🌹 Rose Giving Succesfull Tactics

Senna Overby

💫 unofficial quidditch club 💫
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Curly 14 Inch Sturdy Maple Wand with Fairy Wing Core
07/2045 (16)
yellow for @Audrey Beauchamp

After Senna had managed to get Todd's attention and handed him his rose she jumped back onto the bench and called out the other names on her list she had been informed were Ravenclaws. After all, she reckoned it couldn't hurt to try. Especially not when people had already been looking her way because of how she had been shouting. "AUDREY BEAU- BEAUCHAMP?" She called out, trying not to butcher that last name.
Audrey hadn't signed up to deliver roses, it might have been fun but at the same time she was pretty busy with schoolwork. She was idly looking over some of her History of Magic notes when she heard her name being shouted, unable to hide a smirk at the older girl stumbling over her surname. Audrey never got that fussed about it, but it was funny when her dad got upset over it. "Thaaaat's me!" she called, raising a hand up and waving it around. "It's Beech-am, but like, who actually cares, right? Silly name."
Senna was glad her tactics were working, although there wasn't much very tactical about it really, and happily jumped off the bench so she could step over to where the girl was. "I reckon the way I pronounced it was definitely more fun." She easily joked while looking for the right rose to give to Audrey. "This one's for you." Senna smiled as she handed it over.

Dion said I had to send you one. So here it is. - Oz
Audrey nodded, grinning. She could imagine the vein bulging on her father's forehead hearing that, and that made it all the funnier. "Definitely," she agreed, quite cheerfully. Her grin remained in place when she read the note. She hadn't sent Oz anything, and he hadn't sent her anything of his own volition, but she was certainly happy to get something from her favourite relative, even if it was via the relative who was 'alright, but don't tell him I said that'. "Thanks! Happy Valentine's, and stuff."

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