Study Plans

Eugene Nestor

passionate; musician
Blood Status
Relationship Status
Seeing Somebody
Sexual Orientation
Renata <3
Knotted 13" Sturdy Pear Wand with Phoenix Tail Feather Core
09/2041 (19)
Eugene had welcomed Professor Corrins' invitation to come and meet with her to go over things if they wanted it. Eugene did want it. he struggled occasionally with studying, he always did it, and always did his best with it, but it was difficult and it was proving more difficult in Charms where he had a long song that had all of the spells and their uses, but was getting rather long and he wasn't sure that would even be a good way of doing it. It did help him remember, and he was able to integrate more than just the spell title but he wasn't sure it would continue to be good and would get awkward for him adding more songs to it and having to take five minutes in an exam to run through the song to remember ones. He had arranged a time to come see the professor and was knocking on her door.
Mallory was always pleased when she had students that wanted to see her. She had just finished organizing her bookshelves when she heard the knock on the door. "Come in," She called, waving a hand to open the door. Amara sat on the couch by the door, Maxim trapped between her paws while she gave him a bath. Mallory turned, auburn robes swishing around her feet. Her hair had been pulled up into a messy chignon, and pieces of it had fallen to frame her face. She clapped her hands together, smiling brightly at the young boy standing there. "Mr. Nestor, hello! Pleasure to see you," She greeted cheerfully, moving to her tea set. "Would you like a cup of tea?" She asked.
Eugene heard the professor and then was able to walk into the office. He greeted the professor with a little almost nervous wave and then was quick to say, "It's just Eugene, professor," Eugene told her, he didn't want to be Mr Nestor, that sounded far too formal. "Sure, okay, with sugar," he liked some teas but he liked it better when it had sugar in it. He was standing a bit awkwardly near the entrance of the door, not sure what to do with himself, if he was supposed to stand or sit. Hogwarts Professors were very different to his old school teachers.
Mallory smiled, nodding. "Alright, Eugene, one tea with sugar. Go ahead and sit, I'll be right there," She motioned towards a chair, gathering up her tea tray. She walked over a few moments later and set his tea down in front of him. She sat down herself, cradling her tea and smiling at him. "So! You requested a meeting?" She asked, wondering what was on his mind.
Eugene tentatively went over and sat down. He took the tea and smiled, "Thank you ma'am," he said before raising the cup to his lips and despite how hot the liquid was taking a sip. " said we were supposed to," he started. He placed down the cup on an available space and then took out his notes, and then took out the list of spells and the song that he'd written along with it. "I just, want to work on my studying, I have this song I've been writing to help me remember spells and what they do, but it's getting a bit long, so I think I probably need another way to study,"
Mallory chuckled. "While I do recommend it, most students don't bother stopping by." She informed him, crossing her legs and sipping her tea. She looked over his song, thinking it was rather a clever way to study. "Well, not necessarily." She told him. "If music is how you learn," She mused, her fingers drumming gently against her desk. "Why just the one song?" She asked him. "You could organize your spells, make different songs. Perhaps by year, or difficulty of the spells." She looked to Eugene. "What do you think?"
Eugene didn't know why people wouldn't come along. He nodded to music being how he learned and then looked to the song that he was sharing with Professor Corrins, "I could...," he considered, "I'd probably need to give each a unique tune, probably a bit of a chorus to help remember what it stands for," Eugene mused out loud. He nodded, "What do you think would be better for sorting then, by year or by difficulty?" he asked, he was thinking by year, if only because it would keep the song writing probably a little easier, but by difficulty or by type might have longer songs so less to learn. "I think year, but it would end up being by the end seven songs,"
Mallory considered his words, sipping her tea. "I think by year would be best," She mused, tracing her finger gently over the rim of her cup. "You can start with a chorus and tune at the beginning of the year, and add spells as the year goes on. I'm sure if you ask, Professor Haden could give you a list of spells for the year," She offered.
Eugene nodded in agreement, "They could all have the same chorus, like words to the chorus, some central theme so if I do this with more classes I can always remember them as Charms spells," Eugene said with a nod, he wouldn't need the spell at the beginning of the listen for sure, because he could always add to it as he went. "Most professors do give a list of spells or potions or course materials that will be covered," Eugene agreed. He knew this would be a lot more work, but he felt sure that it would help him in the long run. "Thanks Professor Corrins, this was really helpful, studying is real difficult at times,"
Mallory smiled, letting the boy get the ideas out. She sipped her tea. "Of course, Eugene. I know school can be hard. I want to make things easier for you if I can," She explained. She finished her tea. "If you ever need a quiet place to get away, my office is always open," She told him.
Eugene gave a little nod and a shrug, he found studying a little tricky, but school itself wasn't too bad to him. It could be a lot worse he knew. But it was the studying. The studying was the part he found difficult. It was the element that he struggled with. He stuggled to concentrate on anything for too long if it wasn't song writing. "Okay, I'll keep that in mind...but I might end up bringing noise with all my singing," he joked lightly thought it wasn't that much of an actual joke and he would likely be noiser than anyone else.
Mallory chuckled lightly at his statement. "It's alright, Eugene, music certainly livens up life doesn't it?" She asked, thinking it was a good idea. "You'll never get in trouble for humming in my class, I promise," She reassured the boy with a gentle smile. "If you'd like you're more than welcome to curl up on the couch and work on your songs, in case you need help with any of the charms for your lyrics."
Eugene's smile seemed to brighten easily at her words, "That's what my mum always used to say," he said, he thought it was nice of her to say, though he wouldn't hum in class, certainly because he'd end up with doing it in the classes he wouldn't be allowed to. But he nodded, "Thanks professor I'll consider it," he got up and gave the woman a wide smile. "Thank so much for your advice and offers," he did appreciate it and would likely take her up on it, but now was the time to go and leave her to it.
Mallory smiled, and sensing Eugene was about to leave, she stood up and gathered their tea cups. "My office is always open," She told him. "And thank you for coming by. Do let me know if you need anything, yes?" She gave him a warm smile before she began to clean up.
Eugene nodded, "Thanks professor!" he told her sincerely, since for him, this support and help would be the best for him, and he appreciated that she had taken the time to help him be more at ease with the manner in which he studied. He gave the woman one last smile and then headed of the room, really thankful he took the time to meet with her.

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