Summer Holidays

Larissa Sedgwick

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Beth / Bethy
Sexual Orientation
Cherry Wand 12 1/2" Essence of Wood Rose
Larissa was in Spain with her mum and dad.
At this moment she was sitting on the balcony of the Hotel they were staying at.
The view was golden houses, glistening pools, enormous beautiful trees and little green lizards that scurried away when you were looking.
Larissa ran her fingers through her silky blonde hair and hummed the tune to "This is the Night" by the Weird Sisters.
The wind was a warm breeze that swept Larissa's hair from her milky white face.
Her mum and dad were out at some posh bar and because Larissa had refused to spend more time with muggles than was required she had stayed behind.
Larissa didn't hate muggles but she found it hard to avoid her favourite subjects like the Weird Sisters and Quidditch.
Larissa had so far spent the holiday sitting on the balcony watching muggles go by.
She had expected to meet at least one wizarding family but so far there had been no-one.
Larissa's holiday, in all, was pretty dull.
She met a girl her age who said that she too would be starting at Hogwarts New Zealand soon.
Larissa had spent her time through out the holiday sitting on the hotel balcony.
Her desire to run inside and grab her beautiful new wand was mounting.
She had spent her brief time inside the hotel suite polishing her wand- Maybe a little too much as when she tried to pick it up it slipped straight through her grip and onto the floor.
She already knew one spell and couldn't wait to show off.
She had never used her wand, of course, but the spell - Stupefy - was pretty much stuck in her head.
She had read and re-read all of her school books out of pure interest.
Larissa was looking forwards to going home- Well; she wasn't looking forward to the flight which would be at least 25 uncomfortable hours in total and through the whole time would be crammed onto two brooms - Mr. Sedgwick and the luggage on one, Larissa and Mrs. Sedgwick on the other.
When the Sedgwick's arrived home it was to find a shocking surprise-
Davmorn was sitting on the carpet covered in tattoos.
"Dav!" Larissa squeeled as she saw him and ran to hug him.
Davmorn hugged her for a moment before pushing her away and staring into her eyes.
"..Dav? What's wrong?" Larissa said as Mr and Mrs Sedgwick stared.
Davmorn had something vague about him and at closer inspection, Larissa saw that he had many scars covering his body.
"D-Dav?" Larissa said as she looked closer at the marks, "How did you get these?"
Mrs Sedgwick stepped forward to touch Larissa's shoulder.
Larissa reluctantly stepped back and Mr Sedgwick moved towards his son.
"He's been attacked.. Looks like-" Mr Sedgwick's eyes widened and he turned to Larissa and Mrs Sedgwick so fast they jumped.
"Get out." Mr Sedgwick said firmly, "I need to make a call.."
Mrs Sedgwick looked worried and attempted to pull Larissa away but Larissa was too interested in Davmorn to move.
"Mum," She said finally, "I think he's a werewolf."
Larissa spent the next few days at Libby's house because Larissa's parents were at St. Mungo's with Davmorn.
Larissa and Libby had been to buy things at Obsidian Harbor.
Larissa had enjoyed the days they had spent together until...
Dear Diary,
Today Libby revealed to me something I did not expect- especially as we had sworn no boys until we were at least 13. Darren seems like a nice sort of guy but Libby is giving him all the attention- IT'S LIKE I DON'T EXIST!!
Well I have met some people and I might have my own boyfriend soon.
Write again soon.
Larissa was sprawled out on her bed with Gerald running around crazily.
Dear Diary,
My life; where to start?
Well, today I followed Libby and Darren around for an hour and read my book from Libby about monsters while they kissed; apparently, Sea Serpants can grow to the size of a Cruise Ship.
Gerald has been acting weird since meeting Dyllan and I'm starting to worry;
Gerald is now double his usual size and spends a few days running around and biting me and some days sleeping and biting me.
There's something very wrong.
I asked mum but she just said "How can you be worrying about a silly fluff ball when your brother is in St. Mungo's?!" I just said "Like this" and pulled a worried face. It cost me dearly- 2 days of washing up... WITHOUT MAGIC! How unfair!
I have to go now.
See you soon.
Today; Larissa was at Libby's house on the couch with her feet up, writing. Libby far from minded - Darren had come over too and they had both caught the kissing disease.
Larissa's diary was covered in doodles of Libby and Darren kissing and Larissa poking them with a stick.
Dear Diary,
Having to endure a snog fest isn't nice.
I know they like each other but NOOOOO! No more snogging! I shall have to poke them for real if they don't stop it.
Since.. I don't know if I can put this or if my mum will see.. Since killing that Death Eater (and to be honest it was an accident) and tasting the blood on my hands I haven't felt the same.
I have this urge to find Death Eaters- I want to seek them out and say that I am one of them..
But I'm not, am I? Maybe I'm just going mad because of the constant snog fests that I get stuck watching.. I wish I could go to Hoshi's house instead.
As much as I like Libby, I think Hoshi would be more fun.
Libby's coming over.
Write soon.
Larissa was feeling amazing today; she had lost Gerald days previous and had found him- or rather HER, hiding in a tissue box which was now a nest of 6 babies!
Dear Diary,
Gerald had babies!!! I'm going to keep her name Gerald but now I know she's a girl.
There's 2 dark blue ones, 1 orange and 3 purple.
I'll probably keep the orange one.
I guess I need to find homes for the other 5.
One has just fallen out the nest;
Write soon! :D
Larissa had been to visit her brother in St. Mungo's.
He had to be moved to a 'special' room when it was full moon, just in case.
Davmorn was a pale skinny young man laying in a hospital bed with scars across his arms.
Larissa told him about her Pygmy Puffs and was on the point of asking if he wanted one when Mrs. Sedgwick told her not to bother Davmorn any more as he was 'tired'.
Larissa knew they just wanted to get away from his burning glare.
They had never liked each other really.
Mrs. Sedgwick had always used Larissa as a communication device for her son.
Mr. Sedgwick had ignored Davmorn completely and rarely noticed Larissa's existence.
Davmorn liked Larissa- mainly because this would wind his parents up something cronic.
Larissa and Davmorn used to play silly games together like poking their grandad until he woke up or the game where they would set fire to the curtains and time how long it took their parents to notice.
Larissa was at her own home again; her feet tucked up beneath her as she sat on the sofa in front of the fire.
Dear Diary,
The air has started to get colder and a strange chill hangs around the house.
Gerald and her babies are tucked up with a hot water bottle (I hope it's the right thing to do)
I haven't really discussed the Pygmy Puffs with mum or dad yet.
Libby says she's found someone who wants one so that's a home for one sorted.
I wonder if I should charge money...
I'm hoping Davmorn wants one.
Oh.. I've decided to call the little orange one Bert. :)
I know this one is a boy. He acts like boys should do in my book about Pygmy Puffs and Puffskeins.
Darren has been hanging around me and Libby a lot lately.
It is fun- I must admit- but I miss the days when meand Libby would talk about that cute guy in the Weird Sisters.
I think I'll go to bed now- can't wait for the term to start and I found out I have Transfiguration and Herbology with the Hufflepuffs!
That means me and Libby can still hang out sometimes.
I have to go and check on Bert- he keeps making funny smells.
Larissa spent the first part of the day waiting for Libby.

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