Open Studying with a Side of Breakfast

River Hopkins-Vance

Metamorphmagus, Persuasive Writer, HM Editor
OOC First Name
Blood Status
Half Blood
Relationship Status
Sexual Orientation
Straight 10 Inch Flexible Fir Wand with Mermaid Scale Core
River was up most the night studying for her upcoming exams Last semester she had done well, better than well. There was no sense of reward for it though. It was just what was expected of her. If her older sister could do it, River also had to follow in that path. It was exhausting, and not just because of late night study sessions. Luckily today the young Slytherin girl had no classes. She rubbed her eyes as she heard her stomach growl. Looking at the clock, she realized it was now breakfast time. Where had the time gone? River quickly threw on some clean clothes, glancing at the mirror at her pale pink hair. Even her bright colors were lacking with all this stress on her. She closed her eyes and scrunched up her face as her hair grew two inches longer and gained a bright pink color, much like what she would assume cotton candy ice cream would look like. Oh boy was she hungry.

The young Slytherin girl threw her Transfiguration textbook and notes into her backpack. She swung this over her shoulder with speed, which almost resulted in her falling over. Smiling a little, River knew she could get a few more hours of studying in, if only she had something to give her energy. Some eggs and maybe French toast would certainly help with that. River left the Slytherin dorms, walking straight to the Great Hall. The young girl was getting to know some parts of the castle by now, which was certainly useful in her sleepy state. Her legs basically had a mind of their own as she ended up sitting down in the Great Hall at the Slytherin table. It must still be early, because very little people were around, more filing in as time went on.

River took out her notes, placing them beside her plate. The young girl piled on two slices of French Toast and some scrambled eggs onto her plate. It looked delicious. For a few moments, River just ate, not worrying about the notes laying next to her. When the plate was half way gone, River had to stop herself from eating too fast. The young girl poured herself a glass of juice as she took one big gulp. Pushing her notes closer to herself, she studied for Transfiguration, absentmindedly taking a bite of food every now and then.
Lucie had somehow kept to herself for the majority of her first year, deciding instead to observe everything around her rather than get herself too involved. After all, it was only her first year and so she didn't want to give herself a bad reputation, especially after what Ana told her. Ana was older than her, had more experience, and so Lucie took her advice wholeheartedly, not wanting to stuff anything up. The girl simply kept herself focused on her classes. She liked to think she was the best at them but knew deep down that she probably wasn't. She had received decent grades, but nothing to make her stand out from the crowd, and perhaps this was why she had been feeling a bit down lately. Exams were really soon and although she had put so much focus into her classes she was wondering if it was ever really worth it. All around her everyone was studying and somehow it made her angry. She wanted to be the best and if people were studying then she couldn't be.

The Slytherin made her way out of her common room that morning with a rumbling stomach, eager have some breakfast. She walked up the stairs and made her way to the Great Hall. The Slytherin table was only about half-full and so it was easy for her to find a seat. She sat across from someone she recognised from her dormitory. She was going over some notes whilst eating. Lucie kept a close eye on her as she placed some bacon and eggs onto her plate. She wanted to know this girl's secret. "Is that Transfiguration?" she asked, reading the words on her page upside-down.
River was flipping through her notes one page at a time. She skimmed over, every once an awhile making a note with her quill next to an item she knew she needed more revision on. Between her writing down notes and continuing to eat slowly the remaining eggs on her plate, the young Slytherin girl was in her own world. She often got this way when she was worried about school or life in general. Her head swirling with transfiguration theory and incantations when she heard a voice directed at her.

River looked up, as she noticed a girl in her dorm sitting across from her. Placing her fork down, River tucked a piece of pink hair behind her ear and smiled at the girl. "Yeah it is" She said glancing at her notes for a moment more. "There is just so much information to revise. I don't know how I'm going to remember it all." She added, those butterflies in her stomach beginning to flutter around a bit once more. Although River did love Transfiguration, how could she not, it was a lot to remember. Especially since most this year was theory. She would manage, she had to.
Lucie felt a little bit of relief flood through her as the girl seemed a bit nervous about the upcoming exam. It was good to know that she wasn't the only one thinking how on earth was she going to remember everything. The professors gave them so many assignments this year and a lot of content to remember, which definitely didn't make her feel any better about the upcoming years where there would most likely be a lot more to learn. The Slytherin girl hoped everyone was feeling the same way as it would then make her feel a little bit more confident. She stuck her knife into a piece of bacon before putting it into her mouth and eating it. "Maybe we can help each other." Lucie said once she swallowed. It was less of a suggestion and more of a demand as Lucie needed all the help she could get and this girl definitely seemed like she knew what she was doing. Lucie didn't have anything to offer the girl, but she really didn't need to know that. "Shall we go over notes together?"
River smiled brightly as she looked up at her fellow Slytherin. It would be nice to actually study with someone. At the start of the year River had learned some techniques from her older sister, however as the work began to pile up for both of them, River had been left to fend for herself. She was managing quiet well though, at a high cost of the constant butterflies in her stomach. "Two heads are always better than one." She said knowing how cheesy that indeed sounded. Maybe her socialization skills were lacking more now that she always had her head in a book.

River broke her awkwardness as she took a small sip of the juice in front of her. Setting the class down on the table, she spoke again "What I mean is sure. Of course I'd love to compare notes and flashcards. Might make studying a little more enjoyable." River hoped that explained it a bit more. She knew she was strange sometimes and most of the time she rarely thought about the words coming out of her mouth. It was a terrible family trait to be honest.
Lucie smirked as the girl told her two heads are better than one. She didn't find it too cheesy at all as it was easy to understand and made sense. People never got to the top on their own. There was always someone behind them helping to lift them up, and so the girl wholeheartedly agreed with her statement. She seemed a bit awkward about it however and even had to clarify herself, which Lucie just shrugged off. "Okay great! I'll go and grab my notes then and get started." she said, quickly jumping up from her seat and heading back down to the dungeons to grab her backpack. She came back rather quickly, having ran most of the way in case the girl changed her mind and decided to leave before she could come back. When she did, she pushed aside her plate of bacon and dumped her backpack in front of her, pulling out all of her notes from all of her classes. "Shall we start with Transfiguration first since that's what you're doing right now?" she asked, placing her Transfiguration notes in front of her. There were only a couple of pages on the limitations of Transfiguration. Admittedly, Lucie was excited to make that more and really hoped the girl could give her more information.

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