Superhero Wannabe Wants You!

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❝Genevieve Ava Bailey, also known as Snowflake or Gen, is an extremely small humanoid. She is in Hufflepuff, which is supposed to make her a nice person. Gen's from Japan and is new to NZ. I know, she doesn't look Japanese. Her parents are from NZ and moved to Japan before she was born.

Gen is usually pretty friendly once you actually get to know her. There are times when she becomes extremely shy, almost to the point of her brain finding it hard to function. When you do get to know her she is sweet, charming, and witty. She does have her 'ebil midget' days though. She is slightly odd...

Gen is a total klutz, and forever finding something or someone to trip over. She has a habit of screaming loudly at random times, because she can't hear herself. Gen is totally deaf but she doesn't let it bother her. She's still a chatterbox. She's really funny and crazy too. Gen loves superheroes and manga, though she quite likes fashion too. She loves art, but can not draw to save her life. Gen generally like to look good, unless she is wearing a superhero costume of course.
She's a little ball of crazy, and she's rarely boring.❞


So, I'm looking for,

♡ A group of friends. A small group, about five or so people. They can be in first year or higher, I don't mind. They'd all give each other random nicknames too

♡ A couple of best friends. Best friends, pretty obvious right?

♡ Family. Gen is part of the Aspir family, which is forever recruiting. You don't have to be blood-related, you can be 'adopted' into the family. Any questions about the family, just PM me.

♡ Anemones. I mean enemies, of course. People who are taller and scarier than Gen are loved. Physical bulling would have a very bad affect on Gen, she'd get a little more shy and scared.

♡ Other humanoids. Just random other people Gen knows. You don't have to roleplay with her much, it's just good to have her meet a few more people.
Tara could be her friend they are in the same year and house, she is also small, she is from india. she likes drawing and painting etc. she is very nice and quite friendly most of the time.
I have Sara- who could be a friend, or a best friend-whatever. Sara can be hyper, she talks alot, she loves drama, music and reading. She's a first year Ravenclaw, but her (non-identical) twin Kate is in Hufflepuff. Sara has quite a few friends already, but no real "best friends" yet except Kate- but that doesn't really count. I mean Kate's her sister, they kind of have to be friends (most of the time) She is very into "what is right" and "Justice" and "Fair rights and equality among man-(and woman) kind" though she doesn't sound as swotty, when she talks about it... whoa this is quite a long reply- I'm going to put you off Sara forever- but one last thing- Sara can be a little insecure about her popularity and her looks and talent, as she was bullied in muggle school. This has affected her and she doesn't show it much, but rarely you get a glance of the scared insecure little girl inside. SO, PM me if you like the sound of Sara, but I don't blame you, if you aren't reading this because, lets face it. It IS VERY long. So, bye-bye now :D :D :D !!!!!
Ooooooooomgggg! I got Lyra Sato for Genevieve!!
She's Japanese born in Canada and is an anime freak (and she loves Totoro). Lyra is my hyper, really crazy and childish (that xplain why her hair's blue xD) little Gryffindor.
Her bff is in Hufflepuff (Kotaro Higuchi... If I'm not mistaken :p )
And so yeah.... Rp?
I have Bella White
Bella will completely and totally mock Genevieve to the end of days. She isn't huge on physical bullying, but verbal abuse is her specialty Let me know - PM me ^_^
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