stupid usless valentines day

Arisa Havishmen

Well-Known Member
OOC First Name
Sexual Orientation
Curly 9 1/2 Inch Flexible Rosewood Wand with Unicorn Hair Core
Arisa woke up that morning in an extremely bad mood, "stupid useless valentinesday" she grumbled under her breath. She sighed and heaved herself our of bed to do her morning routine. She twisted her hair into an up do and slipping on her purple dress. Walking down do the great hall and putting on her mask she was just about to enter, but decided not to and headed out of the castle. She suddenly felt the need to be free, she tore off her heals and undid her hair before running as fast as she could towards the forest. She felt instantly calm as soon as she entered the thick trees feeling the earth under her bare feat. She looked down and noticed her dress had torn up the side revealing her leg up to her thigh, "I hate this day!" she hissed before sitting down on a near by fallen tree and crossing her arms.
anyone wishing to join please wait untill after Neita posts :)
After a few minutes trying to have fun she gave up and left. She slipped out of her spakley heels and carried them in her hand. She glanced down at the gorgeous short red dress she'd bought for the ocasion it was such a waste of time! She should have known, the Yule ball had been bad enough but the Valentines ball made her feel so alone.

The second year had only began to notice boys and even so she didnt have her eyes set on anyone but that didnt stop her wishing she did as she saw all her good friends and classmates having a great time with boys. She sighed and kept walking she gave a small smile as she realized she had walked into the forest the deeper she went, the more more dress seemed to catch and tear but supprisingly this only lifted Neitas spirits.

She colapsed and the roots of a tree then looked up and glanced around, "Oh my gosh," she exclaimed in disbelief "Arisa?" she asked seeing her friend also siting in the mud in a dress nearby she giggled and crawled over. "hey" she sighed and she sat back down next to her friend
Arisa was sitting there thinking very negative things about boys and how dumb they were when all of a sudden she looked down to see Neita laying there in the dirt wearing a beautiful red dress, she watched silently as Neita sat down next to her. "Hey" she replied giving her an obviously forced smile, "Isn't this the most magical day of the year?" she asked with disgust in her voice.
"Oh yeah" Neita answered sarcastically as she leaned her head on her hands "I feel I could puke up Cupid" she said dully staring at the surrounding trees. "Whose stupid idea was it for a Valentines ball this year?" she asked annoyed and she glanced over at her best friend "You look really nice by the way" she said sincerly with a small smile
Arisa giggled a little at Neita's comment about puking up cupid, "I have no idea who thought a valentines day ball would be fun, but Id like to get my hands on them" Arisa answered in a half joking voice. Arisa gave Neita a real smile when she said she looked nice, "thanks, you too, I love your dress, were gunna have to fix it up" Arisa replied.
Neita giggled as Arisa said they'd have to fix her dress up, she noticed a similar but alot larger rip in Arisa's dress "But why would we do that?" she asked her best friend with a sly grin "So we can wear them to next years Valantines? I think not!" she giggled, "I liked the old muggle story about witches who danced around a fire burning their clothes!" she sighed "But since we cant do that... I was thinking we wonder through the forests tear them up somemore" she said with a smile "and then, just as valentines is finishing, quickly hop in the lake and then completly calmly, as if we'd been at the ball the whole time and try not to laugh as people stare at us oddly"
Arisa listened to Neita liking the plan more and more, "well as long as were not naked like those witches, I'm up for it" she said with a soft laugh standing up. She examined the rip in her dress, it did make it easier to walk in, she just wished she hadn't been wearing her rainbow underwear which were now very visible from the side. "Lets hope we don't run into any centaurs, we may not make it back to the ball" she said with a small smile before heading off in a direction, "Defiantly a good idea to ditch those shoes" she added.
Valentines Ball, what was the point? Angel couldn't think of a reason anyone would want to dress up in uncomfortable dresses and dance. Much as she loved dancing, the dresses would have to go. As she hadn't bothed to ask anyone, and nobody had bothered to ask her, Angel Brookes was ditching the ball.

Dressed in a t-shirt and jeans, the short girl headed for the forest. She spotted two girls from her year, and watched them for a bit. Angel climbed up a tree, and wondered if the girls would notice her. She recognised them, Arisa Havishmen and Neita Wright, both second year Hufflepuffs. "Evening girls, ditching the ball too?" she asked, jumping out of the tree. "Man, why is everyone so tall?" she complained.
Neita giggled as she tossed her shoes over her shoulder "Bye bye shoes!" she said laughing and she joined Arisa walking in one direction with no intention of actually getting anywhere. She let her dress catch on bushes and branches and the ripping sound continued to lighten her mood.

