Summer Colours | WPC Y47/S1

Daria Bright-Root

sweet 🌺 kind 🌺 curious queen of flowers
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Mixed Blood
Relationship Status
Single (Looking)
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 Inch Flexible Yew Wand with Dragon Heartstring Core
8/2045 (17)
Daria's hands trembled as she set things up for the first Wild Patch meeting of the year, doing her best not to slide into a full blown panic attack. This had been a mistake. Rosie and Kiara choosing her had been a mistake, choosing to accept had been a mistake, not immediately giving up the role after the disaster of the club fair had definitely been a mistake. But here she was, and it was much too late to chicken out. Coming up with things to do had been a bit of a challenge and she definitely didn't feel like the most creative event host, but it was something to do, and hopefully that was enough. She sorted through the different seed packets and punnets of seedlings on her table, doing her best not to look up as the club members assembled.

Eventually though, it was too much. Everyone was here, and she couldn't stall any longer. Taking a deep breath, Daria lifted her head and did her best to address her clubmates. "Um, h-hi everyone..." She mumbled, long curtain of hair slipping forwards slightly to hide her face as she spoke. "I thought we could... um, could get the garden ready for the summer season, so... so I've got a few things we can use. I've got um, these are seeds for plants that'll flower l-later in summer, and... and the punnets are seedlings that'll start flowering this month and next month. So, um, so choose an area and... pick whatever flowers you want, they... they should all say on them what colours they flower, a-and you can... plant your own garden patch, however you like..." Face flushed Daria stepped back, shoulders hunching a little as she gave people space to choose their flowers and get to work.

OOCOut of Character:
Here's a list of flowers that're ready for planting in November in Aotearoa 🎉
These days Lucy didn't get homesick as much as she used to in her first couple of years, but whenever she did there was one part of the castle that never failed to make her feel connected to her dad. She had grown up alongside him in his greenhouse, and coming back to the Wild Patch felt like coming home. Granted, they never grew anything quite as interesting here as her dad did, but it was still nice. She listened as the new club leader explained the day's plans, though she couldn't quite help a small frown of discomfort as the girl went on. It sounded like she was having teeth pulled, and Lucy couldn't help wondering if they couldn't find anyone else to do the public speaking part. It would have been kinder to the older girl, certainly. Thankfully she didn't talk for long, and Lucy quickly took to the seed table. She sorted through the options curiously before picking out a nice mix of flowers that would bloom in pastel pinks, purples, and blues. Pleased with her choices she picked out a nice sunny spot and got to work preparing the soil to plant.
Charlotte was excited to spend some time outside after her first club outing with The Wild Patch. She missed the farm and getting to help feed all the animals in the morning. Her grandmother had taught her about herbs and magical plants, and they had spent time the last few years planting flora at different points in the seasons. Unfortunately, school made it difficult for her to do that, and Charlotte decided this was the next best thing.

Lottie wasn't sure why the girl talking seemed so nervous, but she gave her a smile of encouragement, feeling a bit lighter after the first few weeks of classes, and grabbed some seeds off the table. The Hufflepuff walked around to look for a spot to plant and noticed an older girl who seemed to be in a good area. "Can I plant here, too?" she asked. @Lucy Holland
Rosalind loved being part of the Wild Patch Club more than anything else at Hogwarts. She adored gardening and couldn't wait to get started - it was something she'd always done with her dad and grandfather. The older girl leading seemed quite nervous and Rosalind's heart went out to her. It must be hard for some people, though Rosalind couldn't see it being that big of a problem to speak in front of a bunch of people. Rosalind wasn't bothered by things like that.

Once given the freedom to choose, Rosalind decided on a mix of calendula and red impatiens. She liked the yellows and reds, so when with that mix - showing a little bit of house pride. Finding a spot in the garden, she got to work.
Eli wasn't really much into gardening, but he liked plants well enough because for the most part he could study them, there was no uncertainty and that was what he disliked the most about things, their uncertainty. Potions was sometimes predictable, but he knew that sometimes even reading an ingredient out of the book word for word sometimes it wasn't enough because quantity didn't always matter here, sometimes quality did too. Or, mostly, really. He liked books and things he had less chance of actually getting wrong, which was why plants were so important to him, because they were hard to get wrong, and they were really hearty they had a tendency to grow despite people messing up.

He walks over to one of the punnet and picks through them, looking for something he can plant quickly. Seedlings that will bloom next month means a more instant gratification when he can come and see them and he'll know a lot faster if he's messed it up or not. He takes a seat close to some of the other members of the club, but mostly keeps to himself. His thoughts swirling to his siblings. They've all joined clubs of their own and whilst that should make him ecstatic, mostly it just upset him.
Wild patch was the only club Nox had joined that wouldn’t involve his brother so he was a little nervous about it. Branching out on his own wasn’t something he had a lot of experience in, he was so used to following Lumos’ lead that this was a new experience for him. He headed down to the garden where the club was due to meet for the first gathering and his listened to the club president speak. She seemed nervous to be in charge, Nox would be too so he had some sympathy for her, he just show her a smile whenever her gaze happened to be in his general direction, hopefully knowing her members were on her side would help. Once she had finished her introduction, Nox grabbed some things from the communal pot including some seeds for petunia and lavender and went off to start to plant them.
Lucy looked up when a younger girl approached, grinning brightly. "Sure!" She budged up to make some space. "I got a bunch of different colours, I wanna see if I can plant them in a heart shape." She said, looking over the plan she had been digging into the dirt. She didn't really know how feasible this was and she was a little worried about overcrowding, but... well, how did you learn things if you didn't try them? "I'm Lucy." She added with a smile, realising she had nearly forgotten her manners.
@Charlotte Astor Williams
Charlotte was interested to see how planting in a heart shape would go. She saw pretty landscapes at fancy buildings, but she always thought it would be too difficult to do herself. "I'm Lottie," she said, setting her flowers down. "How many flowers do you have? Can it be a big heart?" @Lucy Holland
Hina never really joined a club until this year. It had seemed too overwhelming. But, with the arrival of her siblings and dad in the castle, she had told herself that she wanted to try getting out of her shell. It was pretty slow going, but she had managed to finally sign up for a club this year - the Wild Patch club. They were apparently going to be planting for a club meeting, which was interesting at least, even if she didn't really know much about the flowers that they would be planting. Thankfully, Eli was also part of the club and though the two of them rarely interacted, maybe it wouldn't be so bad for the two of them to spend time together. Grabbing some flowers - petunias and lavenders - she meandered over to her younger brother and got to work. She wasn't sure if she should start a conversation or if he would prefer to work in silence, but they could at least keep each other company while they worked, and if Eli wanted to talk then Hina would be there while she very carefully planted her flowers.

@Elijah Edogawa
Lucy was pleased when the younger girl agreed to follow along and introduced herself, settling in more to work on her project. "I think between us we can make it big." She grinned, looking over the flowers they had between them. "Did you get any particular colours, or just random?"
@Charlotte Astor Williams
Naveen looked for any excuse to be out in the Wild Patch garden, it didn't matter if there was a club meeting or not. He'd take any chance to get his hands in the earth. It made him feel at home and grounded in a way he never seemed to feel in the castle. This was only his second year in the club and he couldn't say he was that impressed. Last year's events had been fine but as the new club leader seemed to struggle through simple instructions he didn't have much faith in her either. But he was pretty sure she was a seventh year and she wouldn't be in charge for long anyways. Once they were set off to work Naveen went up and picked through the seeds that were available and he grabbed some herbs he hadn't started yet that would be nice to have by the time summer rolled around. He kept an eye on the other students but everyone seemed to have things under control and he got to work.

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