
Aiden Mauven

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Myrtle Wand 15 1/2" Core - Tail of Charmed Newt
Aiden and Bella were able to go to his home in Italy for a bit in the summer and he was more excited then ever, the beach he lived near by was beautiful, and he was sure Bella would love it. Aiden, Rosalie and Bella apparated over to his house in Italy. Rosalie had excused herself for the evening, she was still quite depressed. Aiden took Isabella's hand in his and said, "What do you think Bella?" Aiden kissed her cheek softly.


It had taken Isabella all week long to convince her parents to let her go with Aiden to his house in Italy. Thanks to her caretaker, Pamela, she was finally able to go, and Isabella packed her bags faster than even possible.

Bella held on to Aiden's hand as they apparated with his older cousin in front of his house with her luggage in her other hand. Isabella looked up and bit her lip in anticipation. She had really missed Italy and the fact that this wasn't her house made it even more exciting to be back, as if she were a tourist. She turned to Aiden and said, "It's beautiful!" Her excitement was clearly audible in her voice.
Aiden smiled at Isabella and asked, "What would you like to do first Bells?" Aiden picked Bella's bags in his hands but leaving one empty so he could put his hand comfortably around her waist. Aiden grinned once more at her and waited for her response.
Isabella smiled and gave him a kiss on the cheek. "Hmmm...I'd like to go swimming," she said putting her arm around him and giving him a hopeful smile.
"Swimming in the pool or at the beach, it's beautiful," Aiden said with a grin as he lead her up to his house. Aiden was so glad that Bella's parents had let her come, this would be a lot of fun.
Isabella raised an eyebrow at him. "Wow I have the option to choose between the pool or a beach?" she said smirking. Of course she'd choose the beach, she was a girl after all and she could work on a tan.
Aiden grinned and said, "Yes you do, when ever I'm here I spend all my time at the beach but what ever you want is great." They had now reached his house, Aiden opened the door to show a large foyer and was greated by his squeeky house elf, "Hello Master Lorka." Aiden grinned and said, "I told you just call me Aiden, it's fine, anyways this is Isabella, she will be staying here for a little bit." Aiden kissed Isabella's cheek softly.
"Well then I'd like to go to the beach too," she said smiling at him, "but perhaps we should get settled in first." They walked to the front of the door and were greeted by Aiden's house elf. She waved at him and said, "Hi," with a smile and blushed as Aiden kissed her. She thought it was silly how Aiden could still make her blush after all this time.
"Yes Mas-Aiden and Miss Isabella, would you like me to take your bags up?" The little elf asked and Aiden nodded his head once. The elf just snapped it's fingers and apparated with the bags to the appropriate rooms and said, "You want a tour or do you want to go to the room you'll be staying in first?" Aiden smiled at Bella when he noticed that she had blushed, it was really cute.
"Thank you," she said to the house elf before he had apparated away. "A tour of your home would be nice," she said turning to Aiden and smiling up at him. So far she'd only entered the foyer and his house was really nice, she wondered what the rest of it looked like.
Aiden smiled and said, "Great." Aiden took her hand and said, "It might be a bit longer then you'd expect..." Aiden smiled as he wiped his shoes so his elf wouldn't have as much work and wrapped his arms around Isabella's waist and said as they walked through the hallway, "This hallway leads down to the kitchen, and you see this door?." Aiden pointed to the door as he said this, "It changes rooms every time you open it." Aiden opened it and said, "That's my room." His room was pretty neat, it had many books and quidditch posters, nothing interesting really. Aiden closed the door and smiled at Bella as they continued to walk.
"It's okay, we've got time," she said sticking her tongue out at him. She wrapped her arm around Aiden as he did to her and walked with him for the beginning of the tour. "A door that changes rooms? How cool!" she whispered excitedly. Then they were at Aiden's room and she smiled as she saw it. It was nothing like she'd imagined but she liked it anyway. "Nice room," she said smiling at him.
Aiden grinned and said, "Not much personality really, I have most of my things back in France." Aiden smiled and continued walking down the corridor and said, "This is the kitchen, Afra, my house elf, runs it, I sometimes cook, I'm not all that good though." Aiden smiled as he opened the door to see the dishes do themselves.
Isabella nodded, "That makes sense," she said simply. "What can you cook Chef Aiden?" she asked him with a smirk on her face. Isabella felt like a spoiled girl, always having someone cook for her. "I can make awesome cereal," she added jokingly.
"Tofu, a few vegetables, after Mom died Gaspard was busy so I had to take care of Gisella," Aiden said then chuckled and said, "Well I don't think you're going to have to worry about my cooking while your here, Afra wont let that happen." Aiden smiled and then closed the door and turned left at the next corner and said, "Here is one of our many washrooms." Aiden said as he opened the door to show a bathroom the size of a normal bedroom.
"Mmm, that sounds good," Isabella said smiling at what Aiden said he could cook. Being a vegetarian was something that came naturally to her and her family. Aiden continued the tour and Isabella followed him happily, twirling her hair in her fingers.
Aiden smiled at Bella then he walked along the corridor and the said, "This is where you will be sleeping, unless you want another room." Aiden opened the door to his left and showed a room with a large window that over looked the beautiful ocean and a large bed, that he thought would be fit for Isabella. Aiden looked at the foot of the bed and saw that Afra had already put her suitcases in there and then said, "What do you think?"
Isabella followed Aiden to where he said she would be sleeping and her face lit up. She went straight to the window to look at the view and said, "It's amazing!" She then went to the bed and plopped herself down on it, noticing that it was very bouncy and very soft. She was so happy to be here she didn't even have words to describe her happiness.
Aiden smiled at her reaction then he walked over to the bed and sat down beside her and wrapped his arms around her waist gently then he said, "If you want I can move you into another room, it gets really bright in there in mornings." Aiden smiled at Bella.

[sorry my sister and i forgot about this topic and im not logging out because im lazy]
Bella smiled at Aiden and rested her forehead against his. "No, this room is fine. Unless you want me to move?" she pulled back to look at him better as she asked him that. She smiled and gave him a light peck on the cheek while giggling.
Aiden smirked lightly then grazed his nose against her own gently and leaning in like he was going to kiss her but then kissed her cheek softly and said, "No I think you're fine here Bells." As Aiden said here he pulled her closer to him, but still being gentle.
Isabella felt tingling in the pit of her stomach as Aiden teased her and gave her a kiss on the cheek instead. She bit her lip to stop herself from smiling too much as he pulled her closer. She cuddled up next to him and whispered, "I think I'm fine here too," as she smiled. She considered teasing him the way he just did to her but feeling deprived of a proper kiss she instead leaned up and kissed him full on the mouth.
Aiden kissed Bella back, slightly surprised and impressed that she would do that. When they pulled away Aiden smiled at Bella and said, "Good." Aiden could feel his cheeks hotten slightly but he didn't blush, it did take all of his effort not to, but he didn't. Aiden ran his hand through Bella's hair gently then said honestly, "You know I'm glad everything happened between us."
Isabella bit her lip in excitement and stopped herself from blushing. What Aiden had said next surprised her a little. "Really?" she asked, looking in his eyes for some explanation. "And why is that?" she asked, her tone more light and airy now. Bella had always secretly wondered if Aiden regretted his decision to get involved with her and not stay with Alyssa.

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