Styx Manor

It had taken ages for Asparuh to finally find his oldest son's family. He cursed Kalif for changing his name from Zhefarovich to Styx. He walked up to the door of the Styx Manor, and opened the front door, not bothering to knock like a polite man. His sharp eyes gazed the room, and then they landed on Namina, with her wand drawn and aimed at him. Asparuh smirked, "What's wrong, woman? You look as if you have seen the Dark Lord." Asparuh's smirk faded a bit seeing that Namina didn't respond. Instead, he witnessed her passing out. Asparuh shook his head and stepped over her. He turned to Vasilka. He examined her, "I see you have grown up, quite a bit. You are...Iulia's daughter, Vasilka, right? I know Vialine is in Durmstrang at the moment." Asparuh wondered how his granddaughter would take to his pressence.
Vasilka stared at Asparuh in the eyes. She didn't show any terror or shock to see him. Instead, she remained rather emotionless. Vasilka ignored Namina who rested on the floor. Vasilka approached Asparuh, showing much grace as she usually did. She stared at him in the eyes, "How did you do it? How did you manage to live your life under the same name, and being dead?" Vasilka shook her head, her long hair flowing over her usual gothic dress. She had her boots on, so she didn't have to feel the cold floor beneath her. Vasilka glanced over at Namina. "I see that you haven't told Kalif or Namina you are alive. How did you find us?"
Asparuh stared at Vasilka. He grew amazed by the movements of Vasilka. He wondered how someone from a disowned mother, and the father of Veylo being the one that aided in Asparuh in faking his own death, could ever produce a woman such as Vasilka. Asparuh smirked and said in a dark tone, "Quite simple, to be honest. I fled to Russia, for a few years, after my duel with that auror Mirchen. And people forget, and those who remember end up forgetting not long after." Asparuh stared over her gothic attire. He didn't much care, but at least she wasn't into the colors like his other younger granddaughters. "This is the first time ever seeing them, since 2010. Let's say I still have my connections with a few certain people. So, I know everything, including the loss of Todor and your precious baby." Asparuh gave her an unemotional look.
Vasilka clinched her hands into a fist. How on earth could he know about Todor? She gritted her teeth in fury. She didn't know why she was so angry, but she was. Mirchen rung a bell in her head. It was her paternal grandfather! That was the same one? Her dark eyes narrowed. "Well, maybe you should have stayed in Russia." Vasilka then let her anger subside. She had to show respect to Asparuh. He was a powerful wizard. He knew things that Vasilka didn't. And, he was intelligent. "Connections, huh. Is that how you found mom and dad? I thought I wouldn't see you until I was stable enough. I am still distraught over the loss of my child, and my husband, you know." She added, "I curse Death Eaters to rott in the Lake of Fire for all eternity. I will find the ones who ruined my life." She promised that to herself.
Asparuh smirked a bit at Vasilka showing her anger. He saw it was the Zhefarovich family traits. Asparuh shrugged and replied, "Russia isn't my home. Bulgaria is. I am afraid I couldn't keep away." He saw that her anger melted away. Asparuh wished that he had brought his staff instead of his wand. However, even though he was seventy, he still looked young, and got around better than any of his sons. He kept a strict, healthy diet plus plenty of exercise. He knew that neither Prodan or Kalif did both things. Asparuh nodded slightly, "Yes. Quite easy too. With a name like Konstantin. And your last name in Germany stands out a bit too." Asparuh examined Vasilka, and saw the weakness in her. It displeased him. His family must stay strong, and loyal to the Dark Arts. However, he didn't much care for Lord Voldemort anymore. "A Zhefarovich shouldn't still be dealing with an issue like that. It took me a week to get over the death of Tsvetanka. And she aided me through everything that has ever happened to me." Asparuh snickered at her last comment. "Would that include Kalif? Surely you don't blame him for the death of Todor."
Vasilka stared at her grandfather with fierce eyes. It was the same stare she gave everyone. She nodded, "Germany is my home. I don't care if I am full blooded Bulgarian. I am a German woman." She stared at her grandfather. Amazingly, he looked rather young. She wondered how old Asparuh really was. Vasilka shook her head a bit, "Figures as much. Zhefarovich was hard enough for others to pronounce. Why would you bother coming after me? I am just curious." Vasilka felt her stomach and it was a bit sore. She also felt weak. She knew that Asparuh wasn't pleased by the look in his dark eyes. Vasilka narrowed her eyes, "You weren't in love. Mother told me. She was more like a friend to you." Vasilka thought for a moment. She shrugged, "I don't blame him anymore. I don't care if Kalif rots in the Lake of Fire."
Asparuh rolled his dark eyes. "Germany is a pathetic country. It lost the World Wars, and yet, they started them. Or rather, got involved rather early. You are insulting yourself by calling yourself a 'German woman'." He smirked. He shook his head, his greying hair falling around him. He recently spotted Kalif, and Kalif had more grey hair than he. That is what Azkaban will do to you, if you let it. he thought darkly. Asparuh laughed coldly, "I haven't seen you in years, and I also know of your interest in the Dark Arts. I figured I could be a tutor to you." He noticed her feeling her stomach. His smirk faded. "Love is a useless emotion, or whatever it is. Tsvetanka was more like a tool to me, rather than a friend." Asparuh's eyes gazed onto where his own Mark was. Amazingly, Kalif still hasn't felt his pressence this close. "You don't love your dear uncle? Speaking of, where is he at?" Asparuh hoped to surprise him, but maybe something was going on.
Namina's eyes finally opened. She wondered whether if it was really Asparuh that she saw. She sat up and let out a silent sigh. Her head throbbed where she hit the hardwood floor. She felt the pressence that made the hair on the back of her neck stand. She immediately looked in the direction of Asparuh. She stood up and pointed her wand at him, "Asparuh! I thought you were back. Get out of my house now!" Namina couldn't believe the fury she had. This man, though, wasn't always on good terms with her. She felt no fear in facing him. Maybe, this wasn't even him. She hoped not.
Vasilka wanted to slap Asparuh, but she knew better. But how dare he insult her country? How dare he? Although, what he said was true. Her head cocked to the side, "Tutor me? I think I know enough. Is that the reason why you have kept Alessine from finishing her schooling, and lied to Kalif about her being in Azkaban? I don't think they let children in there anymore, Asparuh." She had no idea what to call her grandfather. She figured that his name would be perfectly okay. Vasilka shook her head, "Love is what saved my life. Or, what it was doing at the time. Now, it is leaving me." She couldn't help but laugh at his last statement concerning her grandmother. "I have no time to discern my feelings for my uncle. I am more of a...distant person. I don't even love my own parents. Kalif is teaching at the Hogwarts school, right here in New Zealand."