A casually dressed girl popped out of no where "Well hello there" Neita said in quite an odd mood now. "Join us?" she asked randomly. She frowed "Although I dont think your clothes will rip, you can still jump in the lake with us after and look like an idiot when you make your way back to your house, yes?"
Angel grinned at Neita. "Sure, why not." she said. Angel laughed. "Surprisingly, I actuaylly really want to do that." she said, amused. Angel fingered her jacket, which was tied aroundher waist. It had belonged to her older sister, Startdust a while ago, and Angel didn't like it much. She untied it and hooked it onto a tree branch.

"This rips." she stated, pulling the jacket. The green material made a satisfying ripping noise, and now there was a big hole in it. "See?" Angel giggled, this was fun. "I'm Angel, by the way. Second year 'claw."
Claphore cantered through the forest with nothing else better to do than make sure no more filthy humans were engaged in suspicious activity. What was it with the smelly things anyway? They had all those gardens and lawns and a huge castle and yet still they came into a forest that was 'forbidden' perhaps if those in authority called it something other than The Forbidden Forest then the daft teenagers would go and find themselves somewhere else to appear cool.

The smell hit him hard and his tail swished menacingly. More humans! He turned in the direction and unhooked his bow and arrow from his right flank before galloping out into the clearing where three witches were. He had never seen anything like them, one was all sparkly blue and the other had a red dress on her. The other witch was dressed in attire he was used to seeing the humans in but the other two amazed him. One through shoes behind her hitting him square on the chest and he fumed.

"Do you mind?" he called out, stomping his huge hoof down on top of them, "do you lot never learn? forbidden forest means stay out and for good reason."
Arisa jumped when a girl appeared out of no where, catching her dress on a branch causing more rips, "Hey nice to meet you Angel, ya Valentines day dances are dumb, although its a lot better then what happened last Valentines day" Arisa said spacing out a little remembering the events that had occurred during the prefects play before shaking her head and coming back to earth.

Just then Arisa heard a very annoyed voice coming from behind them and turned around, "Why do you care, were not hurting the forest" Arisa said in a firm voice looking then centaur in the eyes, he was a teenager, no more then 19, and Arisa had to admit, the human half of him was kinda cute... stupid boy crazy ditz she added with a sigh in her head.
Neita marevlled at the creature that joined them "Wow are you a centear?" she asked quite stupidly forgetting what they were called, she'd only hear of them a few times. "sorry bout the shoe" she giggled "Why do they call it forbidden?"

The hufflepuff girl was now in such a random mood, it occured very rarely but it was normally when she was really upset about something and wanted to cheer up her mood resembled that of a drunk person.
Claphore thought he had never in his life come across witches who were this dense. He lifted up his bow and arrow and made an exasperated face.
"Don't you lot even scare any more?" what was the point in coming on all broody and melodramatic if they weren't going to pay the slightest bit of notice of him, what he was aware of was the subtle difference in the attention they seemed to be paying him. He was very much a male teenager in this regard and his ego tripled, no matter how disgusted he would be with himself later for even bothering to stay in their company.
"I am a centaur witch and it is the Forbidden Forest because it is dangerous in here" he turned to the lighter haired girl, "I care because it is my home. Would you like strangers showing up in your home without any invitation or regard?"
"I really don't find centaurs scary at all, what can you do kill me? That not very scary" Arisa said with a roll of her eyes, "This isn't just your home, its the home to every creature who lives here, not just the centaurs, they don't seem to mind us in here" she added flicking her blonde hair out of her face, just like Mist, except she would have already shot at us by now she thought thinking of the last time her and mist had crossed paths, that was a good day, a smirk forming on her remembering how Mist and Thearus never really got along after that day.

Arisa looked over to Neita to see her in a rather fazed out manner, she pinched her arm slightly giving her a look that meant, keep your wits about you!
"Of course you wouldn't find centaurs scary you are probably one of those witches who screams if she brakes a nail but not if the world is about to end. Priorities need to shift a bit witch and the reason the creatures of the forest don't come out and say clear off is because they can't talk you nit wit" he was exasperated with her now but couldn't help flexing his muscles as he put his bow and arrow back into their leather holding on his flank.

"Why are you all wearing such strange clothing?"
Neita was smiling and listening to Arisa talked to the centaur. Suddenly Arisa pinched her "What was that.." she began annoyed. Oh my gosh she realized its a cantaur suddenly a little nervous. She thought of how she had accidently hit it with her shoe and she winced I was in one of those moods again she realized. I need to be more carefull when im annoyed and upset she thought a little more frustrated.

