Closed Sure, I Can Get a Steady Job

Jerara Tapsell

alchemist | curious | necromancy
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Knotted 13" Sturdy Yew Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
11/2030 (31)
Jerara had always imagined he'd likely live with Tristan or alone most of his life, but with things with Ellie getting more serious, he was moving in with her. A nice place they could own together. He had packed up his life – which was mostly books – and brought it all to Ellie's. He had an area for him, where all the books and everything else he did could remain hidden. Jerara hadn't told Ellie anything about what he did, what he had done in Italy, and what he spent most of his days reading about. Ellie was nice, she was innocent and just naive enough, she didn't need to know what he was doing, she wasn't interested in his books, wasn't interested in what he did much. It just worked for him. Jerara used his wand to carry in the last of the stuff he'd brought, letting it unpack itself as he ventured to where he knew Ellie was. Where they had been putting together all the documents and papers they needed to know how to afford this place. ”Shall I make some tea?” he suggested, since there was little more boring than having to be adults and organize their adult lives.
The idea of Jerara moving in with Eleanor was very exciting to her. With Lilyanna working a lot more, it meant that she was home a lot less and Eleanor was left by herself most of the time. But with Jerara moving in, it meant she had some more company. While Lilyanna was back for a new year at Beauxbatons, Ellie invited him over so they could sort out all of the paperwork and get him settled in. There was a lot to go through and it would take some time, but Ellie was sure they would get through it together. She sat the table, skimming over the documents as Jerara asked if he should make some tea. "Oh, I can do that." she said, jumping up and heading over to the cabinet where the tea bags were. "How's Tristan going? Is he okay with you moving in with me?" She knew it wasn't very much of her problem, but part of her felt guilty for taking Jerara away from him.
Jerara moved away as she jumped to the cabinets. He was quite happy for her to make the tea for them. She likely made it better than he did. He chuckled lightly at her question before nodding. "Yeah, he does also have a child now," Jerara said as if that helped explain why he might not be too upset that Jerara had left. Jerara gave a little smile to her and sat down at the table, looking at the documents that they had, as they were figuring all of this out. "Are all the finances figured out?" he asked her, he could see from the documents that his sparser income was making it a little different. "I realise that I'm not making it easy with my income," he said glancing back at her with a light laugh in his tone. He knew it was probably a good idea to consider picking up a few more jobs in a month whenever he was appearing to be a bit short.But he did note that with Ellie running a shop she probably also had slower months. Neither of them had a particularly steady income.
Eleanor took out a couple of tea bags and put them into a mug each. "Oh, that's lovely! Congratulations to him." Eleanor said with a smile as Jerara mentioned Tristran now had a child. It was odd to think that people her age and younger were having children already, however they were getting older and it was probably to be expected. She didn't want any of that pressure yet however. She poured the boiling water into the mugs and carried them over to the table as Jerara asked about the finances. It was true that he didn't have a steady income, but neither did she, and truthfully she relied mostly on Lilyanna to get by, but she knew that couldn't go on forever. "Don't worry, we can sort it out." Eleanor said softly as she sat down beside him. "I think once I start advertising a little more I can get more business and that can help us." She had plans in her mind, but just needed to do them. "Do you think there's a way you can try and get some more permanent income?"
Jerara considered what she was asking of him. He had never had a steady job, the ministry had never really been for him. Now he wasn't even sure that he could get a job at the ministry, not from a lack of grades, but everything else. Working at another second rather shop would be a step back, and he was sure for him to have a steady job it had to be something that he couldn't freelance and get distracted with. So the ministry. "I will look into it, there's a new ministry who maybe doesn't remember my speech at graduation, so I could maybe get away with it," Jerara replied.

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