Closed Surprise is an understatement

Professor Killian Borisyuk

hom 5-7 ✠ 11'9" ✠ father
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
24" Bloodwood with Nogtail tail core
Killian Borisyuk didn't really hear anything interesting at his house. As far as he was concerned, everything was fine. Amethyst was still in her studies, and Kade was working on his tattoo and piercing career while doing Merlin knows what. Something anti-Ministry was all Killian could gather. Not that he cared one way or another what his little brother did. Killian had a few essays to grade, so that was his task for the day. He left his lower office door slightly open. He had some music playing in the background in his native tongue, so he did not hear it when it creaked open a little bit. His green eyes remained focused on the task at hand. After all, this semester, who would come in for help? If they needed help over the founders then the sixth years were completely hopeless. Killian let out a sigh, "This is boring." He finished the last of the essays, and started on the letter that he had to write to Kieran to see how he was fairing over in Russia since the loss of his wife. Living with Kaelan couldn't be easy. Then again, living with Kade was not easy either. Having to get foot stools and such for Kade to reach the things he needed to cook. At least in the comfort of his own office, he didn't have to wear those stupid robes. Just t-shirt and jeans for him. Although, if students did want to come in, was that appropriate, to wear casual clothing around them? How the hell was he supposed to know this stuff? Maybe he should ask Gabrielle, since he didn't bother knowing anyone else yet.
Amethyst was so excited that she had landed a job as a healer. She had been working hard to study up and get out of working in the night club she and Killian had met at. It wasn't that she didn't appreciate the start that the club had given her, she had made good enough money to afford her own place during her time there and afford her life style off tips, but that wasn't what she wanted to do. No she wanted to be a healer - something her family was still disappointed in since they wanted her to join the family business still.

Hiding from Killian as she got settled in her position was pretty easy - the castle was huge! So when she finally needed to find him her little legs carried her through the large corridors to his office. It was set up just perfect for him with the door situation, and she peaked through the cracked door. Seeing him made her smile. She walked in casually, as if it was totally normal for her to be there. As she approached his desk she leaned against it. "Well you made the assignment, you should have made it more interesting." She spoke to him in Russian over the music.
It was rare to ever catch Killian off guard, but the moment that he heard a voice, in Russian, that sounded a lot like his girlfriend, he was shook. "F**k!" Enough to even tip his chair backward and fall onto the floor, hitting his head in the process after cursing. He laid on the floor and looked in Amethyst's direction, with his hand rubbing the back of his head. Not only did his head throb, but so did his pride since he let out a bit of his vulnerability from that. And dignity. All of it was down the drain. Great. At least the floor was a good angle for her. She didn't have to look up at him nearly as much. So, he didn't move.