Her mood flared as the creature said Arisa would scream if she broke a nail, but not if the world was ending. "You are such a...." she frowned too much of a lady to say any of the words she was thinking of. "You dont understand anything about our world" she said quieter, she sighed "Like the clothes for example, I bet you dont have to deal with the torture of valentines day."
Arisa glared at the centaur, but couldn't help but notice when flexed his muscles slightly when he put his arrows away... Arisa! Arisa snapped back to life, "for your information Mr. Centaur, I don't care if I brake my nails, I can grow them back, and I'm pretty sure if the creatures didn't want us in the forest, they would make it known" she added keeping the same calm composer. Arisa glared at Neita when she started talking about how the centaur knew nothing, "Um neita, you trying to get us killed?" she asked in a frantic whisper.
Claphore was now firmly of the mind that human females were completely stupid some it had to be said weren't bad looking if they had the proper body parts that is. He ran his fingers through his hair wondering if he should simply charge at them for their foolishness or just gallop away, curiosity got the better of him though.

"What is a valentines day torture?" he for now would let the other girls comment slide about the forest creatures, cause sure everyone knew that nargles came out to politely ask humans to get lost, or the rats and mice, even the few wolves - none would dare contact with the humans for fear of being killed.
"Valentines day is a day when everyone gets all sappy and lovey and gooey and its disgusting epically for single people who have to sit there and watch there friends act like complete idiots in front of boys in the hopes of getting flowers of chocolate" Arisa said before making a gaging noise, "its all an excuse for boys to get a little action and girls to show off to others who gets the most valentines, or the cutest boy" she added before uncrossing her arms. Arisa looked around at the beautiful forest letting its calming affect wash over her, "don't centaurs have holidays?" she asked slightly curious.
Neita nooded along with what Arisa said and tried to figure out how to make it make more sense for the centaur, "Its like a big mating dance where people who dont have mates just sit by and watch"
Claphore listened intently to the two girls and frowned slightly. He crossed his arms and leaned against one of the tall trees.
"Sappy, gooey and lovey?" he didn't understand any of this, having never bothered with any of the rituals in his tribe to find a mate for if he were to claim one now he would be stuck with her forever and that to him was a very long time.

"It does sound like torture, so that is why you have all come here? So that your human boys will not" he tried to remember her exact words, "get a little action?"
He actually felt sorry for them, knowing he had been in a similar circumstance not so long ago.

"We have rituals and days where we celebrate the founding of our tribe and the birth of our very first tribal leader. We celebrate the equinox and various things like that but I don't think we have a special day to show affection, we can do that any day".
"No human boys pay us any attention, so we really don't have to deal with that" Arisa said with a small sigh, The only boys that ever liked you were Derrik and Sern, and look what happened, Sern is gone and Derrik is gay, give it up honey, your meant to be single the annoying voice in her head told her for the thousandth time that day. She listened with interest when he talked about what then Centuars did to celebrate, "that sounds interesting" Arisa said looking over to the centaur again noticing the sandy brown color of his hair, "um, you never told us your name" she added, "I would like to stop referring to you as Centaur" she added quickly.
Claphore stood up straight, his entire 7ft frame seemed overwhelming but he was still fairly short compared to the older centaurs, his own father stood at a powerful 7' 10". The witch was attempting to be considerate and this was new to him. He had only ever heard the bad stories, the threat they posed and he had believed it all, every single one of them without question and yet here were a few human witches and they did not seem dangerous or out to do harm to him, the forest or anything else. If anything they were upset and simply 'getting away' from it all, this he understood very well.

"I am Claphore" he broke it down as he repeated it so that they would have the pronouciation properly, "Clay-four". A hoof padded the ground and he looked down realising the girls shoe was still under his hoof.
"I am sorry about this, your magics can fix it can't they?"
Claphore, I've never heard that name before... its different, but in a good way. Arisa looked up to the extremely tall Claphore, she hadn't realized he was that tall before, she suddenly felt very short at 5'5. Arisa looked down when she heard a small crunching noise to see Neita's shoe crushed underneath his foot, "Oh yeah" she answered before pulling her wand out of the waist band of her boxer shorts, "Reparo" she said pointing her wand at Neita shoe and picking it up when it was in one piece again. Arisa looked the shoe over, "All better" she said holding it out to Neita, "be more careful with it, or else I may have to take them all away, my shoes could use some company" Arisa said looking at Neita seriously but her eyes gave her away. Just then Arisa realized they knew his name but not theres, "Oh I just realized we know your names but you don't know ours, I'm Arisa, this is Neita," she added pointing to her best friend, "and this is Angel" she added pointing to the very short girl who had remained silent this whole time.

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