Sunny Side Up

Eleanor Hope

former hufflepuff and queen of flowers ♕✿
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
It's Complicated
Sexual Orientation
Straight 12 1/2 Inch Flexible Rowan Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
It was heading towards the end of the semester and Eleanor was becoming less and less motivated to study for her exams. She knew that she was in her OWL year and so it was important that she managed to get good grades, but the girl didn't want to stress herself out too much. Instead, she decided she would make her way to the gardens one afternoon where she usually spent her time and make some flower crowns so she didn't have to worry about anything else. She sat herself down in the grass, a basket of flowers she had collected sitting right next to her. On the other side of her sat an empty basket in which Ellie would place all of her finished flower crowns. She began by picking out all of the pink flowers and started weaving them together carefully one by one. With her full concentration on that she kept at it, figuring it was a better alternative than studying.
James needed a time out but it seemer every where he went he ran into someone he didn't want to see. After spending all morning being cooped up in the library James had to get out and the list of places he wouldn't run into undesirables was a short one so he decided on the Hogwarts garden. He knew it was a place frequented by Maddie's sister Leila who always seemed to cheer him up. Maybe that was a subconscious reason for choosing it as his destination. When he arrived he saw someone he hadn't particularly wanted to run into but not someone he'd turn away from either. Felix's girlfriend Ellie. "Hi, mind if I sit with you?"
As Ellie had just finished making her first flower crown, she set it aside into the empty basket and proceeded to make another one, this time blue. Just as she was picking out all of the blue flowers she heard a voice which made her jump. "Merlin's beard." she said under her breath as she looked up to find a familiar face. She recognised him as one of Felix's friends and it occurred to her that she hadn't seen her boyfriend in a few days and he didn't really seem to care. Nonetheless, she smiled up at the older boy and nodded. "Yeah, sure! Do you know how to make flower crowns?"
"Sorry if I startled you," James said as he made his way over to her and took a seat. When the girl asked him if he knew how to make flower crowns he laughed. "I'm not what you would call crafty so even if I knew the process what I actually produced would be a mockery, but I'll give it a whack," He beamed at Ellie. He could see why Felix enjoyed spending time with her, she was nice and cheerful and provided a welcome distraction from the drama.
"No, no, it's okay." Eleanor replied to James' apology, a little bit embarrassed that he even noticed her reaction. She watched as he sat down and moved over slightly so there was room. The fact that he was willing to try out flower crown making made the girl beam. She took out a handful of flowers from her basket and placed them on his lap. "The flowers stay together nicely because of magic." she told him, showing him the flower crown she had just finished making. "You start with the bigger flowers first. So... this orange one..." The fifth year took one of the flowers on his lap. "It can help us get started because it provides the general shape and makes the other flowers easier to wind in." She slowly demonstrated what she meant, picking up a yellow flower and winding it in the stem. "You try!" she exclaimed, passing it over to him.

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