"What the hell are you doing here? You can't sneak into the school!" Since Killian never went over to the nurse's area, for any reason, he never knew that Amethyst worked there. Plus, it wasn't like she or Kade told him what she went and did. Did she miss him that much that she would risk getting in trouble for? It was hard to tell at this point, really.
Amethyst cackled, loudly, almost doubled over with him laying on the floor. She gripped at her sides as she tried to calm herself long enough to chat. "Sneak into the school! I'm not a criminal. Maybe criminally good looking but come on." She said as she sat down on the floor where he laid. She took out her wand and healed his head where it hurt to ease the damage to his ego maybe. "I work here now, you are looking at your new nurse." She said proudly. "I figure that if I wanted to get some training before going into the Hospital this might be a good place to start. It was really hard keeping this a secret but I couldn't wait to see how surprised you would be. I missed you, you big teddy bear."
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Yes, she wouldn't be Amethyst unless she almost fell onto the floor from laughing so hard. Killian folded his arms across his chest as he waited for her to stop laughing so that she could explain herself. He almost counted the seconds until she stopped to speak. He rolled his green eyes at her vanity even if he agreed but he welcomed her healing where he bumped his head. At least that magic worked on him. His eyebrows raised as she said that she worked here as a nurse. "So, you are a healer now? Why bother going over there when you can stay here?" Killian slowly moved out of the tipped over chair to sit upright on the floor, especially with his head feeling much better. "Yeah, you surprised me all right. Pretty sure most people on the first floor thought that there was a f**king earthquake." He rested his arm up on his knee as he stared down at her. Killian didn't say that he missed her, but that was pretty obvious with him mentioning her staying at the school. That way she could be around him more.
Amethyst was surprised that he seemed content with her just being a healer in the school and not moving to work for the hospital. But it made sense for them. After all, they'd get to keep seeing each other, and she'd get to do what she wanted despite her original anxieties about her capabilities to do them. She smiled wide at him and shrugged. "Maybe I will if I don't get sick of you." She teased. She hoped he would say he missed her back, and waited a moment but when it was clear he wouldn't she moved on. "So, enjoying your teaching then? Or are you scaring off all your students?"
Killian furrowed his eyebrows when she mentioned that she would if she doesn't get sick of him. "Is that a possibility?" He grew slightly worried at that since he knew that he had some rather obvious flaws. It wasn't like he could become the perfect gentleman for her parents, or suddenly become the jolly giant. He shook his head, "I haven't scared off any yet. I actually think I've been boring them. But if I teach standing up, they might need to see a nurse for their necks." Wait, he didn't say whether or not he liked teaching. "Teaching is fine. I think I found my calling. What about you? Do you like working up there in the hospital wing?"
Amethyst laughed at his comment on if that was a possibility. "Of course not, you nut. I love you so you're stuck with me." She kissed him on the cheek, leaving behind a light pink stain of glitter-gloss. She listened to him talk about his teaching so far, and smiled warmly. She was glad he was enjoying it. "I like it a lot, yeah." She answered when her own position was addressed. "Everyone has been fairly nice to me, and the children aren't complete brats like I'd worried they would be." She admitted. "Mostly I'm just glad to see you again. it was getting kind of boring with no one to harass around the house. Your brother is not as fun as you." She said with as laugh.
Killian furrowed his eyebrows slightly on his cheek with her teasing him, but she kissed him on his cheek, which he felt something on it. He used his hand to wipe it away and noticed glitter. "You better be glad I'm not teaching today. I don't want to see students with f**king glitter on my face." But it wasn't like he was going to tell her to stop wearing it. She looked pretty cute with that shade on her lips. His green eyes lingered on them for a minute before shifting back to her face overall as she replied with how everyone has been nice to her. "I suppose the kids here are a bit more well-behaved. They certainly act better than I did." He knew that he and his brothers were little hellions. "So, now you want to come here to harass me? Do you need my schedule?" Killian offered as he reached out to take her hand into his.
Amethyst continued to smile and even giggle at his reaction. "Oh what, afraid they'll know you're dating the new, cute nurse? I don't know, you might earn some brownie points." She teased. "Of course I want to harass you, I enjoy the look on your face when I tease you." She said with a devious smile. "I could use your schedule. Or just drop in whenever. Pretty sure I'm about the height of some of your students, if not shorter." She said rolling her eyes. "But in the mean time, are you free now? We can go get some snacks from the kitchen and I can catch you up about the part Goblin moving in with your brother soon." She was half joking about her friend Luna, but she was a good matchmaker.
Killian gave her an odd look. That was not what he meant at all. He didn't even know what brownie points were, but she was just teasing him. He had long since picked up on her teasing and joking tones now. Killian used his wand to summon his schedule for both semesters, duplicated it, and held it out for her. "I don't want you to come in while I teach. I'll become distracted." Killian would be distracted by her because of how attracted he was to her. He did not need that while he was teaching teenagers. "Yeah, I am free now. I suppose we can walk down there together, provided their doors are tall enough." Killian shrugged his shoulders as he stood up to his feet. He flexed a bit from bring on the floor for so long. "Wait hold up. There's no part-goblin moving in too. I'm trying to get Kade out, not move someone else in that poses more of a tripping hazard."
Amethyst nibbled at her lower lip with a cheeky smile as he said he would be distracted by her coming in while he taught. She giggled. "All the more reason to." She teased, but she didn't mean it. She didn't want to take away from the children's learning time. She took the copied schedule and tucked it away. She stood when he did, craning her neck to look up at him before laughing. "I was joking, but he did seem to hit it off with my friend at least. If you want to we can always double date. Any excuse to get you back in a dress shirt." She said with a wink, starting out the door. "I've missed you, just so you know." She said as she looked back at him, ready to be off and snacking with the man who owned her heart.
Killian knew that he might be playing with fire by telling her not to come in, but then again, maybe she wouldn’t. He would not put it past her. He put his hand to his chest when she said that she was joking, since he was not sure before. A double date with two normal humans, a part-goblin, and a part-giant. Sounded like a crazy Hallmark card. “You really want to see me dressed up for some reason.” He put his hand on his hip, and summoned a set of robes to cover his form. He couldn’t look too casual walking around the school. Might set a bad image. Killian did his best to cover his smile as she said that she missed him. “Same goes for you, Amethyst.” He walked out the office and closed it behind him, and followed after her, albeit slowly since his strides were much longer than hers.

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