Vasilka's eyes widened, as she turned around to stare at Namina's furious face. However, her eyes reflected fear. Had Namina heard what she said about Alessine? Vasilka had known all along, but would Namina hold it against her? Vasilka looked back at Asparuh, wondering what his actions would be.
Asparuh nodded, "Practically. I thought Kalif would have recognized my handwriting, but apparently not. Alessine is happy though, where she is at. Namina and Kalif are clueless on how unhappy she was. Same with her other children, but they are too young right now." Asparuh snickered at Vasilka. Foolish girl. He thought. "Ah, a Death Eater at a protected school. Shows how stupid some are. I wonder how Jaken is taken to that." Asparuh wondered how Kalif had gotten into the school, let alone get them to trust him. He wasn't exactly trustworthy looking. He, like Asparuh, tend to scare the living souls out of people. Asparuh let his mind wonder.

Asparuh turned to Namina. He laughed darkly, "Ah, trying to stand up to me, are you?" Asparuh wondered what curse to fly at her. Smirking, he swiftly flicked out his wand and muttered, "Stupefy." A jet of red light burst from the tip. He smirked, wondering whether Namina had time to get out of the way. He thought, If she doesn't, I'll just use sectumsempra on her.
Namina's mouth dropped, when she heard about Alessine. She wasn't in Azkaban, but with Asparuh the entire time? She began to gasped for breath, but her wand still pointed at Asparuh. And Vasilka knew! This made Namina even more furious. She shrieked, "How dare you, you son of a-" she was interupted by Asparuh's dark laugh, that sent shivers up her spine. She then saw a jet of red light coming straight at her. She had no time to but up a defensive shield, or to even dodge the attack. It hit her in the chest, and blasted her into the stone wall. She bashed her head against the brick. Her body slid down into the floor. Her breathing remained slow, and steady. She remained unconscious.
Vasilka nodded, "Yeah, I thought he would to." She sighed, "I know. I don't think Jaken will be taken to lightly to that. He does have his nice rep to protect." She let out a gasp at Asparuh sending a curse Namina's way. She ran to her side, and saw her head slowly leak blood. Luckily, the injury was only a sligt scrape, causing her to bleed. Vasilk glared at Asparuh, and shout, "How dare you attack her! After all you have done to her! You vile, creature! People like you disgust me! Almost as much as those lowlife Death Eaters!"
Asparuh smirked as Vasilka flew to Namina's side. "I didn't know you cared for her that much, Vasilka. That just shows how weak you have become." Asparuh laughed darkly at her shouts. He remarked, "She had her wand pointed at me. It's not my fault, entirely. Besides, that woman needed to be shown her place." Asparuh approached her, and pulled up his sleeve, showing her the Dark Mark, "I wouldn't make fun of Death Eaters if I were you, girl. I still remain a loyal member. Now, you better get to your room, before I use the other spell on you. And leave Namina be. I am sure you don't want her to die, like your husband did." Asparuh smirked.
Vasilka glared at him. How could he be so cruel? Vasilka narrowed her eyes. "I am not weak. I am still as strong as ever before. My body might be weak, but my will surpasses yours, grandfather. And, you must have given her a reason in the past." Vasilka gasped, seeing the Dark Mark. She felt the hatred raise, and she stared at the Mark. She thought that he might have quit, but obviously, he hasn't. Vasilka stood up straight, and walked past him, ignoring the urge to launch at him. She couldn't put Namina's life at risk, just because of her sassy attitude. Vasilka knew that she wouldn't live with another life on her conscience. In a way, Vasilka realized as she walked up the stairs, she admirred Asparuh. His power... But everything else, made Vasilka sick.
Asparuh watched Vasilka make her way up the stairs. He walked to Namina, bent down, and pointed his wand at her. He muttered, "Rennervate" He smirked, seeing her eyes open. Asparuh said to her, "Like old time, isn't it, Namina? Now, I will be back soon. I have to take care of some things. I suggest you be keeping a look out that is, if I come back here. In which I probably will." Aspauh stood up straight, and walked out the front door.
Namina opened her eyes and immediately saw Asparuh. She stared at him with wide eyes. She wondered what he was going to do to her. However, she heard him speak. She heard his warning and sat up as he left. She stood up and closed the front door behind him. She sighed and wondered whether she should tell her husband of this horrifying meeting. She shook her head and decided against it.

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