Open Sunrise Rock Skipping

Marley Owens-Lee

adopted 👨‍👧 | wild child 🤪 creative 🎨
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Too Young to Care
Knotted 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Hippogriff Feather Core
13 (05/2048)
Marley was glad to be back at school, and glad to be seeing her friends and classmates. She missed school if she was being honest. The girl did in fact enjoy the lake. It was always a calming place to come back to when she just needed a quiet or calm place to be. Matley made her way to the lakefront. The girl had awoken a bit earlier than she had liked and she couldn't really go back to sleep. So she decided to spend the morning watching the sunrise. Once the girl made it to the shore of the lake, the girl sat down under a tree, a few stones and rocks scattered across the beach and under the tree. She could hear the different sounds of animals making noises, which felt a bit calm to her. The water had reminded her of her dad, how he was a sailor and his life in the water and seas. It made her miss her dad a little. The sun was slowly starting to rise further and further up the sky, inch by inch, ever so slightly. Marley looked at the stones beneath her and decided to pick a stone, before she decided to skip the rock, only for the rock to skip once before sinking down into the lake.
Lucy had gotten up early to go for a walk. As much as she loved home, Hogwarts was a beautiful place to go for early morning walks around. She'd trailed through the great lawn and was making her way around the lake, her boots wet from walking through grass laden with morning dew. She'd timed it so the sun would rise across the lake as she got to it. Lucy enjoyed watching the way it lit up the whole grounds, and the way the light played across the lake's surface. She was thusly in a good mood as she made her way around, spotting someone in the distance as she got closer. She finally recognised it to be Marley, and with a big smile started to wave as she approached. "Hi Marley!" she greeted enthusiastically, noticing the rock sink into the lake. She was reminded of her time as a first year, trying to find evidence of the giant eel alleged to be hiding in its depths. "You're up nice and early," Lucy commented jovially as she approached.
Marley didn't think anyone would be around this time of morning, but she was surprised when someone called out her name. She turned to see who it was, and instantly smiled and waved, tiredness still lingering on her face, but not as much as before. "Hiya Lucy!" Marley called out, her voice a little croaky from waking up too early. She cleared her throat a little, hoping the croakiness would be gone for a bit. Though she guessed wrong when she spoke again. "Yeah... A little too early for my liking, but that's ok" Marley says with a giggle. "Out for a morning stroll?" Marley asked her friend, as she picked up another stone that was nearby her, and skipped it, this stone only skipped once, once again.
Lucy found Marley's croakiness somewhat amusing, but didn't say anything to that affect, just keeping it to herself. She could guess Marley wasn't used to getting up early just by that. "Yeah, I was going for a walk around the grounds. It's so lovely this time of year, you get to watch all the flowers slowly start to come out," Lucy commented. She noticed Marley skipping a stone - an activity Lucy just happened to like to do too. "Oh, stone-skipping is so much fun," Lucy said and picked up a stone too. She aimed carefully, flicking the stone and watching it skip twice before it sank into the lake. Lucy gave a light-hearted shrug. "How come you're up so early then?" Lucy asked curiously.
Marley nodded along to everything Lucy had said. She did agree with the girl about watching the flowers grow around this time of year, it wasn't really something Marley was entirely interested in. But they were pretty to look at during this time of year. Marley smiled at her friend at the mention of the activity she was doing. "Yeah! Stone-skipping is one of my favourite things to do, but I'm not the best at it" Marley says with a chuckle. She watched as her friend skipped a rock herself, and managed to have her rock skip a couple of times. Marley cheered and clapped for her friend. "That was so cool!" Marley says with a smile, enthusiastic about what her friend had done, even if the stone had skipped across the lake a couple of times. It was better than what Marley had done. Marley shrugged at Lucy's question. "I couldn't get back to sleep. Felt like my body was telling me it was time for me to wake up earlier than usual. But that's okay" Marley says with a chuckle. "Do you usually walk around the grounds at this time?"
Lucy smiled. She really liked how happy-go-lucky Marley was. It was a refreshing feeling to meet someone so upbeat so early in the day. Some students weren't so friendly, Lucy knew. She gave a mock bow when her friend cheered and clapped. "Thank you, thank you," she said, a smile clear in her voice. "I got taught by my uncle, he's a pro at it," Lucy mentioned, going back to her usual self. "He can skip up to six times, seriously. I've seen it." Lucy liked her uncle, though she didn't see him too often. She nodded at Marley's question. "Yeah, I often go for walks in the morning, and sometimes in the evening too if it's not too cold. I'm not one for jogging though," Lucy admitted shyly. "I know some of the quidditch players do that but I just like to walk."

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