Every day they knew each other up to that point they were arguing and suddenly he kissed her, and she had kissed him back. That was perhaps the strangest thing. Did she have feelings for him? Or perhaps the more important question, did he have feelings for her? Thoughts were swimming around in James' head and he just wanted to switch them off.

The Gryffindor rounded the corner and ducked into the student lounge. James was surprised to see that there was someone already in there. He knew her face if only in passing. Ravenclaw? Maybe. She was pretty he knew that. "Burning the midnight oil too then?" He asked as he approached the girl.
Misha jumped at a voice that seemed to come out of no where. She'd been so engrossed in her book that she'd not even heard someone enter the student lounge. The brunette whipped her head around, her large blue orbs settling on a boy that she somewhat recognized. He was in her year she was fairly certain, and she thought perhaps she'd had classes with him before. Seeing as he wasn't a prefect she relaxed immediately and smiled, nodding. She held up the book for a moment before shutting it and scooting over.

"Sit if you'd like!" She spoke, her high pitched voice unmistakable as she did. She offered a kind smile to the boy, showing that she wasn't the kind to tattle because of him being out late.
It was always a tense moment when you bump into someone out in the castle at night. Even though to look at her he knew she wasn't much older than himself so her being a prefect was out and she wasn't going to tell on him because she too was out breaking curfew, despite all this James was still a little nervous as he walked over to her. At least with all this going on in his head it was the first time he wasn't thinking about Maddie since their kiss. "Yeah sure," James mumbled, he didn't take much notice of the girls high pitched voice, he shared classes with a group of twelve year old girls, they all sounded high pitched to him. Except Maddie, every word out her mouth sounded like a telling off, at least when it was directed at him. "I'm James by the way, James Cade," He smiled at the girl as he took a seat, "What are you doing out here, in the middle of the night? It seemed a strange question to ask given he was out here too but she was sat reading a book, something she could be doing in the common room or in her bed, and not risk getting detention for it.
Misha's smile widened her face, dimples making themselves obvious on either cheek. Her parents always said her dimples were their favorite part, unique to her and her alone. The dark curls bounced as she adjusted them back behind her and nodded at his introduction. "I'm Misha!" She introduced herself, offering a petite hand for him to shake if he wanted to. She moved quickly to his question, holding up a book with the hand she wasn't using to shake his. "I was reading. Decided instead of moving I'd finish the book and then go to bed. Or perhaps just sleep here." The Ravenclaw looked around. "And you? Making trouble?" It was reassuring, she thought, that James seemed to have a similar accent to hers. After all, having a fellow American was quite exciting - if he was indeed American.
James nodded along as the girl explained to him that she had been reading and just didn't want to leave her spot. On rare occasions he had read books that made him feel like that, but he Gryffindor wasn't a big reader, he didn't have the attention span for it so it took a special book to hold his attention. After she introduced himself he smiled warmly as her and listened as she continued to talk, she asked him if he was making trouble and he chuckled and shook his head. "No no, I make my trouble in the day with lots of witnesses," Where Maddie could see. He thought to himself, but it was a thought he quickly banished. There was a familiar twang in her accent that made him wonder if the girl was a fellow American, with it clearly his turn to bring something new into the conversation it wouldn't hurt to ask. "I couldn't help but notice the accent, American by chance?" He asked smiling at her.
The brunette laughed slightly. "Good way to make a name for yourself I suppose." She teased him. Misha adjusted her seating again, pulling her knees up to her chest. "Yes i am, Midwest actually. Are you from that area too? You sound like it." Misha was blunt about it, as since he pointed it out she felt comfortable doing the same. The sounds of footsteps passing by the room made Misha hush herself and she watched someone move past the door. They were in the clear at least she thought, and she huddled a bit closer to the boy so they could whisper without being caught.

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